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Everything posted by cerneman

  1. Unforunatly for UK, this is just one variation of what we call winter, But expect before it's over we will see few more variations Hope not finish up in oven, Pheasant I mean not the weather
  2. Every winter has the potential to develope cold/snowy spells, For us here in UK the potiential is often scuppered simply because of our location, December this year proved that, We now move into January and by mid month some potiential will show it self, It may with luck develope in to more than just potential, Look back over past winters and see how many near misses we have had, History only remembers the winners
  3. I do agree with you and been thinking that some sort of observational thread could be of interest on this forum, The recording of nature throughout the four seasons and the early/late appearence of nature would be interesting to record and look back on, I have seen over last few years variations on how wildlife have reacted to what maybe changing weather patterns, We can only do this for our own locality, Would be good to see how loal observations fit into national picture,Weather and nature are closely interlinked, I think wildlife more reactive than proactive to season change Wish you Happy New Year
  4. Or there other song " positive thinking" which they sang at close of Christmas special 1977, Feb 78 was snowy.. I do though agree with your point that we need some dry weather, Just hope not ,damp foggy, and yes bring us sunshine
  5. We have had months of above average rain and flood warnings,So really can't expect the onset of winter be any different,We are going to get some respite according to forecast, Just hope for pattern change that will lead to longer term break from what we have endured for long time, Landslips around coastal areas are big risk, even if we get drying weather,will take time to stabilise, For my area of interest we have lost large number of trout fry and river banks not in good condition, Our man made otter holt been flooded out so many times this year, Dragonfly nymphs just been destroyed, Kingfisher breeding been affected, Pattern change really needed for the ecology of our rivers to recover, The reason I joined This forum is to learn more about our weather and slowly gaining some knowledge, Hoping for some cold weather to come along, the Grayling [ lady of the stream] thrive on icy cold waters,
  6. Fed up talking about rain and floods, Still unsure if decent cold spell will devolpe by end Jan so into fantasy world,,,,,,,,, Very hot today again,even too hot for beach, Think go off to my local lake for some fishing in the shade, Tonight will sit out in garden when it will be cooler, may have BBQ, Really need some cooling rain to settle the dust but forecasters say could be another two weeks of hot sunny temps, Back to reallity, Gloomy day still flooded fields. more rain forecast , Think getting soggy brain
  7. Storm was intense and ligtening crackled, Said earlier have two solar lights by my fish pond. They were out, but the flash from lightening activated them, Rain sounded like train coming, Very exciting but seems roof school over Wareham way set on fire,,,,,,,So far tonight no rain yet
  8. Still very much learner and I enjoy reading your reports, Actually read your model summary and try hard to work out your conclusions, Really helping to increase my understanding,,,,,,,,Thank you
  9. Exactly, Only reflecting what the models indicate now, Gibby not mildie or coldie in preparation of his outlooks
  10. When water finally drains from fields, going to be mud bath, Will be some very muddy sheep and unfortunatly muddy dogs, Need rain gone, but hope don't finish up with foggy damp days
  11. Was violent when passed over my area, Just hope no injuries, What next ?????
  12. Happy New year to all, Soon be the start of 1947 OOPs mean 2013
  13. Yes will need time here for things to dry out, Like the models this morning, John Hammond BBC Weather saying hints drier weather later next week, To quote The Beatles " Let It Be"
  14. Sunshine and gusty winds, New lake appeared overnight on field, Seagulls found it already, Thought couple of the gulls had stilts on, but realised they little Egrets
  15. Still on learning curve, could the proposed quieter spell next weel lead to some foggy days,Especially with the soggy ground conditions?
  16. Thunderstorm heavy rain earlier, Sunny spells and breezy now, Lots of standing water on lane and fields, River level high,
  17. Great thunderstorm this morning,Second in three days, Weather patterns in turmoil, I love the cold snowy weather but there are many other weather experiences that can be interesting and exciting, Lets see if forecast strat warning can help us get in some cold by mid Jan? Some nice cold sunny days,frosty nights would do,
  18. Thunderstorm heavy rain 5.30 this morning, Lightening even powered up my solar lights around pond
  19. Drove Dorchester to Axminster today, Only issue being stretch A35 after Winterborne Abbas, Some road flooding, But actually very surprised how few issues
  20. Think it in direct sunlight, Rarely sun was out when posted reading, Or got rubbish gauge
  21. My old Mom always said " Winter draws on " Not clue what she meant ?
  22. I know moaning thread, but if there is dry showing in charts will be happy for now,
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