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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Yay! Same here: steady moderate rain, and widows wide open so as to enjoy the smell!
  2. I left my windows wide-open last night, and now I'm paying the price: both my hands are covered in mosquito and horsefly bites...it's even worse than falling into a bed of stinging nettles!
  3. You're right enough, Mr D...But London did record a max of 24.4C. on the 9th. So that must be what I can remember...It was a long time ago!
  4. It seems that I lied...on closing my windows, which had been open all night, I notice they are covered in rain-shaped splodges of sand.
  5. I think it was 80F, somewhere in the SE, on October 1st 1969?
  6. Indeed SC...And, with the warm-cold boundary likely to traverse the country several times, the chances of storms must be better than even...?
  7. Night all! I'll go and listen to LBC's Medical Hour and find out what's going to kill me, this week...It'll no' be being struck by lightning - that's for sure!
  8. I don't know SB... Last year, I had so many thunderstorms that I'd lost count by the end of July; this year, though, most of the action has either been to the west or to the east of me. Maybe, the total number of lightning strikes over the whole UK would be a better indication of long-term thundery activity?
  9. Well, whether or not tonight is a 'bust', I'm going to leave ma windies wide open...Anything to get this hot, humid crap out of my flat!
  10. Precisely...thunderstorms are not just a 'moving bunch' of heavy showers: they'll decay, they'll reform, they'll decay and then form again...Who knows where they're going to hit?
  11. The combined scents of petrichor and Jeye's Fluid will always remind me of when, as a five-year-old, I made the excuse of 'going to the toilet' as a way of seeing a storm!
  12. Funny you should mention 'brontophobia', Tom...I am on the autism spectrum so have always found sudden sharp/loud noises troublesome. And, when I was wee, I'd get all excited at the prospect of overnight thunderstorms only to 'witness' them from underneath my eiderdown! Even these days (I'm 61!) the first flash of lightning sets my heart beating at 120 beats per minute. Mind you, the cat jumps around like a loon!
  13. 27.5 here, at 11 a.m. So a slim chance of our beating 33.9. The SSW wind ought to help, too...?
  14. Indeed Luke...despite the popular misconception, there is a third type of UK weather: not wall-to-wall sunshine and 30+ temps, and not endless days' grey with drizzle...? What's wrong with the good old British three-fine-days-and-a-thunderstorm scenario: some rain, some sun and temps maxing out between, say, 19 and 25C?
  15. I'm nae sure, c00ps. But it's certainly up there with the best. And, given that May was so good, should September turn out be an extension of Summer, then, yes, I think 2018 has every chance of surpassing 1976...?
  16. Aye. I can still remember September/October 1976 - things were so green (or at least it seemed that way, after so many months' persistent drought?) that it was as if we were having a second Spring...
  17. Thinking about Septembers post warm summers (more specifically warm Augusts?) both 1969 and 1973 had some some lovely, warm and sunny weather during September...
  18. I went to a lecture at the open University, way back in December 1973, all about the Greenhouse Effect and various ways of obtaining 'Green' energy, as we inevitably run out of non-renewables... And still the powers-that-be drag their heels! PS: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=greenhouse+effect+first+usage&rlz=1C1AVNE_enGB682GB682&oq=greenhouse+effect+first+usage&aqs=chrome..69i57.15711j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  19. Can only say that I am really looking forward to the upcoming cool-down. Then again, with vast swathes of the Northern Hemisphere still 'enjoying' anomalous heat, who's to say that we'll not see more hot weather/plumes between now and the end of October? There's plenty of time yet! One trough, over the UK, does not a disaster make?
  20. I find that a combination of the Met's monthlies, Tamara's teleconnections, and the Beeb's and NW's official forecasts gives me enough information to give family members a reasonably accurate 7-Day forecast...If I were to 'issue' an entirely new prediction, based on each and every GFS, APERGE, GEM or UKMO run, they'd all think I am a nutter!
  21. They're a million times more reliable than most (not all!) of the see-sawing knee-jerk reactions we get from the MAD thread, though...
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