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Sky Full

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Everything posted by Sky Full

  1. Well that didn’t happen. I expect Dave has a reasonable explanation, though . It’s actually pretty mild for October and so far we’ve managed to avoid the usual early Autumn storms so that’s a relief. Quite a lot of rain expected this week now, so the mini ‘Indian’ summer is well and truly over. No sign of frosts in this part of the world but it can all turn round in 24 hours so everything is possible……
  2. Earthquake swarm on La Palma indicate that an eruption of the volcano could occur soon. Earthquakes Today: latest quakes near La Palma volcano during the past 14 days - list, stats and interactive map / VolcanoDiscovery WWW.VOLCANODISCOVERY.COM Background info, news, activity updates, interactive map about La Palma volcano Last major eruption was 50 years ago.
  3. We’ve enjoyed a couple of nice calm, mainly sunny days here and today looks to be the same. Good weather for working outside but when the sun comes out it warms up pretty quickly. Autumn so far has been reasonably benign and I won’t mind if we keep this up till mid-October!
  4. Another all-time monthly temperature falls - this time it’s in Norway… https://www.weatherandradar.co.uk/ticker/ba3f458f-dadb-44b9-8c84-4e58b145b91d
  5. Lovely skies this morning. Storms possibly later? Took these around 6:30am….. Shepherds have been duly warned…..
  6. What temperature’s your thermostat set for, Mushy? It’s been far too mild here for any heating since probably June here but we are also very lucky to have a solar water heating panel in the roof so we hardly use any fuel for hot water as long as there’s a reasonable amount of sunlight. Downside is that the b#@#! panel always leaks in heavy rain and strong winds we get …erm…a lot of that weather here!
  7. A lovely couple of days for us after a cool and cloudy week. Got a 26C on the car temp gauge today and although I know this is not an accurate figure it’s the highest I’ve seen it since since July….. Two or possibly three more days of sunny settled conditions before we can expect some (probably much needed) rain. Trying not to look any further ahead in case I see Atlantic storms returning!
  8. Cool and still cloudy, but dry today so far. The wind seems to be easing at last but this has been a windy month and I hope this doesn’t continue into September.
  9. Cool, wet and still windy here in Pembrokeshire after a week of the same. Hopefully we’ll get another bite of summer weather before Autumn gets properly under way but I’ve noticed some trees already changing colour.
  10. More meteorological evidence that the atmosphere is warming…. Sicily hits 48.8°C, the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe | New Scientist WWW.NEWSCIENTIST.COM The highest temperature ever recorded in Europe was reported on 11 August. The town of Syracuse on the Italian island of Sicily reached 48.8°C, 0.8°C higher than... Italy and Spain are next: brutal heatwave with near +46 °C will be baking southern Europe as a massive heat dome parks over the Mediterranean as we head into mid-August WWW.SEVERE-WEATHER.EU A massive heat dome is expected to lock in the weather pattern across southern Europe, leading to an extreme heatwave for Italy and Spain this week. More maximum temperature records are likely to fall this year.
  11. Had some much needed rain yesterday - about ten hours of it actually! Must have refilled the water courses around here again. Unsettled now for a week or more but conditions could still could improve in late August. I wouldn’t mind a nice settled September either, but it’s against the odds.
  12. A lovely start to the day - light mist lifting to allow the sun to shine through with only a few light clouds around as yet. No wind. No rain in the forecast to speak of (a light shower tomorrow perhaps?). Almost a perfect autumn morning, in fact! Some people would prefer the whole of August to be wall to wall sunshine and 30C every day but for me this weather is very pleasant and doesn’t stress out the animals or the garden. Anyone on holiday in this area will likely have a few nice days this week.
  13. Very cloudy but dry again today. A lot cooler than recently but at least the garden likes it! Likely to stay unsettled for a few more days but early signs of improvement in mid-August now showing up on some charts. Keep your fingers crossed!
  14. I’ll probably get shot at dawn for posting long distance charts, but the GFS 12z certainly shows an improving picture in mid August. These charts cover the 10th to the 16th….500hPa and temps at 2m: Yes, Karl, you reported it first - the Azores high trying it’s best to reach Blighty. Daytime temperatures widely in the mid 20s seems perfectly OK with me. No, it’s not nailed on - yet - but it’s one possible solution and I’m hoping the GFS has got this one right!
  15. Thanks, Jo. Don’t know how I overlooked those storms last year although I only searched for ‘July’. It’s funny how the memory (well, mine anyway) plays tricks because when the weather turns really foul it often seems to me that it’s the ‘worst I can remember’..even though there are usually historical precedents …… We were on the very northern edge of the warning area and in fairness the winds here were much less vigorous than others have experienced. We’ve had a few bouts of quite heavy rain but these didn’t last very long and as I write this the sun is trying to get through the clouds. Maybe we dodged this bullet but come September…….
  16. Weather presenters are saying that it’s ‘pretty unusual’ to have a named storm in July in the UK, but I can’t remember any previous named storms at this time of year. Can anyone tell me when was the last time we had a July storm given a name by the MetO?
  17. Well, it might have rained a bit overnight, I’m not sure although there were some raindrops on the car this morning. However, apart from a few tiny spits and spots it hasn’t rained properly here now since at least 16th July which is amazing, to say the least. The water company has been calling with a recorded message warning us to save water, not to water the lawn (as if….) and not to run a half empty washing machine. Now that’s fairly unusual in west Wales, where we are usually wondering when the next dry spell is due….. I’ve seen storm clouds around in the distance and a thundery shower passed away to the east yesterday (we stayed dry ), but today - nothing. Up to 3mm of rain is forecast for tomorrow so we shall see…..
  18. All change again. . Had our 1mm of rain (or less…) about an hour ago and now the skies are clearing, the sun’s coming out and the temperature’s going up. Still breezy though. Looks like being a very useable day !
  19. A complete change this morning - 100% cloud cover, about 17C and fairly breezy. For the first time in several days it’s cooler outside than inside! No rain yet, though. Looks like it’s headed this way but the forecast only predicts 1mm of rain for this location so that won’t do the garden much good…. No serious rain predicted here until Tuesday - but you never can tell!
  20. A huge storm anvil has towered up to my east - radar says it’s south of Fishguard - with very distant rumbles of thunder now audible. Lightning showing up on the radar but it’s too distant to be visible from my location. Looks to be moving further west in the next hour but I think it will lose all its energy very quickly. Would be interesting to be on Strumble Head right now!
  21. …..but then it fizzled out almost as soon as it formed! Most of the cloud to the west has already dissipated whilst the remains of storm cloud to the east are slowly collapsing. Blue sky appearing again so no storm here tonight after all!
  22. Large cumulus clouds bubbling up all around me here and there’s a heavy shower on the radar towards Llandysul - possibly thundery although I can’t hear anything yet. Seems to be moving slowly north west so might miss my location but would be nice to see some distant lightning after dark later. It’s extremely humid this afternoon and feels stormy.
  23. Large cumulus clouds bubbling up all around me here and there’s a heavy shower on the radar towards Llandysul - possibly thundery although I can’t hear anything yet. Seems to be moving slowly north west so might miss my location but would be nice to see some distant lightning after dark later.
  24. The MetO has now issued a yellow weather warning covering Wales over the weekend for possible heavy rain and thunderstorms When Met Office is forecasting thunderstorms will hit Wales as yellow weather warning is issued - Wales Online WWW.WALESONLINE.CO.UK There is a yellow warning for most parts of Wales this weekend The end of the heatwave is in sight!
  25. …….Having said that, I suppose we’ve still got one last crack at the highest temperature - tomorrow looks pretty hot as well!
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