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Everything posted by PiggiePalace

  1. We had two minutes of absolute mayhem here at 1.00am this morning - sudden gusts and the most torrential rain I have ever seen.....came out of nowhere. From the radar it looked to be the tail end of something that tracked up from Chichester/Hampshire coast. Don't know if hail was mixed in as being a "green" village, streetlights are few and far between. Calm here today with sunny blue skies. Stream has coped very well ...so far
  2. Ahem.....wheeeek......Excuse me Mr Pike/Cpt Shortwave/Mr Mantle et al Ginger piggie here........Errrm.... me and my fellow boar piggies are slightly worried about inclement temperature variations over the next few wheeks. Whee piggies can't do +/- Ten degC variation in short order........and quite frankly this weather is all over the place. So we're a tad concerned ref how our hay supplies and personal comfort from the Hooman Slave will be delivered, given the possible winds/floods and freezing weather forecast......and also how that said Hooman will help us given they have always been a tad mean about the central heating supply! Any help/guidance to enable the Hooman Slave to mitigate sudden temp variations even for us indoor pigs would be welcome OOops..Tia .the wifepig is here .....sssshhhhhh! xxx
  3. Here in the Forest Row micrcosm...we have hoar frost persistent for the last 48hoursxxx
  4. Commiserations -I am now in fifth week of severe pain and no/burger all sleep. Chest xrays say " no pathoogy" which is good but also means "you poor bugger just suck it up" Sending positive vibes from me and the piggies
  5. Wow - blue skies, sun and daylight today! Not had to have the room lights on at all...first time in....oooh four-five weeks? This is due to a combination of two facts: Firstly all the trees surrounding me have now finally lost their leaves to permit more light into the previously "shadowed bowl" I live in and Secondly...we have had sunshine all day today Just stocked up on windscreen de-icer Piggies all snug and warm waiting to be cleaned out tonight whilst Game of Thrones is run on Sky+, ready for green recycling pick up tomorrow......eermm that's the cage litter not the piggies IYSWIM As for me..I'm still coughing like I've got the black plague Stay healthy everyone...there's some nasty bugs out there at the moment xxxx
  6. Quick update on the Norfolk seal pups:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2520075/Save-seal-pups-Major-rescue-operation-263-swept-mothers-vicious-tides.html https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=433964426703496&set=a.189583807808227.30863.185814564851818&type=1&theater
  7. Take care Jax......There is a nasty little Bug-ger around atm. I hope you haven;t got it.This one is not man or even girlie flu.......this is like mumps and whooping cough combined... I'm now in my fourth week and have never ever had a bug as bad as this before.....Two courses of antibiotics haven;t dented it, still deaf in one ear, horrendous sore throat, lymph nodes all over the place....and a hacking cough that prevents me eating, keeps me awake all night and I'm sure has cracked all my ribs. I'm now doing the hospital rounds for Xrays/swabs/cultures/bloods etc and am managing to get a couple of hours sleep on a potent mix of wine, heavy duty painkillers and ice cream!All I can say is... a) hope you haven;t got it b) glad I'm not living in Scotland or Sandwich c) given the sudden temp drop here tonight, let's hope all the thick lined curtains I've ordered off ebay arrive shortly.xxx
  8. Great to hear this...are you soft/med/hard water? What breed charactersitics does he have? What do you feed him?We are just starting to gather info UK wide to try and determine why there is an increased number of piggies with stones and what factors may be contributing to this disease ........Indoor vs outdoor being just one factor. Chilly here tonight even though we have been covered by cloud since early afternoon! xxxx
  9. Bliss!!!.........The joys of being single.....no domestic appliance presents!!!!It was so dark today that by 2.30pm I had the lights on. Luckily i do not need to deploy the rock salt yet to get out of my drive!I'm getting very worried that the indoor guinea piggies are not getting appropriate sunlight/Vit D.Off to google appropriate sunlight lamps for me and the pigsxxx
  10. Hee hee - moi aussi!Although Viakal spray is also very good if you are in a hard water area...I alternate between this and Cillit Bangxxxx
  11. Well not quite disinfection but yep...in a manner of speaking. In my area, we have to clean/dishwash all our rubbish for recycling prior to putting it into the bin - ie all plastic and metal trays, milk cartons, aluminium foil from the sunday roast etc etc... ........otherwise we could risk a "naughty notice" from the District Council and they can refuse to empty our bin I am pleased that my landfill has dropped dramatically now our Council has increased the amount of stuff it can take for recycling because it has recently changed contracts.........but currently I am having to do an extra dishwasher run per week to deal with it On topic - stream has behaved very well, hoping there will not be too much ici-ness tuesday evening/wed morning as i have an early morning job interview wed am that means i have to travel cross country in a rear wheel drive......ulp! xxxx
