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Everything posted by MattStoke

  1. He posted a photo of the rough sea on his Facebook page a couple of hours ago.
  2. The wonderful irony. The weather could not have timed in better!
  3. The UK media: Hype up an isolated light rain shower in London. Ignore a hurricane (soon to be ex-hurricane) approaching elsewhere. Their reporting and the way they influence and mislead the public view on weather is infuriating.
  4. Surely the closest a fully tropical hurricane has got our shores since records began?
  5. Quite scary but good to see Ireland are taking this seriously.
  6. Hurricane force post-tropical cyclone (white circle).
  7. Any idea on the accuracy of this model? 100 mph+ gusts quite widely for south east Ireland!
  8. Posted edited. Not sure what happened there. Tropical storm force sustained winds almost certain for much of Ireland and Northern Ireland and parts of western Scotland.
  9. Maximum wind gusts from Ophelia, according to the Aperge model.
  10. Tropical storm force sustained winds across most of the UK. Didn't think it would be quite that widespread.
  11. Probability of tropical storm force sustained winds increasing. As it often does nearer impact.
  12. I probably won't win the lottery. Interesting times.
  13. No point re-naming a storm. Would only create confusion. May get Brian next weekend, if the GFS is onto something. He just won't be the Messiah ;-) Met Éireann appear to have different thresholds for their warning levels and usually go one level higher than the UK Met Office. Sometimes their warnings seem a little OTT although, in this case I think a red warning for parts of Ireland is warranted.
  14. Why do we see more fully tropical systems on the other side of the Atlantic at the same latitude?
  15. I read the map wrong and got excited for a second, while wondering how the science of meteorology was somehow going to be broken
  16. Still a hurricane as it makes landfall over Ireland? What the....
  17. Cannot see how it will weaken on the approach to Florida. Computer models show it deepening and conditions favour intensification.
  18. He looks battered. They sure like to make reporters get out and connect with the elements
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