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Robert Lewis

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Everything posted by Robert Lewis

  1. Warrior cam is very frequent lightning from all sides, some in shot too.
  2. safe to say its moving over the isle of wight now from the looks of it.
  3. Getting July 3rd 2015 vibes, that we might get some real activity once it properly reaches land.
  4. Kicking off in Dorchester now and a shift in the IOW storm towards the west and Lymington/Christchurch direction?
  5. accuweather seems to think Reading will get rain in around 2 hours so i guess thats when we might get some action.
  6. Are these all false flashes in Winchester etc? loads quite widespread just now.
  7. Looks to me like the channel is stalling or slowing down just off the IOW?
  8. Looks like that area that passed over Exeter has another lively area further back moving towards Plymouth.
  9. I remember watching Bjork in Central London around that time and could see the cloud and the lightning regularly coming from it in a similar manner despite it being clear overhead.
  10. Taunton looks like a good spot right now or at least just to the west of it.
  11. Sense it might stall over the channel then make a break for it inland? defo moving closer and closer though currently.
  12. About to make landfall over the isle of wight and west towards the Dorset Coast as well from the looks of the main band in the channel.
  13. Exeter just got caught right in the path of it without much notice, its kicking off now
  14. It's very much trying to get across right away, thought you usually get a bit more stalling and backbuilding so to speak, this one is just going for it.
  15. That's something i miss about that area, the random mist and fog you might get, used to leave work in clarity, drive through thick mist and fog on occasion and be all clear by the time i returned home, was pretty cool.
  16. Annoyingly seems to avoid Berkshire completely. I don't think we have had any Thunder this year at all from memory. I wouldn't mind something this week. Would be happy to see another July 3rd 2015. Gosh what a night that was in Bournemouth.
  17. Seems unusual in the UK to have a Thunderstorm and then the next day be just as hot as the day before let alone how hot Thursday is predicted to be. Hoping for some good Thunderstorms to break up the humidity at least.
  18. I remember that 36-degree heat in 2017 because I was heading to Glastonbury that Wednesday and it was crazy hot. That heatwave seemed to expire and drop by 10 plus degrees without any kind of storm to break it up at all.
  19. I was living in Bournemouth in 2015 right when that storm hit I think it was in early July. The channel was already popping off and gradually moving towards the coast but luckily for us, it was a direct hit on Bournemouth with something people at the time called a Supercell. The sky was yellow and incredibly heavy right before it, knew we were in for something big. Usually only seen anything like that in Europe or North America. The number of lightning strikes recorded over that initial 30 minutes after it made landfall was incredible. Constant lightning, shotgun thunder, didn't let up for a moment. I was consoling my pets and girlfriend at the time so didn't get to enjoy the best of views but it was crazy to have that go straight over the top of you.
  20. It's been a very wet day in Reading, quite something how constant it's been.
  21. It was so ominous earlier and it came to nothing but a brief shower, the skies look like they have potential but it's not coming to anything here in Reading at least.
  22. The clouds building up look really ominous but not a drop of rain at all let alone anything more thundery.
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