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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Been sunny since the early-morning low cloud burned off, though clouds are gathering out to sea again. 17C, so not exactly hot.
  2. After a few hours' sunshine yesterday afternoon, this morning's back to the pesky cloud cover. Though, at 14C, today is a few degrees warmer.
  3. Apart from the old Straw Man hypothesis - that, for AGW theory to be correct, each and every square centimetre of the Earth's surface ought to be warming at the same rate (and that every square centimetre of land-ice ought to be thinning at the same rate) - I admit to having little or no idea as to what tablet is going-on about...
  4. Showing me what? All the things that my BSc failed to show me?
  5. What exactly are you attempting to insinuate, tablet - that the globe is not currently warming? That it is really falling? Or are you merely letting us all know that global warming (just like global anything-else) doesn't occur at an even rate in either all corners of the globe or at all times? Or are you, as is so often the case with CCDs - merely obfuscating?
  6. Still grey, vile and dire. Temp up to a stonking 11C, however!
  7. Only 14 here at the moment, and it's going to get even cooler tomorrow. Just take each goat has it comes, I suppose?
  8. Crikey! That's a heck of a lot of weather to cram into the last two days of May!
  9. X tonnes of snow may fall...some will sublimate, some will get blown into the sea by katabatic gales, and some will melt and then run off as water?
  10. Welcome to netweather, Anja...it looks like cumulus congestus to me, a shower cloud in the making.
  11. Now up to 25C; if the sea breeze kicks in things'll be touch-and-go.
  12. Sorry Luke; I was only referring to Beccles's highest temp.
  13. Already up to 22C here, so the year's top temp of 27C might be under threat?
  14. The thing that's worrying me, is the apparent similarity to early May 1980...the rest of that summer was indescribably awful. Thank goodness I don't trust pattern-matching!?
  15. We should all question things, Tablet...But, ever since 2LOT was discovered/formulated it has never been successfully challenged (notwithstanding a few peculiar quantum effects); heat will always travel from a warmer thing to a colder thing, and the size of the cog can only really affect the time-line, not the eventuality: the eventual warming of the Antarctic is inevitable. All other things remaining equal, of course?
  16. I heard about the eruption on Global news, this morning; they said that red lava was coming out of a fissure...That would have been news had the lava been blue!
  17. I agree Tablet, we do need to look at Antarctica as whole, but we also need to look at the Earth as a whole; when we do that, we realise that Antarctica is merely a 'small cog in a very big wheel' - rather like putting a single ice-cube on one's kitchen floor and expecting it to keep the entire house cool in perpetuity? For how much longer can CCDs keep their heads in the sand, and deny the inevitable?
  18. Same here, but it has clouded over a wee bit now, though...According to BBC Look East, it'll be at or above (by day) 18C for the whole of next week. With mostly unbroken sunshine, too!
  19. Looks good to me, Karl. Wouldn't want to be in NW Scotland, though!
  20. I wouldn't worry too much SF - most, if not all, of the predictions will be wrong, anyway!
  21. Aye; is could be heat from geothermal activity, heat from warming ocean currents or heat from a warming world...Or it could be a combination of all three. Not that that makes a great deal of difference; if millions of tonnes of land-ice melts into the ocean, global see-level will rise...? Looking for solutions might be a tad more important than bisecting rabbits over the exact cause?
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