  12. Two big flash/bangs in quick succession, somewhere very close to East Grinstead
  13. Hi Jax Love your reply...seriously.....and appreciate your scepticism. If you want to explore my points....(oooh eerrr.!!).. I will happily send you a PM with some info before I go public xxx
  14. HI All Wheeekie wheekie greetings from the piggies...who are getting chilly paws because their slave hasn't put the heating on yet. Completely re-defines the "blue meanie" Stream "done good" sunday....and despite the pivotal low... it did not go out of bank.....just! EA contacted me today saying they nearly released a flood warning on sat night owing to rainfall and could I provide obs on the stream????....I think they meant sunday actually. This is a pathfinder project to enable the EA to try and provide the necessary 2hr flood warning time in a ridiculously small catchment that is flash flood orientated with <90min response time.... so it is a pioneering project but so far looking good. Anyhow we are now swapping observations and I believe that, in addition to the rain gauges and flow meters already placed locally, the nice Netweather folks,here may have a part to play in future to help EA provide sufficient warning/info to enable us to notify residents in this catchment area for this very specific flash flood scenario we have here. Thank you everyone for your continued reporting/contributions...and I'm glad I have found you. Obviously as things stand atm, the EA have to rely on UKMO, However we are looking seriously at factoring in live reports from peepies such as yourselves to help in these type of fast-moving scenarios. BB - so glad you're now on the "official beaurocratic red-tape road" to sorting things out.....I'd like to hope you will now quickly achieve your goals and your frustrations will accordingly be less ....but I will await your next update! Will send you some ruby slippers if you need Fed up with fireworks...because some idiot housed topographically above me lets them off during the daytime every two weeks or less throughout the year, scaring me and the piggies senseless as we're also under the Gatwick flight path. The next door sheep and chickens however seem unperturbed and continue announcing to the world whatever xxxx
  15. Thanks BB Me too! - even though I have the necessary supplies ....I really don;t want to be flooded again, full stop. But.... if the flood defences already installed firstly by myself and secondly an extra "add-on" in terms of doors by the EA, don;t stand up, it will be karma for the insurance company because they didn't properly handle my last claim so hopefully I will get my wonky floors rectified. Karma is a wonderful thing! Hope you;re OK where you are and not at risk from this current severe weather. xxxx
  16. Wow - the rain has been going in earnest now for the last 45mins.. heavy and steady. I can hear from the passing cars the amount of surface water already on the road outside so I guess I now have a minimum 90minute window before the stream starts to show the effects. If there are breaks in the rain tonight then hopefully the stream "should" cope ..and EA has not put us on flood warning ....YET! Eating late tonight as I won;t be going to bed until the worst has passed. A quick "1hr" roast is about to go into the oven and I'm just popping out to move the car to higher ground....oh, and I have wine ...and fags (NB - There is nothing worse than being flash-flooded and subsequently marooned for several hours surrounded by floodwater having run out of fags ....especially when the general public have gathered on the opposite bank to oggle your situation and are lighting up less than 70yds from your bedroom window across the floodwater ) Hoping the forecast 48mph gusts won;t materialise....and the stream will behave given I pulled half a weeping willow out of it on friday! The piggies are completely unconcerned....happy to be in their new elevated positions inside in nice clean cages and nomming their way through one of the 4 yellow-stickered celery packs I got today from the local Tescos Express for 15p each . Toddles off to move the car and check the stream levels. Celery soup anyone? xxxx
  17. Only had four "Frenchies" here tonight.... with albeit a good grab..Credit to them where due as I am difficult to find....But....they couldn;t even give me the french name for "Halloween" tonight
