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Everything posted by Clair_Witch

  1. Watching the radar and wondering if those snow showers hitting the bristol area can make it across the waters to us. They only look light, but that will do for starters.
  2. Even if that low comes too far North? Do you think it will turn to rain, or sleet, after an initial heavy snow fall? I'm hoping so bad that we finally get a decent covering and it lasts a few days. There's nothing more traumatic than raining arriving and washing it all away.
  3. I think it will change many times before the low reaches our shores. I keep watching the forecasts for Cardiff flip flop between heavy snow, sleet and rain. Nothing is set in stone yet.
  4. I remember '82, but don't remember any forecasts. Though I'm thinking it can't have been expected. My Mum and Dad went out and I stayed with my sister for the night, I ended up snowed in up there for about a week and even when my Mum managed to travel to get me, half the roads were still blocked and closed. I'm pretty sure she'd have kept me home if she expected heavy snow fall, my Mum always erred on the side of caution and liked to be prepared. It certainly took her by surprise.
  5. I've just come from there now. A chart was posted showing literally the same snow levels in Wales as Ireland and no mention of us at all.
  6. Mine aren't back from half term until tomorrow. Hoping we manage to sneak quite a few snow days out of this set up.
  7. Grangetown here. Literally as close to sea level as possible.
  8. Definitely! We'll take wheelbarrows and steal whatever snow he's accumulated!
  9. I've ordered the dog a warm coat for walkies, just hoping it arrives quick enough.
  10. Derek being on board is an excellent sign! He always plays down snow events, definitely not a ramper. The Mad thread is certainly living up to it's name today. Very tense in there, think I'll stay in the cosy Welsh thread. Lol
  11. Weather warnings in place nice and early. Net weather giving a 95% chance of a heavy snow event Friday, met office offering an 80% chance. It's like all my Christmases have come at once!
  12. These charts!!! I have never seen anything like them. If this comes off it will be one historic weather event. Bring it on!
  13. I've just been catching up in the model thread. WOW! If this comes off it is going to be epic! Don't think I've ever seen charts like this and the models in agreement too. Very very exciting times for everyone.
  14. I called my daughter as soon as I felt it, but she hadn't felt a thing. She had the dog on her bed chewing his bone, his vibrations overpowered the tremor. Lol I felt 2 distinctive movements. I think you needed to be sat still, with no distractions, to notice it.
  15. I just felt it here in Cardiff and lots of people talking about it on Facebook too.
  16. I really hope you're right, Andy. I have everything crossed that we get a good final burst of Winter and lower levels get to see some lying snow, definitely not ready for Spring yet.
  17. I was surprised to see a few flakes falling just before 8am. I see there's a blob of precipitation heading across Wales. Hope we get to see some more, we're long overdue snow here in Cardiff.
  18. A few more flakes here, but nowhere near enough to give us a coating. Bitterly cold though. Brrrr.
  19. I was up Thornhill Crem from 11.30-1 and the whole time I was there it was snowing. Teeny tiny flakes, but they were definitely falling.
  20. I woke up at 4.30am and going by NetWeather's radar there was snow falling. Dry as a bone though, but then I could not go back to sleep and had to keep checking. Lol Hoping we at least get to see some flakes fallng here at some point today.
  21. Cardiff is so close to the weather warning, still not quite in it though. Lol
  22. Heavy hail shower a little while ago. I'm not very optimistic that Cardiff will get anything. It's so mild and bound to fall as rain.
  23. Those were the days! If only we could get a dumping like that again.
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