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Dale Hay

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Everything posted by Dale Hay

  1. From BBC Weather about 20~ minutes ago (Sorry about the quality - my internet connection seems to go naff when I need to screenshot something :/)
  2. Had a quick 5 minutes of drizzle earlier, besides that it's just been nothing but warm and "muggy". *grumbles* However, just looking outside and I think this is the tallest looking cloud I've seen in a very long time (sadly the photo doesn't make it seem so tall, but trust me, it's stupidly tall).
  3. Just got this going overhead now... a random rumble here and there, the wind has picked up (a lot), but no rain. (Edit: The rain has just moderately started now *yay* - 13:30)
  4. Rain! We had some rain! *fangirls* Though, it's stopped again now - lasted about 30-40 minutes and was failing light-to-moderately. Right, I want more now... come on, chop-chop.
  5. I'm going to be an anus and convince The Mother to move back up to The Midlands... at least I'd get a chance of even a bit of rain. Don't want to end up being like one of those nagging folks, but I am really annoyed with the constant sun and heat down here. Today saw about a minute of light rain, then that was it. Back to horrible stuffy warmth. :/ Ugh.
  6. Feeling a bit clearer at the moment compared to earlier, hopefully looking for to something decent early hours. I'm up for the night anyways. Current view...
  7. Bum. Those strikes missed me by miles. Though, the wind has picked up and this meany is out the front.
  8. Just had a short (10-15 min) sharp downpour ... dark cloud is passing above now, but not dropping anything.
  9. This was my view of the sky at 2000. (Pic 1 - To my left. Pic 2 - To my right)
  10. Within the past 30 minutes, there's been a few rumbles of thunder (didn't see any visible lightning though, as I was being a lazy ass and couldn't be bothered to get out of bed ), also two separate heavy downpours too. The 2nd one has just finished - but no lightning or thunder with it. :/
  11. Was in Minehead today, got there about 2pm and this storm started to rumble, so I walked down the beach (yeah, I know, huge open space, yadda-yadda) and got an alright lightning pic.
  12. I'm so happy it's chucking it down ... about time too - really not a Sun/Heat type of person.
  13. All. Day. For. Pretty. Much. The. Past. Two. And. A. Half. Weeks. I. Have. Had. This. As I said on Twitter earlier, if I wanted this every single day, I would've moved to the Med.
  14. Feeling a bit cooler today - thankfully. Odd spots of cloud and also had the odd darker cloud go by, but no rain dropped. Guessing this on the 1900 was what this like dark cloud floating past?
  15. A very warm (literally - with how it's feeling outside) welcome to NetWeather's Forum. :)Fingers crossed you'll get another decent storm in your area soon and we'll look forward to the pics.
  16. Sorry if this sounds a really daft question, but I was just wondering, you know when people usually get a headache when a storm is due, well can the amount of CAPE (as it is [potential] 'energy'?) also cause certain effects on humans?
  17. Lovely video!Hope you don't mind, but I capped some of the shots from that (I'll message you the zip file). This is just lovely (from the vid)
  18. It looks pretty poop for us in relation to anything of the storm variety... will just have to put up with the constant sun. :/
  19. Skies returning to normal-ish now... well, I enjoyed that. Was a nice early morning wake up call. Plenty of lightning and thunder... just still hearing the faint distant rumbles of it still.
  20. Pretty much perfect path for me. I'm very happy. Though I didn't see much in the way of forked lightning, but(!) it was lightning nevertheless.
  21. Always got that open. :)Well, I'm up for the night so will continue to watch whatever happens, wherever it happens...
  22. Well, this is my view outside (these two are from earlier) ... it's how it's pretty much been throughout the day down in cider-county.
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