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Posts posted by willinkent

  1. NAE goes for 27mm, GFS goes for 21mm, and MetO goes for 10mm, of which the average is 19mm of precipitation - possibly, because of the low boundary temperatures (because of frozen ground) we could possible push for a liquid to snow ratio of 11:1; which equals 19*11 ~ 21cm. Much higher with orographic effects associated with the North and South Downs.

    I am certainly expecting one foot of the stuff at the normal favoured locations.

    my thoughts exactly..... :good:

  2. From ten years experience of living in Faversham, north of the downs, a front moving east with southerly alignment/wind direction we tend to get a bit more snow.....ie precip/air rising over downs to west/south intensifies precip to north/east and can have a bit more than areas south of the downs..... we shall see but this looks exciting..... hoping for a wee dusting tonight overnight but not holding my breathe..... ps enjoy all..... its going to be a fun ride......

  3. I think everyone should take a deep breathe! This will and is going to be a nowcast event, as there have been in the past and will be in the future..... radar watching, reporting online etc..... the charts are all over the place..... it is extremely exciting for the uk im hoping for as much snow as possible too but I think people should curtain twitch and radar watch rather than arguing..... it is certainly turning me off looking at this forum.....

  4. temp up from -1 to 0c, humidity rising was 54% at 5pm and is now 62%, dewpoint is rising.....heres hoping...... those cloud patterns on bbc forecasts and met maps shout streamer snowshowers to me...... sheppy has the right wind direction for faversham to be caught under and unstability that comes to fruition.....http://www.iossc.org.uk/weather/

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