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Everything posted by MrNooo

  1. 2.7C and cold rain here this morn but then wasn't expecting much more to be honest after a glorious day yesterday!
  2. Do you have to quote the whole post??? It is not very helpful when reading on an iPhone, dont wish to be rude.
  3. Saw some snow on the ground here this morning, it soon turned to rain, temp was 0.8C, been a wet horrible day here, currently 3C and I have 22.8mm in the gauge and it's still raining, fields are flooded in a lot of places and a friend was out rescuing his lambs this afternoon as the his farm does suffer badly from flooding. Best light the fire me thinks!
  4. It's 0.8C here and a covering, very light but looks like it's turning to rain as I type.
  5. Nada here also, going to the "Scottish" regional thread to remind myself what it looks like!!
  6. Looks a lovely walk, just got in from ours and it's dank, cold and raining lightly, not at all pleasant!
  7. Surely "Frosty Hollows" will win this hands down!!! We have snow cover here and it's currently down to -1.7C but reckon it should get way lower. Topped up antifreeze on all the farm kit today and the vintage tractors are all in an insulated shed for the next couple of nights!!
  8. No, we still have some small flakes falling!! Been a very good day up here, snowed heavily in the morning then fairly steady for the rest of the day, seemed to have a slight thaw mid day but have 6 inches on the ground.
  9. Have 5 inches snow depth here, small flakes now but still falling!!!! Dogs enjoyed it this morn!!!
  10. Yes a lot of accidents around here, Glos police advising not to go out, Air balloon roundabout and Nettleton Bottom closed due to accidents and locals around Ciren posting pics of cars stuck and plenty of accidents.
  11. If this is due to last all day?? around here we will get buried already, 4-5" deep and chucking it down still, not that I'm complaining!!!
  12. Heavy snow here and still falling, fair wind too so should be some drifting with luck, currently 2-3 inches.
  13. -1.8C here currently, think we should see some tomorrow and hopefully some more Southwards correction!!!
  14. -3 here this morn, stunning lovely crisp morning!!! I reckon Sunday will get shunted South more yet and we maybe in for a surprise, am hopeful here to see a bit anyway but it maybe rain, cold rain at that, a day in the workshop beckons me thinks!
  15. Liking the look of that, could move 20 miles South or I could just drive up the Fosse and watch it from afar!!!
  16. Agreed!!! MAD thread all a bit much currently, IMBY determines if a run is good or bad, all gets a bit confusing and silly, hence the regional for now! Am sure we'll have a few surprises!
  17. Was down to -2.7 here when I went to bed, woke up this morn to a lovely hard frost and a temp or 0.6C
  18. Still here, I could see a storm well off towards Oxford late last night but am not sure it counts as nearly 50 miles away!! Very little rain if any and certainly no storms!!
  19. Just in from combining, trying to get as much done before the rain. Had an amazing light show from a storm over towards Oxford direction, for almost half an hour, I assume this is the big storm that everyone has mentioned. And sitting here looking due South and I have more flashing!!
  20. Well I guess I should join you lot here, not a rumble all year am sure it will change soon enough!
  21. Over here I can see above that line of cloud and there are some cells bubbling up within it!
  22. None here thankfully but do have some lovely altocumulus Castellanus clouds rolling in, surely a good sign!
  23. High cirrus just rolling in with lower cu type clouds with virga tendrils underneath, 27.2c outside now. Interesting sky!!
  24. 31.5c here, thankfully a breeze has picked up so it is almost bearable!!
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