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Everything posted by Gray-Wolf

  1. So ,UK Govt., whilst the population is 'acquiring' 'Herd Immunity' in a "phased and delayed way" where are you sticking the 'at risk groups' you say you seek to spare from Covid-19? Do you see any issues with your 'Masterplan'? I give up!!!
  2. original here; http://www.siaarti.it/SiteAssets/News/COVID19 - documenti SIAARTI/SIAARTI - Covid19 - Raccomandazioni di etica clinica.pdf
  3. As noted upthread (still to be released from yesterday?) the study released in Tuesday showed spread up to 4.5m away? In closed spaces, with atomised particulates constantly renewed, I think you have to treat Covid-19 as 'airborne'? This is why the 'alcohol mouthwash gargle' and attending to 'upper nostrils/junction where nose joins throat' is essential when you've been around such confined conditions?
  4. With the Global CFR running higher than that for 'The Spanish Flu' over 1918/19 I think there's a bit of wiggle room to inflate your figure?
  5. As anyone who has ever read a 'medical diagnose yourself' page ont' web will know, we do tend to 'project' the merest thing onto the given 'illness' (some more than others granted?) but 'colds/flu are still circulating and we're into the first blush of 'hayfever season'....... Dry cough, sore throat,headache and temps is what you need to be 'concerned' as to the nature of your complaint? Flooding /Streaming nose & sneezes is probs just one of the other 2 coronavirus in circulation having a poke?
  6. I can see a nation as big as the U.S., placed in 'splendid Isolation', might see its own clade of the virus emerge as dominant? Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen but the more 'separate hotspot versions' of the virus the tricksier things get esp. with regard to 'catching it again' if 'drift' is so wide?
  7. Seems to be what happens, around our lat., if the PNJ does its job of keeping the Arctic in 'The Arctic' eh?
  8. Squall line through here now and it was a tad mental for a few minutes!!!
  9. Some folk hide their 'fears' this way? They plod on as if nothing is happening believing if they don't give it 'credence' then it is not happening? (the same as those sat in a fetal ball, hands clasped over ears, screaming 'it's not happening,it's not happening, it's not happening!' to ease their angst?) The sooner such folk just get out of the bloody way, and let those who 'can' get on with the dealing with it all, the better!!!
  10. If we place any stead in the study we linked to yesterday (showing the virus can remain airborne and infecting up to 4.5m away?) then in 'enclosed spaces',with crowds, it might as well be an airborne pathogen?
  11. Breakthrough From Israel’s MIGAL Research Institute in Development of Corona virus (COVID-19) Vaccine | News | Migal WWW.MIGAL.ORG.IL
  12. Killed My Dad (Aug 2010) and Luke (Feb 2011) and left me suffering endless 'Post Viral symptoms' of muscle/joint pain, Chronic Vertigo, Chronic Fatigue, near permanent 'Brain Fog' and all the mental 'responses' such drives in a soul over time? I think, like many folk out there, unless 'they' have personally suffered from 'it' and 'it's' impacts, they 'apparently' couldn't care less? (until dragged, kicking and screaming, towards acceptance that such a 'thing' happened to others and was terrible for all those involved?) I think a time has arrived that will make many folk 'accept' what has happened over their recent past, and whether or not they wish 'Their Society' to be so ordered?
  13. Line of last resort here too! At least folk will "Wash their Hands" after if forced to resort to such?
  14. This is exactly why I prefer to believe I'm taking a 'proactive' role in dealing with My families/My health over the period? We've seen enough Units sailing close to posting the 'Black Alert' over the past winter & that without and 'Sudden period of influx' of seriously ill Patients? With staff undergoing the same level of infection as the general population what do folk really expect? We continued to 'vote' for the National Health Service we now enjoy (but mainly, I think?, because we 'Never needed to access it' before?) and now we will see just how well it copes? None of what we now face should come as a shock to anyone? Just read the first 15 pages of this thread for a start! None of it is 'Hidden Knowledge' and so was always there to be perused and mused at our leisure?
