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Everything posted by kaz

  1. temps here have slowly risen during the day now 5c dew point is -2 The wind has got up a little now making it feel very much colder. Hubby has just set off to work I have told him to keep checking the weather overnight, not that I am expecting snow here but where he works is at a higher elevation. kaz
  2. No not clairvoyant just looked and charts, weather forecasts ect. I do think Exmoor will see some snow but there is nothing to suggest that my area (Barnstaple) will see any snow. I will whisper this last bit ... Which to be honest I am very happy about. Both my sons live in Berkshire in fact i was born there so i am sure they will be calling telling me of huge amounts of snow they are getting. Kaz
  3. Well i can now relax safe in the knowledge that my area will not be getting snow. But i am sure going to watch the rest getting a battering. I am finding it hard to get around at the moment due to a bad back, i really dont need anything white underfoot, find it hard enough to stand and walk as it is. lol Have fun everyone, dont forget the pics. kaz x
  4. ITV local weather has said for tomorrow snow the further north you are in the region, soon turning to rain. no mention off snow in Cornwall or the rest of Devon,Brighter on Sat. Even over Taunton it had a sleet symbol. kaz
  5. looks like north devon will just get good old rain. exmoor looks like it might get a dusting, but apart from some icy roads during the night it looks like rain all the way. fed up with rain. But it sure will be interesting to watch the radar go from blue to pink. kaz
  6. Hi when it went over us this afternoon we had quiet a few flashes of lightning but no thunder heard due to the wind so definitely lightning embedded in the squall line. kaz
  7. Ive just seen a father Christmas just running around NY, bonkers comes to mind. Also the crane is perfectly safe so they say. I know the system is flipping huge but OMG The USA really know how to hype up the situation. IT is not expected to come in when the tides are high. seen worse at woolacombe. looking at the crane again have to say it looks scary would cause a huge mess if it came down..
  8. Nothing here at all think its hugging the coast near Ilfracombe. I am in Barnstaple no rain and no wind not a leaf moving. Radar showing very heavy rain but i can say nothing is coming out of it at all. very strange. and very calm. kaz
  9. Ok i will await it with bated breath, but i have to say its not looking very likely, for me at least cant belive how still it is out there. looks like it will be east part of devon that will get most of the storm, before it heads further north. kaz
  10. I think its missing us here in north devon. normal ammount of rain no wind at all infact very calm. So no drama going on down here. kaz
  11. gawed its hard work watching the radar its moving soooo slowly.. Not sure if it will make it up here in north devon but i will be keeping eye on it but wont hold my breath. Wind has dropped now very still outside, kaz
  12. hi im in Barnstaple North Devon so keeping a close watch on the weather fingers x we get something later. Temps are well up even with the stiff breeze. Only had one brief T-storm here in the last few years, think we have a no storm dome over us. Kaz
  13. trouble is we dont really want an easterly as they are never good for the SW now NW tend to be better they bring our best snow.
  14. I think we can all honestly say that no snow will enter the south west for the remainder of the winter. Think this one will go down as one of the warmest winters i can remember. Most of the winter it has felt more like spring so roll on spring, might feel like summer . So sorry for all you snow fans think its over, never mind always next year. kaz
  15. its not so much the temps you should be looking at more the dewpoint which is at 0 temps are on the rise here due to nice warm blanket of cloud. -2 here but that has gone up from -4 in the last few hours as the clouds rolled in. kaz
  16. just got heavy drizzel here not expecting any snow for the north devon, might get a little sleet over exmoor. Much to wet to settle. Dont forget the dew points temps not that important it all comes down to the dew point. have fun if you get any but i am hopping for zero, flipping hate the stuff after the hell of the last few years, for me it has been a fantastic winter so far
  17. I am so sorry i didnt mean it to come out quiet like that when i read it back i wished i could have taken it back so again very sorry . i made a mistake and big enough to say . kaz x
  18. i know i did the flipping same... did it for a year as well so that is £23 down the drain mmmmm dont like being scamed kaz
  19. think i am the only one to be happy about being in here. I DONT want any snow/ice/sleet this winter. Looks like i will get my wish. After the last 2yrs i just cant go through that again. Last year was just hell on earth dont think i have ever been so scared. So bring on the mild winter, will be alot cheaper to. kaz x
  20. Hi yea i would say you would be able to hear thunder from where you are, noise always travels further over sea as there is nothing to block the noise. I am keeping an eye on radar but as yet they seem to be moving up the bristol channel and not making far inland. keep us updated lol
  21. looks good to me .. just wanted to have a test to see what its like... kaz ps i am on firefox but dont have spell check it has vanished.
  22. hi i know how you feel one flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder about 4 months ago does not make a t-storm get so frustrated watching tham pass 100 miles to my south east and west grrrr... I can see the towers building seems like we build tham up lovely and knock them off to the rest of the UK .. kaz x
  23. Hi after the big cell passed last night and went over into Wales we still had alot of lightning around but on Radar there was nothing, it was very strange.. Had a good show for a couple of hours, but like you said they seem to come from nothing. Not much rain in the first storm, were a few CG strikes but hardly any rain, i know because i was stood outside. Hoping for more later on kaz
  24. Was looking good now gone tits up ... Last week i missed a good storm as i was in Wales, looks like i will miss this one to.. just my luck... Getting weeker as it moves inland dont think its going to hold out. Think central England will do well though. kaz xx
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