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Everything posted by Snipper

  1. Most Tom Hanks films are good. My son says he one of the nicest personalities he has had dealings with
  2. And who have you been in contact with? Warning them?
  3. Yes early start for me as well. so please can everyone stop posting until tomorrow as I don’t want to wade through pages to catch up.
  4. Or if you are a business owner with staff and borrowings and your business goes under.
  5. Not sure everyone could be so disciplined.
  6. Seattle lab only uncovered extent of Washington coronavirus outbreak after breaking government rules APPLE.NEWS With the comparatively small number of coronavirus tests being conducted in the US hampering efforts to track the spread of the virus, The New York Times reports that “local officials across the country were...
  7. And if you were living in a flat in the middle of an urban area?
  8. So you are in a lock down area or quarantined what are you going to do with your time?
  9. Is the reason France has more cases than UK because you an hour ahead of us?
  10. EU considering altering their airline slot rules. Good for environment? EU suspends aviation slots rule as coronavirus hammers airlines - Reuters UK.REUTERS.COM The European Union will suspend a rule requiring airlines to run most of their scheduled services or else forfeit landing slots, to give carriers some breathing space as the coronavirus crisis deepens...
  11. What this pandemic is open? So those who who don’t give up, however difficult things are, are the same as those who shut the supermarket because it has become a bit of an aggravation? I know who I would want with me In a crisis. I find it difficult to get my head round that everyone should be equal in these circumstances.
  12. But some surely hang on and do their best whatever the circumstances.?
  13. Let’s hope we don’t get too fractious. I am sure we are all only concerned that everything is done for the best. Just we all come from a different place. Onward and forward together?
  14. Don’t think everybody thinks that. But everyone entitled to an opinion thank goodness.
  15. The mask was to hide what you were mouthing?
  16. Very difficult judgement decision. So many interacting consequences concerning any decision made. How many would want their neck on the line? Some find it difficult to do any job it seems.
  17. Obviously the retards on Facebook have decided to get a bit of fresh air.
  18. Do you really think they are just putting in an hour or two a day? Well for starters they aren’t continually on here making their point.
  19. At least the government seems to be trying to do their best in very difficult circumstances. They seem to be calmly, getting on, with apparently the opposition, dealing with things that are un precedented in current times. God knows what the situation would be with this forum trying to deal with anything.
  20. I’d probably be more of a disappointment than I am on here.
  21. So the government isn’t trying to do anything? What is your budget given the chance?
  22. Just looked where you live. Next time I pass through I will wave hi! vaguely in your direction as I pass through..
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