  15. D'ya know? when Nasally swabbed most folk tested positive for MRSA?.........you know? that 'antibiotic' resistant little beggar.......living in that sweet spot where Covid-19 likes to multiply...... I'm still with the Coronavirus Prof from the U.S.A. and his take on 'personal hygiene precautions' over this outbreak....might just hammer my MRSA as a bit of 'collateral' an'all....... EDIT: Thinking on it it would make I.D.S.'s 'In House Snack of Choice' a lot healthier were he to follow my lead?
  16. With the numbers of folk 'evolving' this RNA via 'Drift' maybe 'Recombination is not needed for us to see a range of severities of individual 'flavours' of Covid-19 (already we have distinct Wuhan,Iranian,S.Korean,N.Italian 'flavours' and I've not completed my reading on the emerging Franco-German 'flavour' yet.....) Throw in any mix of a couple of these 'flavours' and we might see changes to the CFR esp. around organ failure whilst fighting pneumonia?
  17. This is a 'novel' virus to Humanity, H1N1 in 1918 was a 'Novel' Virus to the Human population. When we look at data we are always 'gazing back into the past history of Covid-19' never a 'snapshot' of right now? It would be like declaring, in October 1918, That the 'Spanish Flu' was only taking the old and infirm? The statement was true in Aug 1918 but there's a lot changes with 'novel' virii settling in to a new host eh? Looking at Italy ,and the CFR there?, I have to wonder if maybe Wuhan 2019 has met up with Iran 2020 and they did the old 'Recombination Shuffle' History 'loves to repeat itself ' and, we all know just what happened to H1N1 (with its 'Drift' whilst on its 'Jollies' to Europe over spring/summer 1918?) when it then was forcibly returned back to the U.S. camps that gave birth to it it and so ran into the original Clade of H1N1, Recombined with it ,and the rest , as they say , is 'History'..... With at least 4 'drifted' versions of Covid-2019 in circulation (Wuhan,S.Korean,Iranian, N.Italian) when do two 'distinct Flavours' meet up in a host and 'recombine'? The changes from 'recombination' can be much greater than the slow ,evolutionary, drift of the virus as it moves from host to host? EDIT: The U.S. Presidents 'take' on Covid-19;
  18. Part if me has to wonder whether Wuhan 2019 met with Iran 2020 and they did the 'Recombination' dance?
  19. Potentially 3m Pete and the study (Linked to yesterday?) illustrated 4.5m was not 'safe' from atomised spread? We're British Pete! We know how to form an orderly 'Q' fer christos sakes
  20. So, and said with a straight face, BBC News tell us that in Italian hospitals things are so bad that corridors are being used as clinical treatment areas....... Do they not know that that is now normal in our own hospitals even without an epidemic? I'm not finger pointing but we appear to have 17,000 fewer beds than we had 10 years ago???
  21. Another day done and another day closer to your potential infection? So what have you done today to limit that potential infection?(rhetorical) If not to 'limit it' for you then to limit the spread so as to spare the old and vulnerable?
  22. Every sympathy my friend! 3 years of prodding/poking/blood letting to be left with " you have PVS, try and live within your limitations"........ As I say they 'practice medicine'....... 1/3rd 'clear up' via Placebo and 1/3rd not cleared up...... so their 'hit rate' pretty much shadows the 'Placebo' hit rate? Do not get me wrong , they are widely read and experienced in running the 'machine that goes ping' but they are as 'mortal' as the next person when it comes to figuring a 'diagnosis'?
  23. Courtesy of the 'ruck' in the loo roll isle...........
  24. So who else thinks 'Easter hols' might turn out to be very long this year (running into the summer hols?) When Luke got a 'new' Dr on the Ward I'd always tell them " You're only 'Practicing Medicine', fetch me someone who does it for real!!!"...... Oh! how we all laughed......
  25. H1N1 in December 2010 left me struggling with the impacts of 'Post viral Syndrome' and I'm sure this virus will create its own pool of victims that will also find their lives radically altered by such an 'autoimmune misfire' even if they 'sail through' the infection itself? The common factor in Me/PVS/Yuppie flu is stress/anxiety? Get into a 'calm' headspace and you might spare yourself worse later!!!!
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