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be cause

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Everything posted by be cause

  1. could you use a different text type or colour for your 'Darlington stats' line as it is annoyingly easy to read !
  2. There is a 'make us laugh thread ' .. could not all Express weather forecasts be directed there ?... where they could be treated with the appropriate response
  3. The rest of us could be deep frozen and you would probably have a shower of sleet and a ground frost . If you are really pining for cold ... MOVE !!!
  4. 'Fishermen have been asked not to go out to sea ' reports the BBC ! It makes me wonder why the effort to save lives in advance of an obvious catastrophe is so underplayed ...thousands will almost certainly die unnecessarily over the next few days . As with Katrina ,'no expense' will be spared cleaning up the devastated lives of those left . We live in a world of very confused priorities !!
  5. If this materialized there would be snow and ice moving west !
  6. So 'climate change has begun' .. about time too ..I couldn't have waited another 4 billion years !
  7. 15'C min last nite ! windows wide open 24/7 for over a week ! Not cool ....
  8. maybe if you were under the rainbow things would look different ?
  9. Sorry folks .. normal service will be resumed shortly ... record positive anomaly in NH snow cover is more fun than more climate wars !
  10. I had no idea that Monckton was a scientist !
  11. Today on radio 4 this morning said they have been trying to find ONE skeptical scientist in Britain qualified to speak on the report but found no-one . Are any of the vociferous skeptics on here scientists qualified to speak on the subject ? If so an opportunity awaits ....
  12. Confession time .. the weekly forecast for farmers was on bbc one while I should have been at church .. so I became an atheist for 26 years .!
  13. Am I blind ? I can see a report of snow showers on Ben Nevis but no mention of any in London ..
  14. Cobblers indeed ! Now we just need a couple of spare planets to denude of diversity and resources ... can you pop them in my trolly ..please ?
  15. Sounds like Exacta have taken the winter of 78/79 and turned it into a forecast .. worth a Tenner ? ..(or a tanner ?) and with 60% more snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere now than this time last year , who knows ??
  16. There was a large difference in the relative winters of 1978/79 and 2012/13 . For example the winter CET was 1.6'C in 1978/79 (cold) and 3.8'C in 2012/13 (coolish) . In 78/9 we didn't have to wish for an easterly .. if there was weather coming from any direction it was usually snow ! We really are looking at new (in my lifetime) conditions to our north For years I have hoped that there would be a positive correlation between Arctic Ice melt and increasing snowfall in the NH . This has been dramatically true for the last few years: however until this year Winter gains have been erased in early Spring. This year snow has melted later and returned in impressive quantity earlier .. in fact using the above graphs NH snow cover is over 60% higher than this time last year !!! .. However much new ice there is in the Arctic this season there is no real difference from last year where it matters most to us .. between Greenland and East Siberian Seas ;probably less as the CAB has a big bite out of it ! So .. may we all have the winter we wish for .. (I wish for mine to be beautiful !)
  17. 29th Oct. 2008 is my marker .. more snow here than at anytime last winter ! I note in my diary I called it 'my polar low' .. having forecast snow that October and declared the 'end of global warming ' a fortnight earlier.
  18. Female Pacific walruses migrateannually in herds. In summer when the ice melts and recedes, the females head north to the Chuckchi Sea. They return south to the Bering Sea before the ice freezes in the winter. Researchers aren't entirely sure why males don't migrate to the extent that females do, but some scientists speculate it may be related to sperm production. Little is known about the migration patterns of the Atlantic walrus; they seem to stay in the same general area year-round.
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