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Polar Bear

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Everything posted by Polar Bear

  1. Echo that.. I was hoping to get out yesterday as couldn't cos of my back ... Now it feels a little better today was hoping that it would be sunny.. But no dull and overcast.. Oh the joy..
  2. winter sunshine yippee! I can get my washing dry on the line! You have made my eve ...!
  3. Ello Ello. Wind has picked up in last five mins and having just looked at the radar and then the south east and London thread reports of wet snow over north London I think it was where ppn on radar showing to be heavier.... Damn that means I have to stay awake longer if I can. Apparently it is also quite snowy up norf in Yorkshire.
  4. Think there was some one on the south east thread mentioning it a littl more wintry near Hatfield? I may have imagined it or got it confused with some snow cup they are Doing or something.. I dunno I am too tired. Prob best I go to sleep because as soon as I do.. It will snow. I jinx it every time if I stay up to watch!
  5. Ok... Well I checked the radar and then popped my head outside with the security light on.. Looks like rain with a touch of sleet... Confirm anyone? It didn't feel very warm outside mind so I didn't stay long!
  6. Reports on the bbc video indicating a concern when it reaches venice, storm surge etc? anyone got an up to date synopsis of this thing? ...will it wont it? has it? I am confused.
  7. Anyone see the huffington post review of the daily express headlines of 100 days of snow.... Finally another news company tackling the ridiculous of them.. It will I suspect be just a normal cold snap for this time of year! Sorry to say all but I fear it will be just that. .... Although secretly I ll be doing a snow dance...
  8. Hey all, been watching the updates on the relief as well as looking at some images before and after posted on Internet. What I did find baffling if that is the right word is that stadium right next to the sea used as an evacuation centre which pretty much survived as well as some old churches. Yes I know it is all done to construction but it isn't just modern construction. Clearly it is the quality of construction. I am aware that most of the homes were just literally tin shacks for some. Even so isn't it incredible that done structures survived the sustained winds of 180mph... That is quite incredible isn't it?
  9. Omg.. So do you think it will destroy the daily star then too? Wow. Here's hoping.
  10. Yes I just read that Sainso good news. Very interesting reads of posts above from all of you by the way! Vorticity that was very interesting so thanks for that. Yep lets hope more aid gets through now. I am sure it is steadily and steathily as the military are flipping brilliant at this whichever nation..
  11. So sorry for going off topic slightly but whilst we hypothesise, forecast, speculate and discuss the storm ( and yes I admit to being one of them and please don't think I am having a go at anyone but who else is feeling couldn't give a flying muck at this moment in time when you hear that the situation in the phillipines is now so really very terribly desperate? Maybe it is the media sensationalising a little.. Although I suspect not. All I can think of right now is for gods sake please get food and water to these people. Please. Please. Now and plenty of it..
  12. Horrifying. The news reports keep coming in which are very distressing. I just so wish I could do something for them..
  13. Oh this one a little more recent too..http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/11/07/philippines-typhoon/3465779/
  14. Yep seems No power... I could only find this on guardian updates 3 hours ago.. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/07/philippines-worst-typhoon-haiyan
  15. Gusts moving here now Newbury .. Infact these prompted me to check this thread to see what was going down.... Aye... No rain though as yet...
  16. not the right thread..buhttp://www.astronomy.co.uk/skytonight but for the bright star here is a useful link. Venus it seems...?
  17. Satellite maybe? Shame I was in a meeting til late. Looks like it was a beautiful day today and I missed it. Was slightly surprised when I got home and it felt very cold. 2.3 I think it is now. although a feel like of much lower.... I kind of got used to the mild temps!
  18. Temps though dropped this morning and it looks brighter out there. Thernometer says 4 degrees so ill find out when I take the horse out this morn... Brrhh. have a good day all.
  19. I did hear reports that it was pretty mad in Wales yesterday.. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-24785318
  20. Windy and gusty still here in Newbury and watching poor peoples fireworks just drift away when they go up...still the Newbury firework show end looked spectacular... all seen from my house in the warm with a cuppa... To me this weather seems very seasonal and autumnal. Great. Lovely sunny and gusty day for most of it - and brilliant for drying the washing. Hurrah for these days and I am pleased there is no snow yet and temps are ok..means those thieving energy company get less of my hard earned cash.. Keep at it British weather .... Wondering how the weather tonight will fair. Hopefully not too gusty I could do with some sleep
  21. There is probably an emergency timetable as there is prob more of an issue on some lines. Don't forget it may not be just a case of lifting a tree. They have to check rails, signals points, etc etc ... No engineering problem will be the same everywhere! Do you understand engineering? There is probably an emergency timetable as there is prob more of an issue on some lines. Don't forget it may not be just a case of lifting a tree. They have to check rails, signals points, etc etc ... No engineering problem will be the same everywhere! And will be complex or have knock on effects- Do you understand engineering?
  22. There has been some trees down on lines so bloody good job they didn't run as normal and take a passenger train full of people onto a track at full speed with trees down.. As it was one has hit a tree on the line.. Thankfully no passengers on board. Think they have been really sensible. Doing what they have done has meant less delay getting everything back on time. Think people think don't judge or critise too soon. .
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