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Everything posted by PiggiePalace

  1. Firstly - Happy New year to all my new NW buddies....so glad I found you this year and I just Love this regional thread. Secondly , on a positive note despite the horrendous weather, the stream has stayed in bank today............so far! I do hope JP';s saucepans have performed a similar "stay dry" function....and indeed everyone else is warm and dry! UPDATE: It was at this point events deteriorated towards the Pythonesque. The new contractor company then said they were planning to bring in heavy plant today to crane out the old and bring in a new (very heavy and large) pumping station..... a) over a flooding stream on two sides of the property b. with no large vehicular access within 100yds c) without ever seeing the site in daylight d) without a risk assessment or method statement and . e) without contacting the EA to minimise the risk of damage to the watercourse If you;re still with me this far dear readers, I'm afraid to say I finally "lost it" with SW at about 11.30pm last night......I do hope my call to customer services was recorded for training purposes! Despite a 1am meeting this morning at my house with a senior project engineer from SW, we are no further forward and in fact have gone two steps back. Here endeth the third day for 4 unfortunate properties without functioning sewage/waste-water facilities. xxxxx
  2. Afternoon everyone! After the excitement last night, I think we will be spending a quiet evening in watching the telly. EA have rung - rain from mid-day tomorrow onwards for Kent and Sussex getting progressively heavier.....also 30mm currently forecast for saturday although I note the met office warning is for friday. River Mole already on flood alert. Talking of toilets...the pumping station has now had 5 sets of contractors attend in the last 24hours and it is still not working. Just waiting for no 6 to arrive who will also be unable to do anything because a) they do not have the right keys the chamber was full of water and they didn't have the kit to pump it out c )they don;t understand German d) they have the wrong expertise - its now a mechanical not an electrical problem e) there are no drawings/installation diagrams This is aside from the ones that never arrived because the location of the pump is incorrectly shown as 400yds away on the central plans. You couldn't make it up! I've now been told that until it is fixed I have to go out every 2 hours to manually operate it..... Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you all stay warn and dry .....and that JP doesn't run out of saucepans! xxxl
  3. Aaarghh....Phew -Guulpp....Rant...!Well what can I say????? Today we have learned that the Sewage Pumpimg Station in my back garden has FAILED!...the alarm didn't go off as programmed...and the Engineer is now " 3 hours late and counting " from his second requested call-out ...... and our gardens are now full of un-mentionablesOwners and guests currently keeping their legs crossed...we can't flush the loos let alone wash/dishwashy.......and to add insult tot injury we also just had have a 2hr power cutAlso - EA bless them, rang me today - re prospective rainfall/ flooding for SE on wednesday.....NOT GOOD!I am most worried about the fact we Hoomans have had to raid my New Years Eve booze bubbly supply tonight owing to interruption in services.At least Uncle Numpty now knows how to play cribbageThis weather hasn't finished with us yet! xxxx
  4. As ever...appreciate your updates/charts etc JP and you've clearly been a busy bee since my last post. Thank you". Hope your flat roof is now sorted so you are not on dining room saucepan duty again "next sesh" IYSWIM Many tahanks xxxx
  5. Hi JP From Numpty newbie houseguest: Does this mean we can expect a warm front with severe gusts blowing from the South? xxxx
  6. Evening everyone Mainly sunny today until the heavens opened late pm whilst we were visiting a flood protection project I signed off not a month ago in a small Kentish village. Can't say how relieved I was that it was completed in such a timely fashion given the recent weather . It was really encouraging to hear residents reporting that the new flood defences installed gave them peace of mind whilst the river rose and the only thing they had to worry about was the 15hour power cut - hmmm - nowt we could do about that! Last night we spent a lovely evening in the Surrey Hills with my whole family together for the first time in many years .When the next lot of gales come along - Please try again to advise friends and family to be careful when deciding to drive/travel in the worst of the weather if they can avoid it-. Although here on Netweather we know the risks/weather severity - unfortunately some of Joe public seem to feel they don;t need to listen to us. Despite my warnings, my sister-in-law (doctor) was hit by a tree coming back from work monday evening - luckily she was driving the Family 4 x 4 "tank" rather than her usual mode of transport - i.e. her mid-life crisis Beetle - otherwise it could have been rather serious and 3 kids may have had a carp Xmas with their mummy in hospital or worse. She was shaken but unhurt and "The tank" escaped with a cracked bumper/bit of bent metalwork - surprisingly the windscreen remained intact. People always think it won;t happen to them or theirs.....but sometimes it does and then, like my S-I-L, they start to realise they are not invincible. Hopefully none of our friends/neighbours/loved ones will take unnecessary risks when the winds whip up again and will heed our concerns/warnings...frustrating though it is until they finally get the message!.Off to clean out more piggies whilst watching Star Wars back to back - turkey and chips will be making an appearance at some point!xxxP.S. Great idea - I'm up for a SE meet!xxxx
