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Everything posted by TropicThunder

  1. Cloud beginning to encroach from the south west, not that I'm expecting anything other than a bit of rain maybe. Still very warm and muggy.
  2. I'm just a few miles from the Rose Bowl and it's completely clouded over. No lightning in the immediate area but definitely rain on the way at least.
  3. Yes darker cloud now encroaching from the south and west
  4. Oppressively hot and humid here, certainly feels ripe for a storm.
  5. Yes same here, May and early June were pretty good but since then the last two months have been dire, with barely even a hint of a storm. Looking at the US lighting up like a Christmas tree on Blitzortung every day makes it so frustrating, really wish I lived there!
  6. Not really expecting to get anything today but it feels very warm and humid, and there are some nice cloudscapes about. These to the East and south
  7. I've been in the Bishops Waltham area most of the afternoon and it's been warm and sunny, not a drop of rain and I hadn't even realised there was a risk today but thought the sky to the north looked quite stormy! Just got home and checked the radar, a bit surprised there hasn't been more electrical activity.
  8. Hail, thunder and lightning here which I must admit has caught me completely by surprise! Not a patch on Wednesday night's action mind.
  9. Just started to rain here and the skies looking increasingly ominous.
  10. That cell to the SW of here seems to have lost most of it's electrical activity.
  11. Some very stormy looking skies to my south and east. Looking forward to it getting dark when I should hopefully be able to see good light show.
  12. Can hear thunder from that little cell that's popped up around Hedge End.
  13. Had several loud rumbles mate, just had one pretty much overhead though not seen any lightning yet!
  14. Had some pretty intense downpours while in Bournemouth this morning, thought I had seen a bright flash of lightning driving along Wessex Way but it was just someone triggering a speed camera! Now back in Southampton and the sun is out, it's feeling quite warm and there are some nice cloudscapes about, hopefully today is the day.
  15. Naff all again here, not had any thunder for a month despite the regular activity. It's actually been mostly sunny this afternoon with all the activity being to the north. Very jealous of those in north Norfolk, that storm looks awesome!
  16. Even though it's mostly cloudy here it feels very humid. Nice to be in that moderate warning area, hopefully we get something later as we've barely even had any rain here in this spell.
  17. Absolutely glorious morning here, sunny warm and humid. First time we've really seen the sun since last Sunday! Hoping for a storm later but if not we have lovely weather to enjoy, win win!
  18. Had a torrential and quite prolonged downpour here about 20 minutes ago, with hail thrown in too. No T&L though and tbh it feels quite cool and not very thundery.
  19. I live just a few minutes from West Quay and we didn't have any lightning overhead, it was all slightly to the west and south of here but still a good show. Nice pic btw!
  20. Fantastic pictures! Do you know if it touched down?
  21. Half decent storm rolling through here, a strike every couple of minutes with some long deep rumbles of thunder.
  22. It's heading WSW, straight for the Purbeck area atm. More sferics in the Forest now, frustrating to have seen it develop almost overhead but not quite produce here!
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