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Snow Queen one

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Everything posted by Snow Queen one

  1. 28 deg and rising here lovely day off out to the outdoor pool soon to catch some rays.
  2. Just heard thunder here too very dark drain covers have been popped off after the last downpour about 15 mins ago still rainning but not as hard.
  3. 2 storms here today and over 20mm of rain has fallen since yesterday. Best day for storms I have had in years.
  4. big blobs of rain here now been rumbling for an hour. Storm building out to my west near paddock wood moving this way off to do some storm chasing lol
  5. Victor this is the radar image you wanted it is as close to 1.30 as i can get hope it helps. Victor this is the radar image you wanted it is as close to 1.30 as i can get hope it helps. </p> This is yeterday
  6. At about 4pm today we had a cracking storm. Lots of hail rain thunder and stuff. Not had such a good storm in about 4 yrs here. Recorded 6mm of rain in the 1.5 hrs the storm took to go over. Perfect April day so far.
  7. Well today at around 4pm we had a lovely storm Lots of lightening thunder and the sky went black a perfect April day not had such a good storm in about 3 years here maybe 4. Gave us 6mm of rain in 1.5 hrs with hail thrown in too.
  8. I am present and correct thanks weathermaster for taking the time to do this it is very informative.
  9. I am relatily warm here lol only -4.2 with a dew point of -8
  10. In priory park on the recomedation of great plum. Had no snow where I live so went to find some it is very very pretty here and the light breeze is causing snow to fall from the trees little fluffy flakes in the sun it is wonderful
  11. I have absolutly nothing here no new snow. It is missing us just like Kaddy said it would.
  12. Yamkin works for the Croydon Council telling them where the gritters should go. The council pay for updates from the metoffice so when he gets one in he shares it with us. Most people know this and accept what he says without sarcastic comments we call him Rampkin because he only posts meto updates when there is snow on the way.
  13. Jason that chart is from the 6z model run the 12z model run is grossly different it has the low over Holland not N France so very different on the 12z it would bring in northerlies not easterlies and would not effect much of the country apart from the E/SE of it. (This is if i am reading the charts right) If not then please correct me. In short as said above it won't happen. By the way I have light snow falling at the moment not enough to cover anything unless it keeps going for more than 10 hrs lol but snow all the same.
  14. -2.7 here with a dew point of -11 yet again so cold out there. why can't my dew point drop I will not get any snow at this rate too dry to snow for me at the mo Humidity is 54%.
  15. You always get it there i am at the bottom I can see the lights going up the hill from a road near me I am in a dip so will lose out. I was hoping for 15cm's but don't think i will get that boo. Never mind at least it won't melt with a dew point of -2 temp of -0.7 lol
  16. Thank you for answering some of our post. I have about an inch in my garden but thought i would get more am i in the area that is expected to get longer in the snow than others please thanks in advance.
  17. can anybody tell me if i am going to get any heavier PPN I seem to be missing the heaviest snow so far
  18. When my daughter did her placements when she was trainning she went to her nearest school instead.
  19. Thanks for the reply Jason I hope it starts soon I like many others are doubting it will happen Maybe because i am so late in joining in the fun it means i might get more than the earlier people LOL
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