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Everything posted by Homerr

  1. Fingers crossed here in the NW corner of London hoping for some lightning... not long in our new house with a conservatory and one of my first thoughts about that was STORM WATCHING!
  2. Beautifully cold this morning in Harefield -5 when I took the dog out according to the thermometer very nice! Anything that comes is going to be fun over the next 48hrs or so but I am enjoying the cold weather and the beauty it brings regardless. Rather this, than cold, dark, cloudy and rainy!
  3. Forecast just changed for Rickmansworth - heavy snow this afternoon according to MetO. Let's see! On and off snow here in Watford today not much going on but very nice to look at regardless of anything else
  4. Just stopped in Watford not a lot going on but pretty dry snow same at home in Harefield. Fingers crossed! It's around -2 to -1 between the locations at the moment.
  5. Are we still saying more stuff through the night or is the big chunk over S England at the moment the main event?
  6. Very dark here in NW London looks ready to go off and it's all heading my way! For now..
  7. Hoping for it to all go boom round here tonight! I think we're in with a good chance. Glad I had the new UPS fitted at work now with what may come our way...
  8. Only some bits mate! We're all hopeful so it's only human to look at it and go OOOOOH
  9. So much bs being spouted. There's a hilariously crap page on Facebook as well that really aggravated me with how inaccurate/scare mongering it was.
  10. What are we thinking for London? Heathrow and Northolt going for TSRA from 0600 30/40%
  11. I remember the 2015 storm around this time very well! Very very cool hoping for a repeat soon
  12. Sun just peeked out here in Watford and lots of acs cloud above the mid level crap
  13. Things popping up in the west. Come on come this way dammmmiittt
  14. Cap still firmly in place here. But it looks lit near Liverpool!
  15. Are France forecasted any storms today - and if so, could they cross the channel up into the South or would the cap kill them?
  16. Gutted that we're likely to miss out on this one daaan Saaaaf
  17. Makes sense with that SKEWT you can see the temperature decreasing as the height goes up but on our current ones it sort of rises a bit half way up - which is our cap?
  18. Clouds cleared, suns out in Watford! Let's see where it goes...
  19. Looking a little unstable in the skies of Watford though MetO shows 0% of anything happening here today and I have to admit I feel the same way but we'll see it's already 23c with cloudy skies
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