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DJ Fart

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Everything posted by DJ Fart

  1. Who needs a lamppost?! Laying on the sofa watching the Superbowl on TV with my own light on view. Comfy!
  2. Not moaning. Just saying how I saw it at the time (which was about right in the end). All fun and games!
  3. Done really well today. Been snowing constantly and steadily since 7am. Enjoying a hot chocolate in my bar now!
  4. We're getting whatever Ipswich get today, Bill. So far, so good. Think we've been lucky compared to most of the region. These heavy spells have travelled right over us.
  5. Again, as you ignored my previous reply, I can't see much toy throwing. Certainly not from me, anyhow. Last night I said we wouldn't see anything like the amounts being suggested and was called a troll! I want it to snow as much as the next person on here, but there's nothing wrong with calling it as you see it, even if that isn't the populist view. Anyway, fingers crossed for the rest of the day, hey?
  6. Why? What's more childish is how quickly people gang up on anyone who posts something that goes against the grain. All I said was that we weren't going to get anything like the amounts being bandied about, what's wrong with that? It's not wrong. Yes, we're a few hours in, yes, there are plenty of chances down the line. But if we can't comment unless we're blindly accepting of the mass view that we're all going to get 20-40cm, then that's just sad.
  7. Exactly, mate. Its frustrating for everyone, I get it...but to be called names for simply pointing out what was likely isn't really on. Let's hope there's still time to claw something back today.
  8. Well, well, well. Last night I was called a troll, a doom-monger, overly negative etc, because I suggested this might not be that great after all...I was simply saying what I could see. I hate that I was right...honestly. My kids are going to be gutted...
  9. Ah, there you are! What are you thinking for our chances over night?
  10. Not panicking (it's only the weather), not being negative, just saying what I think will play out. I'd love to be wrong, I'd love to wake up to a decent covering and watch it build up under constant showers all day. Here's hoping, eh?
  11. Will be very, very localised if anyone does see depths anywhere near that by the end of tomorrow. I'd love to be wrong, of course!
  12. You're not allowed to say anything "negative" in here, careful. Even if it's just what you can see. It's blatantly obvious that the warnings are overblown and we are not going to see the sort of depths being mentioned 24-48 hours ago. That's just how it is. Doesn't make me a troll or on a downer.
  13. Well, sorry for "clearly" having other things to do on a Saturday night which meant I missed this update!
  14. It's not even due to start turning to snow for another couple of hours.
  15. I think that IS a downgrade on what we've seen being talked about.
  16. Seems to have been downgraded over the course of the day for me up on the Essex Suffolk border. Was hoping for 4-5cm on the ground by 7am for my children to wake up to but now looks more of a dusting. Really hope I'm wrong.
  17. You guys over the border look like you'll do better than us down here. Enjoy!
  18. Right, night all. Not intending to stay up late tomorrow night as I hope to be about for the Super Bowl...so here's to us and good luck all!
  19. Fellow snow nuts...can someone help me out. I'm in Great Horkeseley, north of Colchester on the Suffolk border. I've been so excited since Monday and counting the days down. So why do I feel so flat now? It still looks decent for my neck of the woods...why do I feel like it's been downgraded? Why am I feeling on a downer?
  20. Being on the Essex/Suffolk border looks pretty decent right now...! We have missed out so far so I think it's only fair!
  21. I can't believe how stressful this still is at such a short time frame! It doesn't seem like five minutes ago when it was Monday night and people were saying "we should know by tomorrow"...then Tuesday night...then Wednesday night...then the GFS decides to play a little joke on us...looks great again now and the cheeky little scamp gets a hair ruffle, rather than a slap!
  22. God, you're a real ray of sunshine, aren't you? You just trolling for responses?
  23. For me, that's the benchmark. When you can't see where the path stops and the road starts. I was 12 in 1991 and remember it well. Can we get a repeat?
  24. OK, no worries. Yeah, shows a warning to the emergency planners for significant falls down the whole east coast with a particular warning for East Anglia.
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