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William Grimsley

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Everything posted by William Grimsley

  1. The Met Office are right, more action is likely down here tomorrow due to the wind direction, but I have a feeling it might be even too far S.
  2. Well, what a rubbish day. Only a few heavy downpours this morning and nothing this afternoon. Showers have been close but none have been thundery. Bring on tomorrow.
  3. Yes, it's about to hit me now. A few thunderstorms recently over the Irish Sea but nothing over land or my way.
  4. That's exactly what I meant. Except in the form of showers not as a rain band.
  5. Something quite beefy heading in from the SW. I hope it doesn't weaken but convection should help to sustain it.
  6. Definitely looks unlikely this evening anyway with most of the showers heading N of me.
  7. Yeah, it's possible but currently it looks unlikely, I wish the sun would come out, just stubborn clag at the moment.
  8. Oh, my mistake. I'm just saying that some showers can come a long way without having to become present by convection over land.
  9. Of course it comes from a cloud but they don't have to convect over land. Had some heavy rain at about 12:30 and then a torrential downpour earlier.
  10. It looks like not just cloudy but quite a bit of rain falling over your area.
  11. There is. Have you ever seen a shower come from miles and reach you. It certainly happens here.
  12. I have my eyes on tomorrow evening/night, Friday and Saturday as being a possibility. Slack air flow with ok CAPE and Lifted Index means the chance is there but the possibility of seeing anything is low due to the showers being of convective nature and not associated as a trough or front. However, I think most people will see some rain over the next few days but anything thundery is not widespread but who knows.
  13. An interesting link there, Sam. It shows that the recent warm weather has really made an impact on sea temperatures.
  14. Yeah possibly the most likely, it just looked like a short band of heavy/torrential rain moving up from the SW on Thursday evening.
  15. Anybody thinking that tomorrow night will bring something to SW England?
  16. I wouldn't call it going down hill. More average weather.
  17. Yeah we got a sea breeze, it was forecast so inevitable though still feeling rather warm even with the sea breeze.
  18. Hi there,A friend of mine sent a photo of some quite interesting cloud to me from a plane. Here is the photo. It looks like stratocumulus cloud but I could be wrong. Thanks,William
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