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Everything posted by over_the_rainbow

  1. Here Sir! .....apparently I wasn't logged in though . I was keeping an eye on thread when I was at work earlier. Never fear there be snaw aboot so I isnae far away! Are we looking at seeing something tomorrow or are we looking to Wednesday? Or to put it better do I need to keep refreshing raintoday tomorrow or can I let it go (let it goooo) for tomorrow?
  2. Just popping my head over the parapet There be snaw aboot, so Im back stalking the thread for the great Hawesy reveal of what the snaw beast shall deliver us. (I'm staying well oot of the model thread as I imagine its fizzing)
  3. Yey for Hawsey! Hopefully the Ferry is also rocking some of the white stuff! Good news about Perth too!
  4. Suspecting it may be rain - but i dont know - in Perth itself? Any Perth folk confirm? But here at my work just outside Scone its a whiteout and a good couple of cm's already - which makes looking out the window more fun!
  5. Glad some of you guys in the West have been seeing something this weekend in the pics. We have had hee haw in Perth area all weekend. It's just been cold. Think the most likely chance we have here is tomorrow but looking at the Euro4 this morning its looking like it will be rain here due to temps, but we can live in hope. Currently 0C/-1C
  6. Models looking less good this morning? It's impossible at the moment to get any real sense from the mod thread. Currently 1C, damp (dew point must be 0+ i think), cloudy and cold.
  7. What a dreich day! Windy and wet all round. On a positive though I saw two different rainbows today
  8. Perth folks.... - im at work at the high end of Scone and the snow is very heavy and my car is already totally caked and I have to get down an untreated and unploughed hill IF i went home early. Is it the same in Perth or is this just a Scone thing?
  9. No spectacular totals here just a few cms, but just so beautiful to see it all white this morning whilst walking the doggy. Can't beat fresh snaw! (and yes I was walking all over the shop making pretty footprint trails... )
  10. As EDO updated we had a hefty shower around 4-5pm that left a good covering here. I'd just got in from work in time for it, but I hear tales of it taking folks an age to get home at 5pm. Hoping we might see something more. Just below freezing at mo Drive safe everyone who still has driving to do tonight.
  11. I will cross my fingers that something makes it way this far East later on too. Loving the pics everyone. Good luck for today!
  12. Very light dusting here and its still not all that cold or not as cold as i thought it might be - will it get colder today? Currently clear skies.
  13. Just back into Perth and very little sign of any snow. Poor show. Away to look at the MO 30 day now....
  14. I'm at work in Scone and we have snow! Yes snow. Temp dropped by 1c and its settling. So happy to see - hope my littlest in nursery is getting to watch!
  15. If anything gets this way it will be rain based on current temps. Too marginal.
  16. Nothing at ours yet rain wise, but sure its coming. Its frustrating isnt it - as no sign of anything interesting in the models for us either this week. Nearly wine time! sleety rain just started - how is it not snow when it is this cold and the ground is still covered in ice? Im sure someone more learned in the laws of snaw can explain it
  17. Other half tells me it is raining in Stirling too at the moment. Cloudy but dry here in Perth and -1. Such a shame the central belt gets the precipitation at last...during a 'warm' up.
  18. 0.2C, dew points well below, but yes clear skies of course here so pass us that big ol' straw
  19. Never great for us East of the central belt in these setups is it @101_North - when its N and NW etc? I was planning on some Christmas shopping in Edinburgh at the weekend so at least I don't think the drive should be bad. However looks like a few on here in the borders (and my folks in the Highlands possibly too) will do well, so please do share your pics, they are always good to see.
  20. Repeating @edo - a very very light covering here too. A snow sneeze really, Wasn't expecting anything though, so still nice to see white rooftops and on the little roads. Im driving to Blairgowrie this morning, so hoping for a picturesque drive.
  21. I hear tale its been snowing in Blairgowrie, but only rain here. Temp still at about 3C Is it snowing in Stirling?
  22. Rainfall just turned to snowfall in Kingussie my folks report. Too wet to lie currently but throwing it round in the wind. I told them I was jealous :-P
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