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Sno' problem

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Everything posted by Sno' problem

  1. Exactly what I was hoping for. Nice! It can change in an instant with the right conditions and they seem to be almost there. Worth keeping an eye on the radar, things can change very quickly.
  2. I haven't had a chance to look at the models or forecasts, but having just got home, the wind seems to have switched to more of an ENE'ly, perfect conditions for a Thames streamer to form. Radar looking good in the Thames Estuary too. Is it just me?
  3. Well finally there is a decent burst of ppn that has made it to North and (hopefully) West London. We have been overlooked so far, so will be a nice surprise for many who have felt hard done by. EDIT: I might have been a bit optimistic regarding that 'clump' of green reaching West and NW London. It's doing a fizzle again.
  4. I was just looking at the jamcam in Enfield... It's hammering it down there!
  5. It's so frustrating that it's just fizzling away as it tries to make inroads inland. At least I can finally confirm that I have what could be termed a covering of snow here. Can't complain I suppose.
  6. To be fair, the BBC forecast earlier did forecast something to come in around 2am, so good on them.
  7. And it's just started snowing. Hopefully it will mean it this time!
  8. The latest TFL jamcams have it now reaching Piccadilly Circus. Hopefully should be with me any minute. London Traffic Cameras - Live TfL JamCam Feeds WWW.TFLJAMCAMS.NET London Traffic JamCam Map - 900+ Real-Time TfL image/video feeds with Traffic Layer and Bus Stops. Ad-free and fast!
  9. I am really liking the look of the last few radar runs. Expanding Westwards at a pace. Hoobloomingrah!!
  10. You are in one of the prime areas for this set-up, I'm intrigued to see how well you do in the coming days.
  11. It won't be long before we start seeing the first reports of settling snow in our region. Eastern facing coasts in Kent and Essex should start getting the wintrier ppn from the Netherlands in the next half hour.
  12. I know what you mean, but there is a currently a big clump of precipitation over the Netherlands which has some heft to it. I still reckon that we won't be let down, it's just a matter of keeping an eye on the low's movement, but the radar is the one to watch. WOW-NL: Jouw weer op de kaart! WOW.KNMI.NL
  13. That is mesmerising! Seeing that dynamism on a global scale is stunning.
  14. Temperatures are now at, or below freezing over most of the Netherlands, so I reckon it'll be 2am before the temps manage to drop enough this side of the North Sea. All running according to schedule it seems.
  15. Well, my local forecast for tomorrow is baffling to say the least...!?!? Ahh, so it's not just me then!
  16. The temperatures are beginning to plummet in the Netherlands: WOW-NL: Jouw weer op de kaart! WOW.KNMI.NL
  17. Yup! I'm off to bed, it's undoubtedly going to be a long night tomorrow. Sweet dreams folks and good luck for everyone in the coming days!
  18. You're right! That was astonishing,,, I have only ever seen snow like that in the Rockies.
  19. Yeah, had a thundersnow event here in 2005 with lightning hitting the roof opposite and over 4cm in half an hour of really heavy snowfall. I joined this forum that night I think?
  20. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out. It looks like a few late nights of both radar and lamp post watching, but this is the best set-up we have had for quite a while. It could be memorable!
  21. It's a rare event to have snow laying for more than a day in central London, but there is nothing more beautiful than the hush in the streets when there is heavy snow falling, especially in the middle of the night when it's you and the foxes on the streets. Can't wait to go for a late night totter if/when the snow hits properly!
  22. My location is generally the worst place in our region (if not the whole country bar the Scilly Isles) so a lowest depth championship for the wooden spoon is probably my best chance! Good luck to all out there and stay safe
  23. And the dewpoints in that area are the same, or a degree higher than for most inland places in the SE, so it bodes well for us.
  24. Far more precipitation around than many models suggested, with dewpoints just over 0ºc in our region, there could well be a covering for some people this afternoon. /Assets/Images/logo-global.png Met Office WOW - Home Page WOW.METOFFICE.GOV.UK The UK Met Office Weather Observation Website (WOW). WOW allows anyone to submit their own weather data, anywhere in the world.
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