  18. Thanks tinybill and JP. I appreciate your thoughts and info.Thankfully I now have proper flood protection in place for my property...but it hasn't been "real-life" tested yet and as I'm not yet prepared to take the risk until it is, I will still move everything to 24" above ground level when there is risk.So.....Water I can deal with...BRING IT ON!!!.......but .winds I can't as yet...especially in the dark! To put things into perspective: My biggest fear is not any actual severe weather event itself..mother nature will do what it wants and I can't control that....and as a scientist I am fascinated by the weather and have really enjoyed and learned a lot following the threads on this forum..and particularly from the SE board. My fear is in respect of having to potentially deal with another "severe weather" "property damage" insurance claim after the last one in 2007 for severe flooding went so t*ts up it interrupted 6 years of my life and decimated my life savingsI just hope that anyone who is suffering from property damage atm that renders their home temporarily uninhabitable...or may do so in the future....never EVER has to go through what I have as i wouldn't wish it on anyone..(maybe I'll expand one day in the chat room after a few bevvies...but not for now..).Sadly, given the current state of the insurance industry, I know some folks will even now be under far more stress trying to sort out their insurance claim and keep it on track to rectify their home, then they ever were during any recent weather event itself.Anyhow...steps back of soap box and gets back to studying the current weather........Will keep logging in here to you friendly bunch as you;re a great tonic. Many thanks from me and the guinea piggies xxx
  19. Sigh....Ashdown Forest now saturated....my stream is well-primed and can now only cope with about a 15mm rainfall dump over an hour or two. ...........unpacks the wellingtons and guinea pig water wings....puts the flood barriers back up..orders skip for friday to clear the existing and future debris from the stream. Thinks about getting tree surgeons in to lop 20ft off the eucalyptus before saturday evening as it was struggling badly on monday and would have ended up directly in my bedroom if it fell This is not looking like the best of Autumns for me. For the first time ever I'm actually wiling it to start snowing early xxxx
  20. Another one who would like to thank all the stalwarts on the regional board for their invaluable information and advice during the last few days particularly JP Coast and MK. I remember shaking all night through 87 in a flat in Penge High Street ;listening to bricks falling down the chimney and shop fronts shattering thinking that a riot had broken out, only to try to drive to work next day, shocked at the damage. I also was suddenly and severely flooded in the thunderstorms of 20th July 2007. So I for one was really frightened about the potential of this storm, surrounded by mature leafy trees and a stream, but you guys have helped keep it in perspective and also enabled me to feel a bit more in control in terms of damage limitation and what to expect. I'm glad the rain came before the wind as my area recorded 45mm rainfall and my stream was right to the top of its banks by 2am. The guinea pigs were starting to unpack their water wings. Luckily water levels were well down when the huge weeping willow next to my house was snapped off at the trunk and fell into the stream and across my fence. Local weather stations recorded particularly strong gust at 62mph at the time. Thankfully the eucalyptus remained standing otherwise it could have been a different outcomeAll credit to the Environment Agency who were round with their chainsaws at 8am this morning clearing the water course. Without the advice on here I would not have nailed down everything in the garden and damage could have been a lot worse...the continual analysis during the event was a great help in keeping the nervousness manageable. So once again my thanks to all.xxx
  21. Wych Cross weather station showing daily rainfall total of 16mm of rain so far - assume that is since midnight?Stream is swollen right up to bridge level but thankfully not enough to come out of bank just yet....waiting to see how the last lot of rainfall will impact over next 30mins.Now getting very noisy and gusty here although Crawley Down showing highest gust at only 28knots and WeirWood showing no wind at all!!!Rain has stopped for now thankfully..
  22. Thanks JP ...have to admit wind noise and flickering lights are pretty scarey here in forest row atm despite being sheltered so re-assuring to know you're still on-line and i still have power!Guineapiggies are a bit wheeky with each gust.Got a flood alert at 10pm and rain is still coming down. All food defences deployed but this is the first combi-scenario here with both rain and wind....and we still have some while to go before it moves on.xxxx
  23. Lots of piccies plus awesome video from ITV Meridian of the lightning storm in Hampshire last night http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/story/2013-10-23/storm-hits-the-south/ xxx
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