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Posts posted by willinkent

  1. hoping this winter is worse for the se, ie kent, like late 80's early 90's with faversham/sheppey cut off..... want the north sea lake effect to cut in..... maybe like the nw new york state gets..... 1m+ of snow please....(otago county) i know there is a 0.000009% outside chance but would enjoy that..... such fun....

  2. Since 1987 the worst i can think of was oct 2000. I was first year at uni in Canterbury Kent. Weather on bbc said big storm on the way..... we'd had lots of flooding weeks previous..... then this storm wrecked pond outside keynes college.... i opened my curtains one morning, saw a plank of wood fly passed my window and closed my curtains and swent back to bed..... the trees were swaying almost 90 degrees.... was like nuclear bomb went off round pond.... from what i remember we had 90mph gusts in canterbury itself...... the time people are refering here i think this was when we had a tree down on the road past preston park causing the usual traffic chaos....

  3. 21c already! Warm one again today! Bright sunshine! BBQ in the offing..... this weather just an introduction to warmth with a visit to Havana where its 33-35c.... no news and media so dont have to listen to 24hr coverage of royal wedding :drinks::yahoo:

  4. Any more details matey? Looks quite encouraging on the satellite imagery, though can't see anything on radar (I need to subscribe to NW again lol)!!!

    Pretty decent looking Cu field developing across much Kesurex at the moment actually - looking outside here in London, signs of something convective beginning to form in a hazy looking sky.........it's got my full attention!!!!!

    gone bit dark n cloudy here in faversham 24c tho.....

  5. It may not reveal very much about this particular storm, and it sure isn't going to give you any concrete data, but this illustration is actually more useful than the average weather map. Try finding another map that offers such valuable information as who should hit liquor stores when and who is "totally screwed."


    HAHAHAHA............!!!!! thats the best accuweather chart ive seen.....lol

  6. This from Will Hand on uk.sci.weather...

    There are now indications on some ECMWF products I have seen today for a

    stratospheric warming event starting roundabout the 11th. This will rapidly

    build pressure over Siberia and transfer the extremely cold sub 480 DAM air

    westwards towards Jan Mayen. Any mild interlude next week is consequently

    likely to be very short lived and models will struggle in the next day or

    three looking more than 4 days ahead. The second half of january is likely

    to be bitter, possibly record breaking.


    Will (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)


    thats what we like to hear..... esp after i get back from snowmaghedon in denmark....woopwoop

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