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Eye to the sky

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Everything posted by Eye to the sky

  1. Snowing just north of Derby,nothing much but giving a dusting on car roof and wheelie bin.No wind at all so floating down really slowly.
  2. A cold and cloudy start with a mixtuture of mostly light sleet and wet snow.Not settling though.Winds are light.
  3. Snow turning to rain here now but a decent covering.This photo was at 11am.Best Covering of the winter so far.
  4. Evening all,not all of the East Midlands have had lots of snow we've had very little snow here just north of Derby.Whilst relatives in Cannock Chase are sick to death of it all already!!.We had around 3cm on Dec 10th but nothing of note since.Its been a very fine line to who got it and who didn't.Its been very localised.Hoping for some tomorrow before it turns to rain.Good luck everyone.?
  5. A calm and dull cloudy morning here after a hard frost.Light rain now falling and the frost is quickly melting.
  6. Just had an hour of steady wet snow here.It hasn't settled but was nice to watch anyhow!.
  7. Started off as sleet here but now just boring rain.Winds are steadily increasing.
  8. A very poor season again here in Derby.Only 1 storm and even that was a good few miles away in mid summer.Nothing overhead at all.Seems a reoccurring trend here over the last 10 years or so.We just don't seem to get storms like we did in the 90's anymore.
  9. No snow here in Denby but it was a tricky drive to work in Derby with sleet falling on the frozen ground making for ice rink conditions.Still plenty of icy patches around now.Currently cloudy here with occasional sleet or rain and a keen wind.
  10. Rain stopped here now in Denby.Once again I feel I am to far north for any decent accumulation of snow.Just like a fortnight ago we had very little here.
  11. Got a covering in Denby Supacell,the snow was much heavier than last Sunday but is melting fast now.Already the most snow I've seen since 2010.Heres to a good winter.
  12. Snow just stopped here now,a good few centimetres.Makes up for our poor show last Sunday.A nice surprise.
  13. Heaviest snow of the season here,easily beating Sunday's event,but failing to settle as yet.Pretty to watch though.
  14. The snow has more or less stopped here now just north of Derby and the flakes were very small at best.Seems we were right on the northern edge of the system here with a pathetic 3cm of lying snow at best.
  15. Yes the radar shows a few heavier showers moving through the Cheshire gap now.Cloudy here in Denby with the occasional flake of snow.
  16. Mostly cloudy skies here now,with a steady thaw of any remaining snow.Any showers are that are falling are a mixture of rain sleet or snow.
  17. Yes i’m just 7 miles north of Derby.We had a few sleet showers here around 6.30 but has been dry since.The showers seem pretty well scattered atm so not sure we will see much of a covering here,if any at all.
  18. Heavy wet snow just north of Derby!!.Too wet to settle though!.
  19. Just had a flurry here north of Derby,blink and you’d miss it mind!!.
  20. Heavy rain shower woke me at 6 am,looked out the window and everything was white with frost.Looks pretty slippery out there this morning!!.
  21. Snowing here too,just starting to settle on the cars.Its the first snow my 3 year old boy has seen.Talk about being excited!!.
  22. That’s a big if.Everything to the Nw fizzles out before it reaches us.as usual.
  23. I’m just 6 miles north of Derby.Not hoping for anything here as i’m in the bottom of a valley.Higher areas such as Crich and Alport could See a dusting but everything is too far west atm.
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