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Everything posted by March

  1. Steve is a decent guy but is a classic cold ramper. The non-coldies are the only one's who usually call a spade a spade.
  2. No because I actually reach 30C more than I get days of snow on the ground!
  3. It was only 5.7C here. I live in a bit of a valley near the Great Ouse and those last few cold days with fog that never really lifted battered the average. Only 0.9C on the 27th, -1.9C on the 28th, -2.2C on the 29th and 1.1C on the 30th.
  4. Jan - Was a bit like December '15 but with cold snaps, saw a pitiful 2cm of snow that lasted about half a day. Feb - Coldest month, quite settled and very dry. March - Story of HP being around at the wrong time. A lot of chilly dry dull weather. Disappointing. April - Disappointingly chilly. May - Fantastic month, was hoping for a warm May for ages. June - Warm but stormy which resulted in in being quite wet. Wettest month in fact. July - Nice and warm. August - Nice and warm. September - Nice and warm. October - Rather boring, lack of notable mildness of previous years. November - Would have preferred it a bit milder. A bit dull. December - Quite good, calm weather.
  5. If you hate wet under foot why would you like snow? When it melts everything gets grotty and muddy to an extent that a bit of rain can never achieve.
  6. How lightly do you sleep?! Get some exercise amigo!
  7. Logically it should be the middle of winter now given that it's the peak of the astronomical conditions that cause winter to be winter. Using astronomical to start the season makes no sense, even with seasonal lag it doesn't match up. In 5 weeks spring flowers will begin, and in a couple of weeks some birds start nesting!
  8. Hey guys, did you know that the Sahara desert is hotter than New York? It's crazy man.
  9. He said very mild but not extreme, given that it could likely be 9-11C in places, how on earth can you be so hung up on that?
  10. Can't believe there's no fog warning for Bedford. Just drove home from there to a village and can barely see more than 5-10 meters.
  11. Is this what we've come to? People now need an internet safe space from people who don't cold ramp? Gotta love 2016!
  12. I live not far north of him and yes, we did have annoyingly suppressed temps for about 4 days from May 31st to June 3rd but it was a blip really. May was a mild month and June ended up with 20C average highs here.
  13. It's not luck, North America is almost entirely within a different climate zone from us. That's like saying we're unlucky to not get +30C average highs in summer.
  14. Although still 11 days until the solstice, we're only a week away from the slow march to lighter evenings when civil twilight starts to end later. A day later sunset proper moves from 15:51 to 15:52! (here) It's a start!
  15. The perpetual autumn posters are embarrassing. If you really believe this you're either a child or dumb.
  16. What a surprise, November was colder here than a below average March this year. And they tell me March is winter.
  17. Coldest temp of the year here, -4.8C so far.
  18. Given that it's been a colder than normal November, I'm still looking at reaching only the average amount of air frosts for the area.
  19. Not here. December 2015 was epic. I wore T-shirt in the garden in comfort multiple times and only had a few % above average precipitation!
  20. But our average winter temps are relatively mild. You need an anomaly of around -5C to even start to get near what coldies want.
  21. That soon becomes "it's the 25th February". Eventually the rampers give up at about 15th April.
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