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Everything posted by pip22

  1. Yes it is so frustrating. But we have to live with it. I'm getting a bit worried we never see any snow at this rate. I bet this year's Summer will be just as disappointing as Winter no doubt. But still we have to live with it.
  2. I think this winter is the most snow-free since 2007-08 here. I'm not gonna even bother post here until anything interesting winterwise. Mild winter = Boring.
  3. I just heard on the radio (London Heart) that someone only just put the power back on after the Christmas storms. The DJ says that is a long time.
  4. Despite the 12z misery North America at least warming up at last. Also Eastern Europe is cooling down too. That means weaker low pressure systems. Don't give up coldies the cold will show on the models any time from now on. This failed easterly is just the start.
  5. I'm HERE!! Another day, another sad one for coldies. The today's 12z is still quite poor for anything showing cold. At this rate we be seeing more flood misery. The Ceurden Valley near me is gonna flood soon. i saw a huge lake of water on a field this morning, down in the valley.
  6. Looks like the 12z want us bring mild and very wet weather back. Just sick of it. It won't help either and only bring more misery to the country. SCREW YOU ATLANTIC AND GO BACK TO HIBERNATION!!
  7. I think 00z this morning is the best cold run so far this winter. 10/10. One famous quote from Game Of Thrones: WINTER IS COMING - Ned Stark.
  8. This: Following reanalysis of the Great Storm of 1987, led by Professor Keith Browning at the University of Reading, researchers identified a mesoscale flow where the most damaging winds were shown to be emanating from the evaporating tip of the hooked cloud head on the southern flank of the cyclone. This cloud, hooked like a scorpion's tail, gives the wind region its name the "Sting Jet". Source: Wikipedia.
  9. I'm getting tired of this crappy mild weather now. Its been like this since October. Hopefully by the end of this month it will become very cold by then. If not I'm gonna get RAGE!! Me raging at the end of month ^^^
  10. Today its been one of them funny days where the storm force winds is only couple miles down the road and way calmer here. Strange.
  11. Today its been one of them funny days where the storm force winds is only couple miles down the road and way calmer here. Strange.
  12. Happy new year everyone!! I'm staying in Southport right now with my mother for a couple of days, coming back tommorow. It is lashing it down here with street lights shaking.
  13. Another hail shower incoming here. It just turned from white to grey and it raining instead.
  14. Its hailstoning again here. No doubt it will be more hailstones falling out of the sky. Blueish clouds are rain and white/beige clouds are hail in them.
  15. Its been hailstoning here now and again this morning. I'm pretty sure at one point it was trying to sleet here just briefly.
  16. Alas the winds died down here. When is the next storm?
  17. It also kept me awake here it is so windy. I probably walk around to shop later to see some damage caused by the storm force winds.
  18. Freezing rain here and still bit of frost on the ground.
  19. Its getting cloudier here and it is still pretty frosty outside. Chance of snow maybe?
  20. There is still over 120 flood warnings across the UK. Just calculated them from the bbc weather site using my iphone. Only one day ahead before another storm makes landfall. I wonder what is the storm called this time?
  21. Its a clear evening here and it is getting cold. Its like a game of footie on my signature below, I'm gonna expect a draw between Frosts and Windstorms by the end of the year. So far tonight frost is might be in the lead. But there is another storm coming so it might drew 5-5 by then lol. I'm gonna pick the frost team. Go team frost!! its 4-4 right now.
  22. Its a lovely, sunny day today and it is chilly. Some high cloud in the sky making it a little milky.
  23. GFS is stuck on 63 hours, It must be a Christmas party in the Met office.
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