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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Ah, isn't that the crux of it, Beka? What one person perceives as cold another feels as warm; so, it's all about feelings and nothing to do with El Nino, QBO or the MJO?
  2. But the record-breaking heatwave/spike of July 2019 occurred before Hunga Tonga erupted.
  3. Here's this week's Met. Office Week Ahead forecast. 26C on Saturday?
  4. We either have fairly frequent thunder or a lot of folks wheeling in their bins. It's definitely thunder, and it's as dark as mid-evening!
  5. Now tell me something I don't already know. And, anyway, when the current acceleration began, Mt. Whatever hadn't erupted. . .
  6. You got me wrong, alexis. I mean situation normal, as in some folks not getting it!
  7. And thermometers weren't quite so accurate back then, either!
  8. That's true enough. But, as there are so few 'very' warm Septembers for an equally unlikely cold winter to follow, it's hardly surprising that the two seldom coincide. Reaches for lucky pants!
  9. I couldn't help laughing last night when I heard a Tory MP blithely claim that the UK has already reduced its GHG emissions by 300%... It's a miracle!
  10. Well, given the number holes HMG is currently digging for itself (and its not wanting to lose what's left of the party faithful, during the run-up to the GE), neither am I surprised!
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