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William Grimsley

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Everything posted by William Grimsley

  1. Not shower clouds more just cumulus fair weather clouds.
  2. A sea breeze arrived about an hour ago giving a very sharp temperature drop and an increase in humidity. I would think the increase in humidity is due to the temperature being closer to the dew point and the air is more wet as it's coming off the sea. Also, I noticed a sudden drop in wind speed shortly before the sea breeze arrived. However, there was no significant change when the sea breeze arrived. Is this normal? I do love the sea breeze phenomena.
  3. Anybody noticed the thunderstorm over E Scotland?
  4. Yes, it looks like we are at low risk. Clouds are being capped at the moment.
  5. Hmm well there is no sea breeze here so convergence will probably sit right overhead.
  6. Not what I would have called naughty but apparently have been. Anyway, back on subject, wind is still quite strong here but sea breezes on the coast now. Wind is forecast to die down in a few hours so should get one then.
  7. Yes I've seen your post. Though for some reason I am limited to 10 posts a day and don't know why. Thanks for the links guys.
  8. So how much pressure differential would I need? A good 0.5 hPa?
  9. Hmmm, not getting a sea breeze today even though the wind isn't that strong. It's very warm and there are sea breezes on the coast but not here. What's stopping them?
  10. And then reinvigorate during the day tomorrow. But, they won't affect you and none of them will be thundery anyway.
  11. Glimpses of sun coming through now and much thinner cloud to my NE heading SW towards the area. Maybe a nice late morning/afternoon in store.
  12. Pretty cloudy here, at the moment. Was expecting at least some sun. Looks like the BBC got it wrong, again!
  13. Probably more this way than Friday Night as that was more Central S England rather than W/SW England.
  14. Yeah, I think I remember something then.
  15. Yeah I understand that bit but what about the week ahead looking cloudy?
  16. Sorry, but where did you get that from? Temperatures are pretty similar to yesterday here.
  17. That's interesting and thanks for visiting Newton Poppleford! Can you recall a date? Yes, I understand that. It does seem that river valleys seem to be more affected as they are at a lower height and are flat.
  18. A very interesting post, John. All that was on your post was basically what I knew already but in greater detail. It didn't mention anything to do with the ground, though.
  19. Oh I see so basically the drier and dustier the soil is, the quicker the sea breeze will move over the land and if the ground is drier then it will come in sooner. So, if the tide comes in in the morning then the sea breeze will come in with it possibly? Also, I can't find this "Guide"?
  20. It is interesting as I have finally got a sea breeze now. The wind seems to go very calm and then slowly pick up from the SE/SSE/S/SSW/SW. Sometimes though the wind comes from the land which is the land breeze.All I was really wanting to know is that if anything instead of just temperature, wind speed and topography would limit sea breeze development. I don't really understand the bit about the type of soil?
  21. I have a lot of hills to the S of here where the coast is, though it seems like the sea breeze happens first and finishes last in the valley and not up here on the hill.
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