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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Ok, we're going to try something new today - this thread is going to 100% without personal point scoring or snide comments aimed at other members. We're going to achieve this with a pretty simple setup - if your post contains any of the above (or similar) then without further warning we'll remove your ability to post into here. There are just a handful of people this post applies to really, so the majority can safely ignore it and do so in the knowledge that their model thread viewing will be much more model related and much less ego/sniping related from here on in.. Thanks Paul
  2. http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=ecm;sess=
  3. If you've not seen it, Nick has issued a storm forecast for today - much of the UK is at risk of catching one http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=convective;sess=
  4. I've not seen this sort of problem reported on a mac before, although some people with Kaspersky have seen issues similar to this because it was blocking the images from loading. If you do, follow the instructions here and it should fix it: http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/74029-radar-very-slow/?p=2346538
  5. There haven't been any changed to the mobile version of the radar of late, and I've not seen any other reports of problems (or seen any myself, as I used Android), what issue are you seeing?
  6. Apologies, there was a file naming issue (eg they changed the file names without letting us know!), it's all up to date now.
  7. Tornadoes photographed today in both the Isle of Lewis (thanks to Cookie), and also Northern Ireland https://www.facebook.com/netweather/posts/10151723145279326
  8. Level 3 weather alert now issued http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=weather-alert-status;sess=
  9. Quick animation from our NMM-6 model for Saturday into Sunday, still some uncertainty over track and timing so don't take this as a given but obviously lots of potential for some storms and torrential rain.. (Animation works once you click the image to open it up)
  10. And just to add on to my post in the model thread - this thread is the model banter thread, not to be confused with the have a go at other members thread! If you think someone is trolling, please ignore and report the post(s) in question, otherwise please don't use this, the main model or any other thread to vent at them as it's not in the spirit of the community. And before someone tells me this thread is for 'moaning' - it's for moaning about the model output not the people discussing the model output
  11. This whole 'you're a troll' or 'you're on a windup' type posts coming from certain people needs to stop as it's incredibly boring. Just because someone has a different view it doesn't mean they're some evil person coming to ruin your day by posting a chart which isn't showing hot weather/cold weather (depending on the season). If you honestly think someone is trolling then replying to them is giving them what they want, so just ignore the post and use the report button the team can look into it without any disruption in the thread. Thanks.
  12. Just a quick reminder that we will have 5 minutes (approx) of downtime at around 10pm tonight - bad timing I know but it's a planned maintenance that can't be cancelled at this point. More info here: http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/77229-advance-notice-of-downtime-10pm-bst-on-23rd-july/
  13. Just a reminder that we'll be down for a short period this evening from approx 10pm...
  14. Nick's issued a convective forecast here in case anyone hasn't seen it: http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=convective;sess=
  15. Video grab of the radar and lightning overnight: http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=news;storyid=5308;sess=
  16. We've traditionally done it once or twice a month - Ian (TWS) has written them pretty much since the site was started in 2003 and we've not made too many changes in terms of format and timing up to now - but you make a good point
  17. You can upload to a gallery without them going into a thread - just head over to the gallery, hit the upload button and it'll give you the option to start your own gallery album
  18. While we wait for the first of the storms to make landfall, thought now would be a good time to post a link up to Nick's superb guide to storms in the British Isles, well worth a read: http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/77200-a-guide-to-thunderstorms-in-the-british-isles/
  19. Trolling and bickering aren't the way forward in here, nor is jumping down peoples throats just because they have a different opinion to the one you may want to read. Please just keep it to the models, and keep it friendly, thanks.
  20. Can we drop the name calling and point scoring please!
  21. I'm going to lock this now before it spirals ever further toward the usual name calling, accusations and childishness which blights so many of the threads started in part of this forum. The separate threads are here to stay for now, those who don't like them don't have to use them. And as shown by this thread, from what I can see the 'great divide' more often than not is unrelated to science, it's made by chips on shoulders, attitude problems and people who are too in awe of their own opinion to open their mind up to the possibility that there's always more to learn. Shame really..
  22. Latest from Michael Fish - more heat, especially in the south..
  23. Welcome back Quentin, good to hear you're on the road to recovery
  24. There does seem to be a strong need in some to 'correct' others and to tell them that their opinions are worthless/wrong for whatever reason. I think it's human nature to bite back against that sort of thing, and we see that every day in some of the shared debates on the climate forum - people would be far less defensive, and far more open minded if they weren't being barraged by this sort of thing. The three threads were put in for a reason, they're three out of many and whilst they have their faults they at least give people room to explore their current views without the need to keep defending them, it may be that by exploring them they eventually change their opinion based on the evidence they or others find. It may also be that by having separate threads the lurker who's just reading up gets to form a much more informed opinion because there's more discussion and less argument going on within those threads, and yes it may be that the threads allow the odd incorrect assumption to go unchecked within the context of that single thread, but since I'd suggest most people wanting to learn will learn from more than one thread, and more than one source I'd say that risk is limited. This thread has certainly shown up one key thing in my opinion - the need to keep these threads, the need to police them effectively and the need to continue to monitor how they go, because without them it's clear that some people are unable to get out of this mindset of wanting to stamp their opinions all over these debates and respond to every single point they see as 'wrong' because their opinions don't match. It's that sort of thing which stifles debate, and has caused problems in this part of the forum for some time, so if the separate threads stop that, and allow the discussions to breathe and the tone to become less defensive then it can only be a good thing. As an addition, I'd also recommend more people use the blogs on here to perhaps flesh out opinions, clarify positions and generally have a bit of space to think out loud away from the hustle and bustle of the forum. http://forum.netweather.tv/blogs/
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