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Everything posted by Danielvn

  1. Sadly people seem to have very short memories. Calling this winter names is quite funny, IT'S WEATHER! CALLING IT NAMES ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING....
  2. Because widespread snow as seen in the winters of 2009/10 and 2010/11 is not the norm.
  3. Yeah, my weather station is too close to the house and vegetation so tends to read a degree or two high even in the depths of winter and it's dark.
  4. But I DESERVE some cold weather! The climate OWES me some snow! Stop being BIASED towards the north and the hills and anywhere where I am not!
  5. And your complaining about that on a forum will achieve what exactly?
  6. Probably because we're so used to storms. If we'd had lying snow for weeks then there wouldn't be a hunt for more snow. Same thing....
  7. The great thing is that because all the OTT posters seem to have already written off the winter and are gone and not posting on here
  8. Done, sort of!. Our garden also thinks it's spring too, tulips are starting to shoot up although the daffodils are not quite there yet. PERHAPS THE DAFFODILS KNOW SOMETHING THE TULIPS DIDN'T?!?!?!?!?
  9. and how would this be policed? Should we get more than Romania? Should Germany get more or less than Italy?
  10. Not sure whether to accuse you of North, South, East or West bias with that comment! If I'm honest I think that some people need to grow up. Whining about the weather or acting like you've got some sort of entitlement to cold weather and that the winter "owes you" some cold weather or something just makes you look a plonker. I've only lived in the UK for 8 and a half years and I would day only 2 and a bit winters have been as I like them (cold and snowy), but I learnt soon enough that the weather will do what the weather will do and complaining isn't going to change anything.......
  11. No offence intended, but I've never heard something so silly in my life. There has ALWAYS been the possibility of colder or warmer weather outside of the seasons we normally see them in. Just a couple of years ago we had snow in Snowdonia at the height of summer, this is not some sort of indication though that the seasons are running x amount of months early/late. It's just unseasonal weather.
  12. If you want more interesting weather then move to the coast, preferably a west or north facing one. I'm not quite sure what your moan is about, it's not like we can do anything directly to promote more thunderstorms or tornadoes or blizzards.... Most of the weather is always going to be boring, if we had snow every day then you'd quickly get used to it and it would become normal. People in India don't find the monsoon all that amazing as it happens every year and it's just normal, but if you or I were to go there we'd find it amazing.
  13. I think you're missing the point, a warning is a warning of potential weather, not a promise.....
  14. Bias? If you want to talk about the weather where you live then do so. People will naturally talk about the weather where they live or have lived before as that's what they're used to. There's no "bias" going on. Now can everybody get back to talking about the weather in coastal North Wales because that's where I live now. Cheers
  15. I love the cold, the coldest minimum on record actually happened the day after I moved to the UK. A balmy -0.7 degrees. The cold doesn't bother me at all here in the UK.
  16. Definitely. In Australia almost no one has double glazing and we have less insulation, on a stormy night in Perth you can hear the wind a lot more than in a British house which is (for good reason) better insulated in all ways from the outside world.
  17. Of course science should move forward, but there really should be an acknowledgement that currently we genuinely don't understand how the weather on this planet works beyond a couple of weeks with any sort of reliability and that this is even more of an issue in places like the UK where the weather is inherently unstable and subject to change. This unwillingness by some is to acknowledge that we don't know what's going on 110% is why I'm not 100% sold on climate change being caused by CO2. If you make a prediction and it's wrong, you can't simply fudge your data to fit or say "oops we forgot about a factor, but we know about it now and have changed our models", proper science is based on making predictions, seeing what happens, if it doesn't happen you say you're wrong, make more predictions based on revised theories till you come to a point where your predictions closely match what actually happens. The other problem with predictions is that you can be right for the wrong reasons. Even Madden gets things right sometimes...... I'm waffling, but I think it's for these reasons that the Met Office was absolutely right to stop doing LRF's for the public.
  18. Don't forget the Express and Madden! I think the problem is that we've had a couple of recent "good" winters 2009/10 and 2010/11 right after each other which massively raised peoples hopes and made unusually cold/snowy winters seem almost normal. I love snow and get excited by the possibility of snow, but I do a bit of a facepalm everytime I see someone post an eye candy chart that's way off in FI and will be gone in a run or two. Why raise your hopes based on a chart that's way off in the future?
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