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Everything posted by Vortex3929

  1. I had to double check whether ("weather" ) this rain was the storm risk and if I had misread the storms thread!
  2. Eagle Eye not too often we see even 2000jkg cape in the UK as i understand it. 3000 sounds a bit OTT? Plus isn't this exceptionally early to see such high Cape values? 2000 in the height of Summer sure. Even though when we do see those values, they're usually accompanied by unbroken sunshine and the strongest capped environment imaginable
  3. A bit chilly towards the end of next week it seems. And terrible headaches to come from 900mb! Thankfully we must be in the "eye" given the light winds and sunshine
  4. Wasn't looking at radar or in here so that squall came as a surprise. Came over dark, super windy and a brief spell of diagonal heavy rain. Glad to not be outside and caught in that!!! Feel sorry for those that are though
  5. Faint rainbow but the 1st one I've seen this year! I even got a little excited by the sight and got to follow it when cycling home from work.
  6. I've barely paid any attention to anything weather for weeks. Having had a glance through the meto extended outlook on their site for the 1st time in close to a month, and I remember why I've not been interested. Rain... a welcome change from the rain we've recently had to be fair. I'd hate to think the ground could possibly dry out! How awful that would be!!!!! Personally, I'm not quite sure ive been drenched enough just yet so am super excited to looking like a drowned rat once again. Does any of this post sound sarcastic in any way? Before anyone also highlights how poor forecast accuracy appears to be of late. I'd quickly point out that if the forecast is anything other than rain, it goes a bit wonky. So given its quite favourable towards a wet outlook.. you could be almost certain it's the one time the forecast comes true
  7. Absolutely horrible cycle home this afternoon. Coat held out as did the waterproofs admittedly. But the amount of surface water and rainfall at the time, plus the water logged shoes and socks wasn't the nicest. Hoping for lovely dry weather soon or I'll grow gills
  8. Blessed Weather I gave up on winter in the 1st week of Feb, so I'd take 18c quite happily now. I think 16c was achieved locally (well, gravesend anyway) and it felt quite nice. Even my usual iceberg of a flat was sufficient to keep the heating off. I bet my energy company are really upset
  9. What a contrast in 24 hours. Beautiful day with perfect blue skies yesterday to showery rain, grey and feeling a little chilly I think. Can I have yesterday back please?
  10. Snow tyre is it not pivoting on the coastline, and not making any real progress in land? At least thats how it looks to me. Those heavy showers are pulling south too I think. Locally, I might actually miss them. Phew!
  11. They do. I've heard them say barlett a few times on the deep dive videos..
  12. Paul good evening mate. Has there been any advance on the fix to the error at all kind sir?
  13. lassie23 cactus! As a warmth fan, I'm alright with that 40c day uk had. Cycling home from work at 2pm in the heat wasn't the nicest but the day itself was lovely!!!
  14. Sprites rare or not, still a great capture for yourself definitely on my list of things I want to photograph
  15. My flat is an ice block usually so needs the heating on just to take the chill from the inside. Was great not needing it today however. Apart from the wind, which made cycling to and from work an interesting experience with the odd wobble from being blown about, not a bad day! Snow this week? Good luck for those north of us. My hope remains for them. Locally, I am convinced its not going to happen at all. I saw someone carrying daffodils today so my thoughts are now on youtube chasing tornado season in the US (I associate daffodils timing with tornadoes in US) and for me generally - winters over bring on spring/summer!
  16. ChillyJuju it is still available yes. Least for those of you lucky enough to not have a broken theme classylady how very lucky you were to see such views (and northern lights too). I have to ask though, why's everything white? Is that what this thing called snow looks like ? beautiful scenes though. Happy for you. Ty for sharing and making us all jealous too
  17. lassie23 the default theme had to be changed. At the very bottom of the forum you can reselect the previous layout (theme) if desired
  18. Paul its sort of fixed it for me? 1st loading a thread continues with the same overlapping. But if i minimise or change screens to another app and then return to the page - then it looks normal. Note that just refreshing the page by swiping down keeps the overlap. It has to minimise or change screens if this makes a difference
  19. Sprites I could be wrong but that looks like a light pillar / sun pillar in those photos. If that's the case, what a fantastic shot and a lucky find!!! My understanding is they're pretty rare
  20. sheikhy try and change your theme to "simple" or rotate your phone to landscape. I've had this issue for a few days if it's the same for you as it is for me and ive posted about it in the help section forum. Until @Paul finds a permanent fix for this, the above has "resolved" it for me See here if anyone else is having the same issue and to highlight it to Paul so he is aware it's not a single problem but affecting others
  21. Mapantz it doesnt that "fixes" it. And when i turn back to portrait, it stays as it should display. But if i load a different thread or refresh the page - the problem returns and overlaps again. @Paul see above
  22. SnowBear hey!! I do believe its my side. cleared all caches everywhere i could find one. Freed up memory in my settings the 1st time i saw the overlapping happening and restarted phone straight after, so my phone is running at 100% efficiency. Will see if I can boost the memory in the settings tomorrow just to cross that off the list It's only happening on this forum and only when using the default theme or the dark theme. I keep my apps minimal. If they don't get used, they're gone (I like a tidy phone because I'm weird like that). I even make sure I periodically run scans weekly and delete files, backup phone at the same time and delete photos from phone that are backed up elsewhere also. Even stored "clipboard" gets deleted! I would somewhat disagree on the graphics as that would surely have an effect on other sites or apps would it not? And if its only happening on netwx (both browser and forum app...), that would negate graphics. Memory, I'd somewhat agree with as I've been constantly looking for any other places caching happens to see if I've missed anything
  23. Paul no worries. Ping me with any updates if you would be so kind. Ty Paul!
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