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Everything posted by Sunny76

  1. Still wearing the winter jacket today. Didn’t want to take the risk of feeling cold.
  2. The weather has been dismal, when you don’t make comparisons to 2012-13. 2017/18 has been cold and dull for the most part. The sunny February seems a distant memory after all the snow and cloudy weather that followed.
  3. Last year we had a few storms during the night of July 18th. Lightning and distant thunder around 10-11pm, and then another storm moved in during the night. It lasted for more than an hour.
  4. 1992 was one that stands out for a number of storms in 24 hours. Late May had a night time one that year, during a hot spell, and we had a cluster around mid July. On a Monday evening, and into the night, then another storm moved in during the Tuesday afternoon. This was in the London area. It was at this point that summer 1992 went downhill, after starting off on a hot note.
  5. A warmer and sunnier summer is too much to ask for?
  6. It’s one of the worst. Let’s not get so pedantic about it.
  7. For people like us who enjoy warmer weather, but not for those who wear t- shirts and shorts at 14c. This is probably one of the worst springs for dull and cold weather.
  8. Sorry about that lol. I’m in West London.
  9. London has been lacking in storms, but I do remember July 18th last summer and the thunderstorm during the June referendum 2016. To the poster above mentioning 2014 and 13. I forgot about those, but both summers had quite a few thundery downpours, especially 2014.
  10. Horrible day and feels bloody cold again. Was trying to get some painting in the garden done and only managed to get the exterior filler on. Took ages to dry. This weekend has put my job back by another week. I hope next weekend is warm and sunny so I can get two full days of exterior decorating completed. This is why I’m so fed up of 2018 weather, as the cold and damp weather has been so dominant. I’m dying for a warm sunny period to start in May and last until at least mid August.
  11. When I say summer storms, I mean the ones that last for an hour, and not just the odd rumble. My guess is, we will see the first storms arriving towards the end of May or early June, when the first hot and humid spell sets in. Another thing I’ve noticed is, summer storms have started to increase a little since 2016, and last year had a few, the main one in July. Are we returning to the period when thunderstorms used to be more frequent in the summers of the 1980s and early 90s? And why have we been through a number of summers with a low amount of storms during the past decade? Looking back at the weather records, 1980-84 seems to stand out as a period for high frequency of summer thunderstorms. If we are in a similar weather pattern now(entering colder winters), are we to expect a return to more summer storms. They seem more common during years where cold winters are followed by unsettled summers mixed with hot and cold periods.
  12. I’m now going to force the hands of fate and wish for a warm, sunny spell to start around May 10th, with some hot days on and off, but temps staying between 24c to 27c. This spell of dry and sunny weather will last until mid August, with a few severe thunderstorms thrown in, and one or two days of rain and cloud(once every few weeks). From mid August, the warm or hot weather will fade, and it will become cooler, with temps dropping back to 20c to 22c with sun and a cooler north east wind. Summer 2018 will still continue until mid September, but days and nights will gradually become cooler and fresher, while remaining exceptionally sunny.
  13. I think it’s the opposite. Getting heat is a lot harder and less consistent. Colder weather is more dominant in the uk, even if it’s not below 5 degrees type cold. Damp and cool weather is unfortunately a regular feature of the weather(even in London) for most of the year. Even when we record milder than average months, or years like 2002, or 2007, I always remember long periods in those two year where I encountered dull cool weather. So despite the fact we don’t get a very cold winter every year, like the one just gone. The UK still has to endure endless days of cool and cold weather, even when it’s not snowing. Damp windy weather even at 8-10 degrees still feels cold. And look at how many summer months end up above average, but in recent year tend to be on the damp and cold side.
  14. I like my winters cold and summers hot, but I’ll welcome a mild winter of 10-15c to spite the coldies for winter 2018/2019 ?
  15. A warmer world doesn’t necessarily mean warmer weather. In some regions it means more unsettled conditions and sometimes cooler.
  16. I’m the opposite. I always wish for a 1983 style, and when it comes off like a 2002 or 2011, 2007 or 2012, it just makes me feel depressed. After enduring 4 or 5 months of dull dreary weather between October and March, I usually look forward to spring and summer as a relief from all the miserable stuff. So, when it comes to May and June, and we still encounter dull and sometimes cooler conditions, it’s just frustrating. Without rain, you can still get things done, and I understand the appeal behind a cloudy cooler day which is dry, as there’s less people out and about(crowded areas in the sun, is a downside of the warm weather) but I do prefer the sunny and warm weather. We don’t get enough of it in this country, despite the warming trends.
  17. It didn’t feel humid apart from Saturday evening, but it’s still early in the year. April humidity doesn’t come close to the warm muggy nights we would experience between late May and late August. The humid and hot nights of last June I did find a little on the uncomfortable side. And I’m a fan of heat and sunny weather. That said, I was a fan of the cold snowy weather in February.
  18. My partner can’t work when it’s raining. Her job is weather dependant, so a wet day means no work. Dull and slight drizzle is once in a while is fine and the odd wet day, but I don’t like weeks of dull weather with one or two wet days on a weekly basis. This just makes for depressing weather.
  19. Plus it’s bloody depressing having to sit around in this current weather feeling uncomfortable, especially when it’s breezy. I work outside, and to be honest pretty fed up with the lack of warmth this year. Was hoping the warm spell of recent days would last longer.
  20. I’ve noticed a few people on here tend to be celebrating when we have the weather like it is today. 14-17c and grey, with a lack of sunshine. It’s not nice at all outside and my hands are starting to feel cold again. Want a return to 21c plus weather with sunshine.
  21. I’m going for a 2009 or 2010 summer. Both had a warm sunny June. But July 2009 was poor with rain and storms, while August 2010 was cool and cloudy. June will be the best part of the summer, before turning poor. We might get a warm September to follow though.
  22. I was hoping we would see the last of anything south of 17 degrees, and here’s hoping the 20c plus days will become more frequent from May until September. All I ask for is some sun and less rain.
  23. I think we’ll have to wait a while before hitting 30c. My guess is sometime between the 10th and 20th of June, around the start of the World Cup. This will be after a cooler start to June, but temps picking up around the 4th, then turning hot between the 10th until the 20th, and will end with some thunderstorms. The rest of June will be average with sun and cloudy days.
  24. Despite the recent heat, 1984, and 1987 still had better Aprils.
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