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Everything posted by Homerr

  1. Looks about a strike a minute to my south very bright and thunder about 20 seconds after. I would say right over Heathrow way tbh
  2. Lightning to the south of me and thunder very shortly there after - alive in Harefield!
  3. Gone very quiet here not sure if it's a load of rumbling I can hear in the distance. Dog isn't happy, not settling Also according to the radar some heavy rain inbound too
  4. Looks like it's firing good and proper over Guildford now Also looks like I'm in with a chance of it hitting Harefield, where the wind has begun to pick up and it has definitely got cooler in the last 15 mins or so
  5. Stunning pub. Have something similar here, but if I head down there in a storm I'm certain to get killed by the other half lol
  6. Skies looking a little ominous here but I'm not expecting anything now, just doesn't feel right
  7. And just like that the grey mess has cleared and the suns come out... clouds seem quite still up there at the moment so nothing interesting to report for now
  8. Heathrow have gone for 30% chance of thunderstorms 1800-2400, Northolt not yet... could change. According to the MetO for us, it's not even going to rain
  9. Just a load of grey mess over head for now, not seen the sun or blue sky for a while now
  10. No forecast of thunderstorms at either Heathrow or Northolt at present...
  11. I didn't mean to inflame the situation - but the 1st of July if I remember correctly a big chunk of the SW/C had a level 2 on it and nothing materialised, but I could be wrong. It just seems a little unlikely... but this is why I am being a little bit cautiously optimistic as when we've all got ourselves worked into a proper lather previously, it's been a total bust. Warming up nicely over Watford at the moment
  12. I'm cautiously optomistic - the relative quietness of this forum compared to last week has me feeling a little confident to be honest Currently forecasted to be either right in it, or very much just outside of it. Estofex are having a laugh though aren't they
  13. Hope so... that night was pretty spectacular. However, if I could also have something while I am down on Portland from Saturday onwards that would also go down nicely... should be able to get some good photos if it does kick off down there at night ^_^
  14. Stunning photos! I'm off on holiday to Weymouth this time next week and I'm hoping I get to see something while I'm down there, we're staying on Portland with a view straight off the cliff to the South & East so if anything kicks off I should be in a good position to see it! I was expecting something to kick off around here and Watford yesterday, there was a lot of Ac in the sky, very humid and skies looked a little ominous but nothing came of it. Although... what is this I see for tomorrow!! Cheeky little thunderstorm icon hiding in there!
  15. Anybody out there? Gone a bit quiet in here Any potential coming up over the next week for anything lively?
  16. Mate is that a bit of it right in front of you on the second image?! :o
  17. Slap bang between moderate risk and slight risk... we'll see but not getting my hopes up for anything much tomorrow although a couple of rumbles would be cool!
  18. Looking forward is there anything looking interesting over the next few days? Already 22-23c here and still quite humid no sign of anything for now though
  19. Well I for one quite enjoyed last night haven't had a storm like that here since around 2006. Lots of lightning and rain, for nearly 2 hours! Job done on to the next now hopefully!!
  20. You lot are in for a serious treat even if they just maintain intensity as they move up Looks like I'm done here rain has nearly stopped and nothing behind it so I'm going to call it a night now Been emotional
  21. Spoke too soon! And it's come back to life like a zombie, pelting it down and more lightning!
  22. Starting to wind down here now. Not been much action and the temperature has dropped again so I think I'll call it a night soon.. Still a few flashes but not like before!
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