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Everything posted by Snowkissed

  1. Hi John are the Kamchatskiy earthquakes volcano related at all?
  2. Had a couple of heavy hail showers just now. I must admit I thought it was snow to begin with Beautiful sky today - can't take my eyes off of the clouds.
  3. Had a short flurry of real snow just a few mins ago. It is the Beastly East Wind I have issues with today - it is like a razor edge!!
  4. Hi Kent, your description of your late father in law matches my feelings exactly! In fact we feel so at home in Cornwall we are going to live there next year I have spent 44 years in beautiful Dorset and I can't complain too much about the weather here it does do us proud, eventually! However I long to be near the rugged coast of North Cornwall, come rain, snow (or no snow) floods and sunshine!
  5. Just like to say that because I am called 'Snowkissed' I can stay 'cool' in the spring and summer too - so you can't get rid of me that easily
  6. A beautiful day! A ground frost to be sure and ice on the pond. It is so glorious I am determined to stand out side like a tree and soak up the fire energy If I don't post on here again its because they have come to take me away hey hey
  7. It has been a gorgeous day here except the wind chill of course! Have done loads in the garden other than seeding So good to feel the old fire energy aka the sun!
  8. Yep! Snow is falling very, very lightly here - its doing its best, bless it
  9. Oooer Mrs! Thunder and lightning here - storm cell over Poole me thinks! How exciting
  10. I am utterly amazed - I didn't realise how much higher your position is compared with us - Im going to jump in the car and follow the snow - unbelievable So pleased for you! I know Delabole well and for you to see the white stuff is fantastic!
  11. I have just woken up and coming on this thread I feel I am in the Twilight Zone! Can't believe all this talk of snow! Here in Wimborne it is pouring with rain - in fact the pond is flooding and I didn't even know there was a risk of snow. Gordon Bennett !!!
  12. Double rainbow to the East of me - a real big thick bow of colour - bringing hope !
  13. Heavy hail showers here now. The sky is dark and heavy but sunshine to the west. It has been great to see the fast moving billowing clouds today against a blue sky.
  14. Thanks John for the posting the above information. Is this an unusual area to experience an earthquake?
  15. Beautiful blue sky and hard frost. Just gorgeous Thats is the weather and me
  16. Thanks for posting this Mapantz. We know the area very well and like you are surprised at the report that the heath is very dry. Any idea how the fire started?
  17. Morning! Clear sky here - lovely to see the blue No snow show here at all. I was wondering if someone could tell me if the route from Ringwood to London would be open and trouble free (from snow) please? As my daughter is due to travel to London with the school this morning.
  18. http://www.jerseymet...Radar/Radar.htm Looking at this radar I wonder if the low is moving ever so slightly more North East than it was last projected too? Or am I doing a spot of wishful thinking?
  19. Snowing lightly here but it is consistent. A light covering at the moment, very pretty to see. The sky looks laden with the white stuff,
  20. Yeah, same here! Just drizzle - good luck with the lamp light watching Divadee!
  21. Hello Dr Jim and welcome! Well, the BBC weather has just ruined my day. Looks like they believe we will see only light snow showers here tonight and tomorrow Mind you, 'they' have been wrong before. Great to see Cornwall with good risk of significant snow though.
  22. Nowt here in Wimborne at the moment! Hopeful about seeing some white stuff tomorrow, but those channel lows can never be trusted to go the way they are expected to go. Fingers Crossed.
  23. So happy 'cause its s...........sunny :) with LOTS of blue sky - Thank god for that !!
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