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Everything posted by WinterWilf

  1. Overall this outgoing cold spell have been pretty Dire, 1 hard frost a couple of very brief snow showers just not in the correct spot this time. Hoping for better to come in next few weeks. Least it's chilly tonight. The hard frost we had wednesday produced more of a covering than any snow we had.
  2. Drizzle here everything will now be rain. Funny how you can get drizzle with no precipitation on the radar. But then no snow with reds and dark blues above. Will see what happens rest of winter. Not supprised at all looks like may catch the edge of somthing later and will get soaked at work lol.
  3. All went west as said what a supprise least the roads won't be bad just depressing. Still pretty cold so we have that.
  4. Yes all to the west. Well enjoy those who get lucky.
  5. Indeed not sure I see much making it our way it's just decaying so fast. Unless I am missing something about Fridays expected event looks abit benign.
  6. Snow is decaying just to my west. Snow sheild activate!
  7. Lol name of mod thread...... cold spell ending.. That sucks
  8. Evening all long day today temps stayed around 0c all day was great. Driving back home I noticed a few flakes falling was nice. I thought there must be snow missing me on the radar I bet. Just checked and yes just missed to the north haha..... Was a lovely frost and it stayed in shaded places all day was great real wintery feel. As I got in flakes on wife's car had not melted that's a first this winter!! Not read or caught up on anything so don't know yet what we have to look forward too. I can see the precipitation in the north east so guess will be radar watching.. Temp -1.9 dp -3.5.
  9. Interesting more warming later in Jan. I wonder what this means for us
  10. This looks right because I am in the bit with no snow.
  11. Not holding out much hope for here it's cursed or somthing. Very happy with cold though. BBC are so scared to get it wrong they don't show it til it is happening others than that it's mild.
  12. Good afternoon all. Been out and about today just finished, nice and fresh today with blue skies sun in my eyes alot whilst driving reflecting off the roads, not so nice. Around 4c for most of the day just dropped to 1c now so should be cold. missed out on the dusting this morning as usual. Nice to see some got a few flakes. Abit more positive today was having a moan about our luck with cold yesterday. Snowfall charts look good for later in the week will take them with a pinch of salt as seen them many times before and seen cold rain. Something to look forward too anyway. Will just check how the mod thread is if I dare.
  13. Bar some lucky spots most of midlands not see settling snow it's snowed twice here in Burton and it instantly melted it's just been sleet and rain. Cold spell not that cold I have only had to scrape the van twice so far. The main disappointment so far is the promising signals and charts. Last couple years least the charts have been awful so you know you are going to get rain and nothingness. This year so much promise and then just to get the norm is worse. But least there is plenty of time left stuff may change with this SSW and at this point last few years I would not even be on the forums because I'd already given up. So that's a positive I suppose.
  14. They will all be sledging on wittenham clumps
  15. Hopefully the models have got everything wrong and we get put in the freezer with a snowy bfte
  16. Waking up to supprise snow is the best good for them.
  17. Would be my luck of it snowed in Oxfordshire I grew up there and it never damn snowed.
  18. Yeah that's what I think not going to watch the lamppost for this tonight.
  19. Show it going twards my house as snow and I will haha..
  20. Will see if it moves north enough south midlands may be in luck.
  21. Seems to be getting moisture from the channel/ northsea
  22. I Ion't care if it care if that's just out climate or whatever. I want to have a cold winter life sucks at the moment and for abit it looked like we were going to have a decent spell.. Not supprised we get screwed over as it usually happens to us.. Maybe we will get lucky in a couple weeks. Will be seeing headlines of cold and snow again from Us sneaking into our news while we are looking at drizzle on the window.
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