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Everything posted by Woollymummy

  1. How tantalizing - please tell us when nearer to the time what you meant , I will try and guess in the mean time.
  2. http://rtlnext.rtl.de/cms/unwetter-ueber-deutschland-hagel-in-wiesbaden-zug-entgleist-an-der-mosel-2914776.html?c=d0ba&i=11#.V0ntwHWCCxY.twitter crazy hailstorms
  3. At least three dead in that storm in Germany, one of them trapped in an underground car park. Horribly scary.
  4. Snow in Boar's Hill Oxfordshire!!!!!!! Which just now turned to rain. But it was big white fast fluffy flakes for five minutes.
  5. I left work too late to rush home and be right underneath a whopper today, Boar's Hill got hammered, I arrived home just after the thunder, lightning, hail and flash floods, the kids enjoyed it a lot. Lots of hail lying in drifts even after the rain had soaked everything.
  6. Hhhmmmm, spent most of the night listening to the wind howling round our little holiday cottage in Wales, yesterday we had thunder, lightning, hail and sun, quite a wild night of wind, very glad not to have to water anything I've planted, but hoping my old shed is still in one piece when we get home.
  7. It was mild though here, grey, but stiflingly warm sometimes, got lots done in the garden and then when the rain came I just felt grateful I didn't have to water anything. I guess the only thing the next couple of weeks might screw up is frosting my young plants if I forget to put them under cover.
  8. Nice blips on Blitzortung already, hope it comes this way, it was great watching the thunderclouds building majestically this evening.
  9. This spell of high pressure can stay for as long as it likes, I have a fondness for wild stormy weather in autumn when it's time to hunker down and get ready for hibernation but this weather, even with morning fog, suits my desperate need to start gardening again and sort things out which have been neglected over the winter. Hence this kind of chart and the fact that I could only work outside today if I took off my coat means I am very happy for this kind of spring to continue.
  10. my family think I am mad for still logging on to this site, I am hoping that what it looks like tonight holds: another week of chilliness and then a warmer week. Honestly, if it isn't snow I have ****loads of outdoor jobs to get on with and the days are long enough now to really accomplish things as long as there isn't ice actually falling into your eyes.....
  11. yee haa! sudden hail storm just started and stopped again in Oxfordshire.
  12. As much as I like wild and changeable weather, today was the perfect opposite and much needed, a long sit in the sunny garden painting a birthday card for my dear old Dad, listening to the sound of blackbirds and lawnmowers, (ours still had frost until late morning so I didn't consider mowing although it needs it), spent all day with a woolly hat on and a thick jumper but no coat, and then great excitement at seeing clear skies and the thermometer dropping like a stone again. I am very sad that a day like this is such a rarity, and am not looking forward to whatever kind of mush is round the corner, and I suppose hoping for proper winter is combining with memories of fantastic snowy winters of our youth to keep me cheerful. Here's a pic of our igloo that we made and slept in years ago, it was snug:
  13. http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2011/03/ize-or-ise/ to me, -ize looks like it sounds, with a nice zzzz sound, more so than -ise, which always sounds more hissing when I see it, as in concise, even though plenty of words have to have to have -ise, like surprise.
  14. Are we assuming that the mountain ridges would be in the same positions that we see them today? Or in new positions based on projected movement of tectonic plates in the distant future?
  15. I saw some this evening coming home from Oxford at rush hour but with no phone to stop take a pic, two little ones and a big one towards the north, just wondered if anyone else saw them or did a time lapse film facing north from Oxford area by any chance? They were not as multi-coloured as I have seen nacreous clouds before, but same quality of glowing shiny light.
  16. round here: road works = all summer holiday, most of the month before christmas shopping is urgent, and the last two weeks of financial year, when they have to blow any remaining cash on tar and aggregate to make sure they get their departmental allowance next time round and summer mainly seems to be a weekday thing, weekends are autumn; or day before essay crisis/work deadline is likely to be old-fashioned Ladybird-book style summer, first day off after 10 days: floods
  17. I just had an adventure day in the woods and fields with a load of young kids and leaders, all picnicking in hot sun at 12:30pm followed by a warm breeze with the hint of a threat of rain but no actual rain-drops. Felt more comfortable being outside than many August Bank Holidays. Not one single kid seemed cold except the moany ones who were getting shoulder-carries from their gullible dads....all running around to stay cosy, stream not too freezing to jump around in and get soaked, bonfire at the end was fun but def not essential to keep happy. So as much as I love snow, want snow, promise I will enjoy snow etc, I have actually enjoyed myself so much having a massively fun day out in the balmy January air, not having to worry too much if my children were under-dressed and enjoying seeing them playing as if it was spring already. So, roll on snow, but the main message is get out and enjoy the weather whatever it is.
  18. Jan/Feb Winter Mar/Apr Spring May/June/July Summer Aug/ Autumn Sept/ a bit more summer Oct/Nov some more Autumn oops, forgot, Dec = Christmassy Autumn/Spring
  19. Ha ha, that one is the absolute best BFTV, great film! This morning I get vicarious snow joy without having to get my feet wet and my hands cold
  20. I hope this is the right place to post this: http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/hottest-year-on-record/ mesmerizing
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