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Everything posted by rich1974

  1. So what does this mean (charts baffle me)? And what areas are we talking about this time....north again I bet.
  2. Have to agree with the above, thought it was going to be a bit worse than this, ie heavy rain and stronger winds, maybe it's not at it's peak yet, does anyone no what time that maybe in Berkshire/Hampshire areas??
  3. There are some charts someone posted showing maps and speeds, I haven't a clue where to find them though other than scrolling through everyones posts.
  4. I think that's where I heard it, I them put that and the 20 minutes of really strong winds together and thought it was that so called sting jet they mentioned.
  5. Thanks for the write up, it now gives me some idea as to what one might expect from these storms as they run in, very interesting, and yes you're right it was around the 6am/7am time.
  6. Look I'm no expert mate so sorry for sounding stupid. Thanks for the reply mate.
  7. Have to agree, it's been boring for to long now, saying that I wish the rain would sod off for a day, my bloody shoes are wet again because stupid here left them outside. Not with the mild bit though.
  8. That St Judes storm we had last month or when ever had what they call a sting jet, I remember the time it must have passed my home, it only lasted 20 minutes but it was really bad, what wind speeds would they have been as the sting jet past over? That might give me a better understanding of how bad things might get.
  9. So does this mean it'll be worse down the south now....oh I'm so lost with all these charts.
  10. And when the weather is boring and we have still days that go on and on most wish for days like these heading our way, make the most of it, you'll get your snow.
  11. Great isn't it....can't stand that white stuff, looks good on Christmas cards but it's a bloody pain if you need to get somewhere in a hurry.
  12. All this talk of wanting cold and snow, are you lot mad, wind and mild days for me all the way....not so keen on the wet though.
  13. Well I think I'm gonna have a break from hitting the refresh button, wouldn't mind if it was busy so i'll pop back laters with the hope of having something new to read. Night all!!!!
  14. Someone beat me to it....rats!! That had crossed my mind, well the shopping bit anyway. We'll get told off in a mo for being off topic, but then there isn't much of it going on so does it matter.
  15. Sorry but I'm not good with these charts either so I can't help, the people who can have all gone on strike so you may have to wait awhile for the answer.
  16. Just checked and it's not very busy there, it's never this quiet when we have weather like this fast approaching.
  17. Funny as I was just thinking the same as you, in the past it's been every minute or so with people writing something, I keep thinking it must be dinner time and people will be around later but still not a lot is going on here.
  18. This is a weather forum not a bloody spider forum......STOP IT!!! You're making me itch and i'll be having nightmares now. ;-)
  19. Have to agree with you on this one, I think it's called being a home owner that's done it, when you live with your parent you don't even think about that side, ok I like a good storm and enjoy watching it from a warm bedroom window but when it's my garden being wreaked i'm not so happy as I was when I was a kid.
  20. Glad you cleared that one up, thought it was a bit odd no one was talking about it.
  21. I heard somewhere that it would be a more northern event, it really is way to early to say, the one we had changed every hour right up to the day it arrived.
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