  7. Morning everyone A beautiful crisp sunny day here with clear blue skies and the frost has now gone. House-guest has just come in soaking wet having pulled the equivalent of half a tree out of the stream in preparation for tonight's events. Going to re-install the secondary barriers next as we probably didn't do it very well in the midst of the howling gale and pouring rain monday night. Rest of the day will be getting organised before going out to dinner with friends this evening. Have a lovely day xxx
  8. Phew - that was scarey!!! We made it by a whisker.....no wind damage but marooned from 11pm 23rd til 9am 24th having spent most of the evening moving everything upstairs...before conking out exhausted on the sofa fully clothed in the early hours ....only to miss the "main event" between 4 and 6am when the squall and extra rain hit sending the stream into overdrive. Thankfully the floodwater didn't ever rise high enough to actually challenge the leaky flood door threshold even though the rain did! So all we got was a soggy utility room floor which towels could easily cope with. Finally got the tree up last night,, Turkey crown is now in the oven and I am sitting here with a glass of bubbly with Mr Michael Bubbly on the CD thinking how lucky we have been here in Forest Row compared to our neighbours in Tonbridge/Leatherhead/Guildford etc. Tiggy is enjoying her new cat-nip Mr Fishy, the guinea pigs are tucking into dandelion feast and Numpty is on the tinnies! The PP household would like to send festive cheer and thanks to the Environment Agency, Emergency Services, Local councils and Utilities staff who have given up their Christmas to help people stay warm, dry and safe....you are heroes. Thank you! Secondly wishing all of you here at Netweather a very Happy Christmas and big thanks for all your information and support this year.......this forum has given me a freedom I have not had since 2007 when I last flooded......I can now plan ahead for inclement weather and no longer have to cut short visits/journeys to rush back worried my home is about to flood again. Finally and equally importantly. sending thoughts and condolences to all those who are not spending today as they had intended including Greenhithe.I hope 2014 will be kinder to you all and that this time next year you will be in happier place.Wheek wheeek miaowww Love PP, Numpty, Tiggy and Piggiesxxxxx P.S. See you back here on the 27th and the 30th - I would like to hope we will stay lucky 3x in a row!xxxx
  9. Sorry to hear this JP....hope you manage to contain the damage. Ref rain - my sentiments entirely as flooded stream encroaches chez moi - please rain go away!!!! xxx.
  10. I will be unable to go to bed until i know that I won't wake up to 12" of water in the house.xxxx
  11. Thank you - no I'm not on that road...but even at 2pm today when I was out and about...... all the roads around EG were looking pretty ropey. Goodness knows what's going on out there tonight!XXX
  12. Hi Bp - thanks for the concern.All flood prepartions now complete. Everything.....including the piggies and pressies ..... are at least a minimum of 1m above floor level.The pet carriers are ready and waiting in case we need to evacuate upstairs....and the pressies are already there!Sadly the tree remains undecorated in the utility room as it is not a priority.xxxx
  13. Just been outside chatting with the EA who are up and around and monitoring. - they've all been pulled in off holiday etc and are really great!...Poooh! - Rain has re-started.Regrettably stream breached banks just now while we were chatting....and my slippers got soaked in the process.Pants - I seriously thought we'd got away with it this time.....seems no! All we can do now is sit and wait for it to pour into the house.Sometimes life sucks!xxxx
  14. For what it's worth - despite being on flood warning...the lull in the rain here has given the stream a fighting chance. Nevertheless, it is still running at 0.5" from breaking bank.I know everyone is worried about the wind...but can anyone help as to how much more rain is expected between now and tomorrow morning please?xxxx
  15. I absolutely love this! Thank you for bringing laughter to what has been an increasingly stressful situation here over the last few hours.xxxxx
  16. OMG!!!! This is my regular route. Drove down there back from Leeds yesterday and remarked to my guest "this bit will have a problem tomorrow" Seriously though - didn;t think it would be THAT much of a problem. Let's be careful out there! xxx
