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Everything posted by Vortex3929

  1. What's the betting the long range of prolonged, widespread cold does mean the high pressure mentioned just before this, will sit right over the UK meaning cold sure, but dry and not provide any snow. I'd take clear cold sunny days though. Perfect walking weather! Better than rain, or the wind that I see the met office have a yellow alert out for. To all of you lovely people, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. No stress, may the inlaws be a fleeting visit and that you are all showered with gifts. I've been very blessed to be a part of this regional thread over 2023... hugs all round
  2. Would this one mean those blues at the end are starting to show stratospheric winds slowing down as would be expected or hoped with associated SSW likr others had posted in recent days with those mass of blue lines all dropping down to lower speeds? And if I'm incorrect about my interpretation on this chart.. could you please elaborate to what this chart does show? And what you mean by finally?? Because I'm sure there are a lot of us that don't have your experience and knowledge and haven't a scooby what those mean... myself included if I'm incorrect.
  3. Didn't see the nacreous clouds but do have a decent covering of snow right now.. even down to the beach and its set to last over Christmas too!! Brilliant ....just a shame it is in game online and not outside. But I will take it, as the closest I'll ever get to a white Christmas
  4. Absolutely spot on! That is a huge pet peeve of mine. And posting just a chart with one word or nothing at all. Boom! Yay. Downgrade. Explain the flipping thing as well why is this a boom, Upgrade, downgrade... I understand most but then we get a few which to me are just colours I switch off and don't learn which is incredibly frustrating. End of rant
  5. Like others have said, so very dark today and so, so much rain! I was expecting to see an ark sail by the window at one point. Anyone got Noah's number just incase? Praying for good news in the results as well Mr Q! Keep us posted
  6. My bad!!!! I should've whispered that. Oops. As Sparky68 has said, it is an appalling looking morning on radar. Many leaks out there. I think I'll be swimming to work this morning
  7. They seem pretty calm. A fairly consistent n'ly of late and ecm took a step towards gfs is my overall simpleton taking of the mood. Not a bad day here either. Drier, not particularly cold. Nothing special but glad the sky isn't leaking
  8. That sucks dude! Do you have any coping mechanisms / support network that see you through the more troubling times? Or any bright and cheerful colours to focus your attention on? I dislike rain but instead of focusing on why I don't like rain.. I focus on the different sounds of rain. The rhythm of raindrops, the different volumes of the rain hitting the window. How some are louder than others, how they sound hitting leafs compared to the ground, an outside piece of furniture. Get totally absorbed by the rain, instead of soaked by what the rain represents to me. That way I lose sight of rain being "bad" so to speak and just know it as rain.. water... h2o.. or just become thankful I am not out in it Try to remember as well that (as I'm sure you well know), yes - it is a difficult time for many but time is also a period that has a beginning and an END! We like endings, the happier ones anyways. Like the old saying, every cloud has a silver lining.. it is searching for it and not getting distracted by the cloud itself. I (and others im sure) are all here for you! You're not alone in your experiences You're all good my friend... you got this
  9. People trapped too apparently. That is astonishing
  10. Vince is still in the area. Driving through the area just been hit
  11. "Duuudee.. these jabs are like, totally awesome mannnn. I'm seeing like - sunny skies and seeing wind racing. Rad! "
  12. Agree completely with this. And indeed perfect walking weather. A clear sunny day makes you feel good too. At least I find it does for me
  13. Hms prison!! haha there's enough bed sheets here to tie together and climb out the window I guess. Thanks my dear x
  14. Haven't seen outside for over 20 hours (admitted to hospital.. could be out today, could be here for 5 more days) but radar looks yuck. Quite glad I can't venture out to be fair, although reasons why suck! Not a lot of promise reading the mod thread either it seems but that's OK. Gives those avid model watchers a rest from the fatigue and can start fresh in a week or so. I have heard chatter that around Christmas and NY could be the next chase?
  15. Thank you for explaining this. And as a complete novice to EAMT / AAM with absolutely no understanding, can I just check a few things? If we see positive mountain torque ("+MT"), this is a good thing from a cold perspective as it then causes the jetstream to meander and allows for potential blocking? Is this correct? And does it have to be EAMT that has to be in the +ve territory that is good newe or would the other coloured lines being +ve also aid in good news for coldies? Is an +EAMT always a westerly, where I'm presuming a -EAMT would then be an Easterly and give more "power"(???) to a different jetstream and this then is bad news for coldies? I Think it's best not to get too involved in wave breaks until I get an understanding in MT. As I want to ask about these, but MT is confusing enough for me right now. Thanks in advance and please do keep up the posts with a simplified explanation.. these are so helpful and useful. I find that if anyone just posts a chart and doesn't expand on why this is good, bad, a nightmare etc.. it serves no real purpose to people like me apart from showing they know more than others. And that is very discouraging to newbies
  16. If I had the ability to grant people their weather desires and wishes, I would totally give you wintry showers Mark especially as you said please. I'd also be very rich.
  17. Fair play to them too ! Bit of a shame it's not widespread but yay for others getting to enjoy snow none the less
  18. Invading your regional thread from the SE.. loving the pictures folks. Honestly pleased and happy to see you're all getting the magic of snow. Enjoy!!!
  19. You had notable weather again? Twice in the same year..,? I did think of you when I saw it snowing at work this morning and wondered if you had snow or if your shield held firm
  20. Already a little slippery out there by 5pm. Walking home and wasn't the most secure on some steps. The only thing I really dislike about winter is ice, unless it's in a JD and coke.. that's acceptable
  21. I'd hazard a guess that it's more ice that's the threat. Wet ground from this mornings interest and a cold night to come
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