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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Without the exact figures, its difficult to tell from the graph as its fairly small, but its increasing just about bang on the average rate, maybe slightly below, or maybe above....as I said, really need a higher res graph!
  2. Sigh, this is getting very boring now lol. What I'm saying is, I find it funny that someone can make such a comparison between brexit and climate change, especially given their views on the matter. And yes, if you actually READ what BornFromTheVoid said, you'll see that he is comparing brexit and climate change, and I am merely responding to said comparison with a little tit bit about his paradoxical views. And yet again, this needs a disclaimer because some people cant seem to help themselves, but I have not given my political view, nor have I even said that any persons view is right or wrong, so no, there is no political point lol!! Jeez.....these Brexit deniers....haha
  3. I cant be bothered to reply to all the rest, because you're just trying to drag people into a slanging match, which isnt good for the forum, and I doubt I'd be able to stop once I'd started lol. However, your EU comment made me chuckle. So (as per usual) politics has been brought in, so bare with me here. Your OPINION is that Brexit was a mistake because the,I presume idiots, voted to leave the EU. And this was down to propaganda and ignoring reports yes?? BUT, the majority of the population voted to leave. So you're saying that the majority of the country is wrong because they were lied to and were gullible to what they were being told? So an entire country made a decision based on false data and lies...hmmm, interesting...that couldnt possibly apply to anything else could it? So for the record, I'm not making a political point here, but thought the comparison was quite funny!!
  4. Governments never lie do they?? Weapons of mass destruction.......yeh, they were completely truthful about that haha.....why is it people give complete blind trust in governments without questioning anything? I dont know much about the NIPCC, but I do know that the IPCC doesnt have the best track record of "truthful" data, and accreditations. Does that mean they're wrong? No, of course not....but does that mean we should put complete trust in them...also NO! Well done for not being offensive to those who dont share your opinion......oh, you couldnt manage it either......never mind. Its so similar to the left vs right, its quite funny really!
  5. Oh dear lol. There's saving the planet from climate change, and then there's saving the planet from man made climate change........one is proven, and one isnt! Anyway, this isnt a preaching session, I dont give a toss if people believe it or not, the point is to have an adult discussion on the subject, BUT sadly this forum doesnt seem to be capable of that. Perhaps one day, in a thread far far away......... You think me a troll? LOL, sorry for having a different opinion BAAAAAA, but on that note, its not surprising the people who think differently dont comment on here, as all they get is abuse!!
  6. Bla bla bla.....There's no point discussing this with you, as firstly this isnt the place, and secondly, you'll just end up being rude and offensive, which will get the thread locked like you've done before! Maybe once, just once, you'll be able to reply without making stupid remarks.....but until then I guess I must bow down to you're "superior" standing lol
  7. Well it most certainly isnt 100% proven, but lets not go down the same boring route, its not the thread for that. But what I truly dont understand is why do people get so aggressive over it? Its bonkers. If I said why do people back the loony bin leftist morons, would that be acceptable? No, it probably wouldnt!!!!
  8. Nice try, but its a different context! If you read both the IPCC and NIPCC reports, you'd understand that statement.
  9. No, just some people, standing up to some other people, saying "Hang on, this isnt 100% proven, so perhaps there's a different theory on this?"
  10. You've lost me? What are you going on about now?
  11. You still don't get it, and I'm bored now, especially as bftv has turned this into a climate debate issue too lol. Bring Back explains it perfectly (much better than me)
  12. I'm sorry, but you need to sort your bias out! This is science, and science relies on words that aren't ambiguous! And how am I deliberately sidetracking lol? Sidetracking away from what lol?
  13. Hardly inconsistent lol.... spin can happen by accident!
  14. Trouble is, just relying on "currently" isn't enough as it can have two meanings! Obviously it's clear to anyone who looks at the graph what the current state is, I just dislike this type of "spin" where it makes the "headline" sound more exciting than it is. As I said, I'm not saying it was done deliberately, but people should know better. Without the graph, it sounds far worse!
  15. Well look who it is ? How exactly am I unwilling to believe it lol??? Where have I said that arctic sea ice isnt the 3rd lowest on record for October?? Nope, I cant find it either.....perhaps I didnt say it? But then why would you make a comment like that if I didnt say it?.....hmmm There's "playing silly buggers with words", and then there's outright lying, so you've beaten me hands down on this one Unless of course you've used "incredulity" in the wrong context, in which case, I'll let you off!
  16. Its clearly misleading, and makes a better headline, but thats not to say it isnt just a simple mistake! You cannot make a claim that certain data is the highest or lowest on record, without stating it in context. As a random example, "the temperature in July was the hottest on record" vs "the hottest July month on record".........can you see the difference? You can spin it how you like, but saying "Sea ice extent is currently the third lowest on record for the inner #Arctic Ocean basin." is NOT correct!
  17. Basically its the Solar Cycle!
  18. Yeh, I mean it could still melt considerably again and go lower, but as it stands at this point in time, I just thought it worth pointing it out
  19. I must be missing something, but I'm confused as to how its the 3rd lowest on record? Surely it should be 3rd lowest on record for this time of year? Which is quite a bit different to 3rd lowest on record?
  20. Thanks for that link, although as I said, "without signing up to anything" so your previous links were no good to me.
  21. Is there a link to the "data" without having to sign up to anything?
  22. Nope..pretty clear to see in a lot of your posts...just saying! Dont want to derail this thread, so I'm not gonna go any further, it would just be nice if people could accept other's opinions, rather than make bizarre comments!
  23. Do you have to turn every single thread into a GW face off lol
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