  17. EA elevated our little stretch of stream to flood warning as of 60mins ago. Unfortunately it appears that one of the new flood doors is not working and is already letting in copious amounts of rain through the seals So... big change of plan........dashed out to put up secondary defences in a howling gale and we both got very wet! Have to accept however despite everything, there is still a chance the water will come in. so gone into full flood protection mode. Nearly finished the Emergency evacuation preparations ...just one room left to move stuff to higher ground. All PC.s/mobiles etc on charge and will remain so. The intention is for all hoomans and animals to sit it out upstairs if the water comes in...which will also blow the power! Have gas stove, gas light, wind up lantern, torches. thermos and provisions ready and waiting...also between us we have two PC's so can keep here on the forum for as long as the batteries last. I just hope to goodness when the stronger gusts hit tonight the roof stays intact otherwise we really will be in trouble because the cupboard under the stairs might be very soggy The only good thing about this evening is that unlike last time, I have plenty of fags to see me through....might even be tempted to open the bottle of Xmas bubbly! Really hating this weather......hope you are all safe, warm and dry! xxxx
  18. Wheeekkkk! Happy birthday BB - so sorry whee newbies missed the actual day. Mwah.......from Ginger Mwah..from Alan Maggots and Rowan......with tongues!!!! ..mwah....from Carson Womble-pig Hope you and yours will come through the encroaching storm without incident. xxxx
  19. Evening everyone Just recently got back from a return trip to Leeds today to pick up my Xmas guests. Wow - some great cloudscapes on the way up......drove through torrential hail between Northampton and Daventry approx 3pm - the cloud structure in my rear view mirror, lit by the sun was epic. Wish I had been travelling south instead of north at the time as I might have managed a few pics. Then just as darkness fell whilst approaching Wakefield - two fantastic anvils over to the west silhouetted against the dying day.Coming back - a lot of the motorway hazard warning signs - M1 only, not M25 - are announcing strong winds for tomorrow. Travel disruption is also on every hourly Radio 2 new bulletin. Also lots of BT Openreach vehicles out from Godstone down the A22 and into Lingfield - don;t know if this is what is affecting Mr Pike? Currently sitting here pondering exactly where to safely park the car tomorrow and what flood preparations to make, whilst house-guest Tiggy the cat is wandering round acclimatising herself to her new surroundings and deciding where to sleep.Regrettably I'm pretty sure the stream WILL flood tomorrow given current local conditions and the amber warning for mid/north Sussex - it's still very swollen from the last bout and so are the headwaters of the Medway in our village- so it is just a case of by how much, at what time..... and whether I trust the new flood defences to stand up to their first real-life test! Short answer - not prepared to risk it and the ageing Aquavac is now on stand-by. The Xmas food shop will be done tomorrow morning with the aim of being back at the house from noon onwards making final preparations, working out my emergency evacuation plans, protecting Piggie Palace from the possible flooding and moving things upstairs. It's no mean feat trying to evacuate 10 guinea pigs, one cat, 8 pet carriers and two hoomans when your whole property is being surrounded by water. Hopefully we can sit it out upstairs for the duration without being pressured by the Fire Brigade to evacuate. I have however defiantly decided I will, after all, be bringing in the tree to decorate tomorrow evening. I really am not looking forward to this storm because the worst risks for me will be happening at night-time....i.e. in the dark! I'd feel much better and more "in control" if it was during the day, so it wouldn't matter if the power went off.Anyhow - off to feed the piggies, try to "click and collect" some more camping gas lamps for tomorrow and thence to bed.Nite allxxxxxxx
  20. Hah!....and what makes you think you will get past Gatwick with all the leaves on the line?
  21. Sympathies........Lost two tyres and an alloy to their potholes in my road at the beginning of this year.....wasn't cheap! Good luck with the swimming ....errrm is there such a thing as a thermal bikini? xxx
  22. Drove from East Grinstead to TWells and back today mid pm.......roads were atrocious with surface water flooding and blocked drains from leaf-fall!My direct experience of ES Highways is they always plead "no budget"....so I'm pleasantly surprised they have achieved the above metrics on a satruday so near to Xmas!Spot the sarcasm LOL xxxx
  23. Morning everyone Yeuk!...... Blustery and wet! Currently it's so dark here I can't see properly to pair up my pile of laundered black and navy socks. Glad I postponed my trip until tomorrow to pick up my Xmas guests- didn't fancy driving up to Leeds and back in this weather. Can't say how much I appreciate finding this forum as it really helps me to plan ahead. Lots of surface water on the road outside but stream so far is coping well.........monday night/tuesday might be a different matter however! This reminds me of the run-up to Xmas 1999 - my first Xmas in this house and the whole family including two newborns coming for Xmas Day. Roads impassable due to fallen trees/branches and flooding, the council sandbagging all along our road just before midnight on Xmas Eve, the gas board cutting me off because the meter was underwater and my mum dishing out my whole supply of mince pies to all and sundry as the stream crept closer and closer to the front door. Thankfully order was restored by 9am and the festivities went ahead unhindered...minus the mince pies.Fingers crossed there won;t be too many turkeys sitting in cold ovens next wednesday.
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