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Everything posted by Woollymummy

  1. http://earth.nullschool.net posting links seems to work ok
  2. Hi there, it all looks very clean and white and neat on my phone, haven't tried the laptop yet, thanks for all the hard work, maybe a simple button to change the background to magnolia or pale green or whatever makes it more restful on the eyes of those of us who spend too long staring at the delightful Netweather forum (ahem...) just trying out the extra buttons above to make it bold and italic and underlined, yay that works well too, cooland I will just see if I can attach stuff as usual
  3. As much as I like a nice bit of weather, I really hope people don't have a miserable wet, flooded, nasty cold winter. Haven't used the car for a couple of weeks and it is due for an MOT today, just checked and it has gone mouldy inside :-o
  4. Here's a nice cosy bedtime story once you all have your hot water bottles and blankets sorted : http://youtu.be/1MiUlTthSNA â˜â„⛄
  5. Evening or overnight, best thing apart from getting to see it fall is waking up with your bedroom too bright for the time on the clock, and the hush outside. Lovely memories :-)
  6. Lorenzo, is anyone still trying to make use of the OPI, and if not, did anyone work out what was being used to calculate it, and if so, is it possible last year was a blip for UK/Europe and maybe this year it would have more usefulness? I couldn't find anything recent by searching online myself, but maybe someone knows?
  7. Couldn't find the bubble wrap to insulate the greenhouse so I left 5 big candles in there burning all night and it did keep the physalis alive, yay! Crunchy white frost all over the place this morning, water buts frozen solid and long-tailed tits appeared from no-where. Truly feels like winter.
  8. I love the idea of a water scoop lift! As long as it is not going to electrocute anyone! I am totally envious of the Danes having all that snow to themselves 😮
  9. My friend was working some floors up in the Baby Shard in London last week and reported seeing flurries of snow all around her meeting room and naturally everyone dropped what they were doing and all rushed over to the window to stare at the flakes, just like we all used to do at school :-)
  10. My dad just rang to ask if my geraniums would be ok outside, he knows I would forget to bring them inside. I have put woolly jumpers on them outside just in case it actually ever freezes or snows here, I Really Hope I Have Not Jinxed Oxfordshire's Snow Forecast....
  11. I saw two tiny little dust devils on our road tonight in some car headlights, whilst waiting for a bus. They were called Perdita and Philomena and they were really beautiful, I am sure there will be more this season, I might keep you all updated. No damage was caused, but some leaves moved around a bit.
  12. Fantastic pictures of the eel and cormorant Knocker! I just got back from a walk with gorgeous big blewits, now awaiting a spore print and plucking up the courage to cook them ,as last time I was ill (not cooked properly). I love autumn walks, so many smells.
  13. The sunbathing season perhaps! Looks gorgeous, what lovely hiking weather
  14. Last time it was this quiet was the ash cloud from Iceland, I think.
  15. I thought so too! I saw the news reports say it has quietened down a lot, lots of lights are on, that must be a good sign.
  16. Hope everyone is ok, on the radio sounds like evacuation plans are well under way.
  17. My local farmer/firewood supplier is overjoyed, people ordering four or five times more logs than usual and it isn't even winter yet....
  18. Here's some fun Saturday night reading, now we have all recovered from watching Strictly....👯💃👠https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekman_transport https://www.whoi.edu/fileserver.do?id=92424&pt=2&p=44107
  19. If ever there was a project worthy of crowd-sourcing some cash, it would be to buy you a super duper computer to make those 3D animations.....let us know when you need to start collecting :-) By the way, the graphics you made did make the Atlantic look really "cool!" in the other sense.
  20. I absolutely love your 3D renditions of our planet and atmosphere Recretos, it must be such fun to sculpt all the data into meaningful images, we all really appreciate them! You should get yourself on TV :-)
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