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Emz by the Thames

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Everything posted by Emz by the Thames

  1. Emz by the Thames


  2. Oh look, rain. What a surprise. I'm pointlessly complaining to nobody here but for those of us in flats who have no choice but to line dry our washing - this rainy August is very annoying!!!
  3. Blue skies earlier...but a rash of cloud now...Meto still had blue skies for us - not the case out there, allsorts of tall, fluff and even dark clouds. 28.8.c
  4. Quite a small area for the S/E weather warning for Saturday: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=warnings&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1440198000&regionName=se
  5. Juicy?! Do trendy places like Shoreditch get juicy weather while the rest of us get humid? How bizarre! Talking of strange weather words (or made up)...there's misslemid here...misty, drizzle and humid.
  6. Yesterday was weird, drying the washing outside in the morning, then dark, rainy, damp..and seemingly damp/cold for a couple of hours before sort of warming again late evening. I am considering staying in a tent in Sussex Sunday/Monday...Matt Hugo tweeting about a 'potential severe weather set up' does not fill me with confidence!! And I have to make the decision today....hmmm....
  7. It's pouring down and 15.c and it's been like this for hours.
  8. Sure . My grandad used to say something like 'you can put layers on to keep the cold out but the damp is the devil and you've got to smoke it out' or wtte. I don't know if it's psychosomatic, but if it's damp I'll put the heater on...if it gets to minus 10, I'll go outside to 'enjoy' it! (not that it happens very often in Bucks!)
  9. I'm a Mancunian. We don't feel the cold...but we feel the damp. It does sound ridiculous granted and while we gave the heater a 10 minutes boost (we don't have central heating, only a wall heater) I do suspect the pub is now absolutely roasting!
  10. Our local pub has lit the fire!! It's not really the 15.c here that's the issue...it's the rain that's come with it, leaving a damp chill in the air.
  11. Yes...just. It's raining and feels damp, 15.c. I don't really want to be seeing the orange glow of the 'on' switch on August 19th!
  12. The drizzy mist is like fog here - I'd think it was November looking outside if it wasn't for the fact that it's 18.c in the morning!!
  13. Looks like I picked completely the wrong week for a Sussex seaside camping trip...gutted much!! We're trying to pick which 3 days out of the next 7 to go and every day just looks meh!
  14. Tower clouds going up to the south here. (does anyone else struggle putting images on here?)
  15. Reading 29.4.c here - sun occasionally goes in due to cloud. Several different types of clouds out there. Darker to my wsw or an optical illusion?? Tempers fraying - people arguing outside. Remember to fill up any wildlife water dishes you may have. The badgesr drank the lot over night - si it's the third time in 24 hours I've filled it up. We have just had to race round closing all the window due to maintenance....meanwhile in London, my boyfriend has texted me to say they have had to turn the AC down in the hotel they are having a conference in because it was making everyone too cold!!
  16. If the weather is poor - we'll just get up early and watch sunrise from the nearby park. If the forecast is good we head for somewhere pretty - usually a hill. The weather isn't looking to inspiring at the moment for Sunday!
  17. Sun kept trying to break though half an hour ago but it's just cloud now and looking darker towards Surrey/Heathrow. There is a strange smell in the air like others have mentioned..like earthy, metallic rhubarb. Ah I've just become to Jilly Goulden of the stormy air sniffing world! 25.6.c here and at local weather station and it's oppressively muggy out there. We need a storm now as it's uncomfortable. Speed-reading manual of a Sony rx100 incase we get some night-time lightning. I'm getting excited now...which is a guarantee we'll get nothing here!! Edit: big blobs of rain just started.
  18. Crack of thunder 10 minutes ago. The pub 5 miles up the road had so much hail in a minute that it looked like it had snowed!
  19. I love a good storm...but I've got washing in the machine...it's going to be a huge gamble putting it out (I live in flats so it's not just a case of running out into the garden). Boyfriend has his rain poncho on....which means it will miss us
  20. Local weather station measured a 38mph gust, some trees down locally. It did wake us up in the night around 1.50am and the sound of smashing fence panels followed.
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