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Everything posted by PiggiePalace

  1. Yay!!!! wheeek wheeek wheeek!!! Burger the rest! EDIT: Can you tell our tolerance to rain/Atlantic lows has suffered a massive downgrade?????
  2. "Ho Hum tiddly pom" said Pooh"I'm afraid, Piglet my friend, that it is now time to deploy the tertiary flood defence as the wind is blowing the rain in at an unusual angle....again! Piglet: "well Pooh, we already have the aluminium slats (Primary) in front of the UVPC doors (secondary - but warped) so whatever next?" Pooh to Piglet: "I'm afraid we now we have to enlist the "Towel tower" (tertiary) to mop up the floor. Thankfully my honey stash is not required.".xxxx
  3. Oh FGS! Randy Dandy guinea piggie caught my last comment to Iceni and is now doing an "uber mega huff".Sheesh - some days you can;t please anyone or any;pig...no matter how hard you try!It is still raining here and the stream, whilst approaching top of its banks, is coping well.Currenty trying to work out how to tranform a guinea pig into a water level measuring device.....Randy Dandy please take note!xxx
  4. Aaaarrrggh! Starting to suffer from weather overload....as in the rainy kind! Too much action both now and future in too short space of time...head can;t take in much more info. Have decided to resort to mind-numbing ironing, alcohol consumption and dribbling madly for the weekend and will re-assess my sanity and the next oncoming weather systems monday. Sorry JP - no offence as you are always very clear and concise...just not sure i can take too much more rain with all the associated "villlage relationship management" problems it brings .. Iceni - LOL - the pigs is actually shorthand for guinea pigs - think chicken more than bacon xxxx
  5. Yeuk!!! Ventured out at 19.30 for supplies from the local Tatco XS.....now soaking wet and "windswept"Sometimes I really hate being the "unelected by default and assumption" Flood Warden of the village....go away residents - start owning your own problems instead of conveniently trying to dump them on me. Rant now over!..Stream very high - but I think it will cope.JJ - I will respond shortlyNeed to eat now... Tomorrow: Given the inclement weather, have Mount Kilimanjironing to sort tomorrow whilst the winds get up...with selected DVD's/Sky+ recorded progs to keep me occupied.Piggies are fine....althouigh we are having a serious marital spat tonight with Ginger and Tia....they are 4 years wedded so don;t want to separate them but might be necessary to avoid injury xxx
  6. LOL - Think this sums the weather up atm - no offence JP as you ARE the weather god on here......but just seemed rather appropriate to post for a bit of light relief......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMfH-u1rtmc'Scuse any adverts at the beginning xxx Edit: - who volunteers to post this on the MAD thread???? (PP ducks for cover)
  7. Upper Medway catchment was put on flood alert tuesday. We are expecting this to be upgraded as the rain moves though tomorrow. Local Parish Council have finally seen sense and cancelled the open air market this saturday.....have you ever seen a cheap gazebo fight a 50mph gust?????JP - thanx as ever.....I think, given recent obs these last three months, that our little "apparently shielded" catchment area for the stream will be OK this weekend...if a bit worrying at times.Here's hopingxxxx
  8. Ooohh nooooo - don;t get me going - the piggies do not have enough nuclear suits And I'm being banned from posting the proverbial image xxxx Edit: success!
  9. Yay - First clap of thunder this year at approx 9pm tonight.....didn't see any lightning though....lucky really given I was stuck in a Parish Council meeting at the time and there was enough hot air in the room for spontaneous combustion to occur xxxx
  10. Despite the activity this New Year, so far my little shield has held up well.....Thunder to the north of me, lightning to the south..... ....here I am... stuck in the middle....etc... or even Did hear my first clap of thunder tonight about 9pm, but stuck in a Parish Council meeting at the time so didn't see any lightning....guess it's my round then! xxx
  11. Hi JJ1 - well spotted! Haven't had a good apocalypse for at least 7 days........rushes to check the bottled water, fill the thermos, re-organise the freezer and get the guinea pigs nuclear suits/wellies out xxxx Edit - we're ready!!!!
  12. http://www.surreymirror.co.uk/Fallen-trees-cause-travel-chaos-drivers-rail/story-20500715-detail/story.html
  13. Just seen 75mph gust has been reported at Lydd http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ also report of possible tornado in Galley Comon Nuneaton https://twitter.com/...2514048/photo/1 https://twitter.com/...4034688/photo/1
  14. Poss tornado at Galley Common Nuneaton - TORO investigating https://twitter.com/NWarksCops/status/427110474912514048/photo/1 https://twitter.com/NWarksCops/status/427114940114034688/photo/1
  15. Phew - rain now gone. Thanks as ever JP I don;t know if Snowbob delivered - but here's an appreciation offering from me and the piggies.......let us know if you want icing on top next time! P.S. We can also do a mean chocolate Hobnob...as Southern water found out today
  16. YEAH - where's JP's bun Snowbob???? C'mon - hand it over - He needs to keep his strength up if he's going to deliver the goods xxx
  17. Hi AllBeen a bit AWOL with job apps and sick piggies......so not been able to assimilate everything on the thread.........oooh apart from JennyJane1 - brill news about SM.......so pleased to hear this xxxerrrmmm....JP - can you give an idea how much rain over the next 24 hours please approx? Is it something my little stream should be worrying about....(again)?...we have had a couple of really nice dry days so really don;t want an "interim" before the next predicted onslaught at the weekendxxxx
  18. Pootled out to get supplies an hour ago and car was already iced up. with -0.5C on the car thermometer . ..nearly ended up KNACKERED in the rather substantial potholes littering the roads down here. Safely home NOW and having nommed a spur of the moment roast beef dinnerwith yorkshires etc (mainly from scratch but thanks due to Aunt Bessie), feeling all is right with the world...apart from the MOD thread of course Great that JP's charts support another dry day tomorrow. xxx
  19. Hi JJ Firstly sorry to hear about SM - please send him my regards and also best wishes to you both for speedy recoveries. My dad had a mini-TIA four years ago -very frightening when it happened especially as my mum didn't even consider ringing an ambulance and insisted on waiting for the GP to arrive Edit: the headbanging smilies are there because my bro is a senior consultant in emergency medicine/paediatric ICU and his wife is also a consultant.. my mum really had no excuse! Like SM he needed to have a scan and wasn't allowed to drive. Hospital identified where the issue was and why it threw up a small clot...there was a mechanical/physical issue which combined with his age (>80) meant they felt standard meds inc statins and aspirin would suffice..which so far they have...and he has had no further recurrences. Hope SM's scan goes well and he is up and running again soon. xxxx ON TOPIC: P.S. I seriously cannot remember the last time we had such a Beautiful day here - blue skies, sun, mild breeze - spent 90mins walking around the village delivering leaflets this afternoon...and felt so much better for doing so! Let's hope the weather stays like this for a bit please as we need time to dry out!
  20. .... Errrm .....The hurriedly newly formed JP Appreciation and Preservation Society (South East Region), is now open to new members xxx
  21. Morning all Slept through the worst of it and woke at 7.15 to a flood alert from the EA for the Upper Medway area....went back to sleep only to receive another warning call at 9am from my friendly sparkie who is trying with some difficulty to get from East Grinstead to Crawley and was a little shocked to see just how much water is pouring onto the roads. Being right on the border between East and West Sussex I'm hoping the last lot just clipped us.......will know in about an hour....best get dressed, move the car and find the wellies.xxx
  22. Agree JP....although given this is an Atlantic train maybe they are just "Coaches".......where's the buffet one? Thanks as ever...hope you are not still on saucepan duty? xxx
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