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Empire Of Snow

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Everything posted by Empire Of Snow

  1. This happens because the mainstream media are using weather and climate for political reasons. I can post 10 pages of the lies spread by mainstream media regarding the southeast Europe heatwave starting with the Guardian. Inaccurate temps in every single article, fear mongering, they should be ashamed all these journalists. As a Greek living in UK I have all the sources back in Greece to destroy every single "news" from the Media about this heatwave. It's an absolute disgrace what's happening and it would have been hilarious if these "reports" weren't affecting people's livelihoods. As it is, they're destroying tourism, a lot of people are cancelling their holidays because "omg you're going to die at 42c". Yes, there's a heatwave and possibly a prolonged one. It happened before, it will happen again dozens of times in the future. We all need to use our brain and common sense. Turn our back to the fear mongering media, we're individuals with critical thinking and suddenly the majority are relying on a nanny State to tell them what to do.
  2. There's a bit of truth there though. Sunny weather can positively affect someone's mood under certain circumstances. For sure though bad weather can't be exclusively linked to depression as there are more serious factors behind depression and mental health in general. For example, even though I'm a "coldie", when the sun comes out after a prolonged period of wet weather I have a feeling (slight one but I can sense it) of joy. It lasts like 10sec but it's there.
  3. I'm finding it difficult to believe tourists are fainting in Greece because of the heat unless they're visiting Athens or places inland for many days. The majority of Islands are way cooler.
  4. Who is having more holidays? Get your facts right. Unless they're teachers they have the same holidays as we do here in UK. In addition it seems you don't have a clue about the financial struggles of the citizens in these countries. Check the GDP and external debts figures for all of them. I don't think there are many people wishing for -10c. As a Greek with more than a decade living in UK I would like more snow days like I had in Northern Greece. I simply prefer snow rather than weeks of 2-4c dull, cloudy or rainy weather. And this is the difference compared to North Greece where you can have snow at -2 850hp under certain conditions.
  5. Exactly. It's not like it's cloudy and raining all day. When the sun comes out temps are automatically up around 3c in 10min. I can't really understand what would be the major difference for most people if temps were 30c. Would they go to the beach on a Wednesday after work? Which beach? Is this country a Corfu or Rhodes on a larger scale so you can go swimming in the clear blue sea? Or we're trying to find excuses to entertain ourselves with BBQs?
  6. Every single person in this planet is complaining about the weather in his country. It's the same in Greece, Italy, Spain etc. Some of you wish for 3 months of June's weather here in UK but you don't even take into account that the country doesn't have the infrastructure to support this kind of weather for long periods. 80% of the houses here can't even have a proper A/C installation. Even if all our houses and offices had A/C do you understand that our summer electricity bills would be the same and more as the winter ones? Greeks, Spanish and Italians are suffering every summer. They have 15 days holidays (if they can afford to go anywhere) and almost the whole summer they're working under 35c-40c degrees and when they go home they have to deal with hordes of mosquitos to try and relax and have some sleep while their A/Cs are full on to bring room temps down and bills skyrocketing. I'm not saying some nicer weather is not welcome but we need to have some perspective.
  7. It's all about organised systems, convection and being on the right side of convergence when these systems come through. In UK the Northern you are the more chances of decent snowfalls in March. I posted it a week ago in the Yorkshire thread. Easterlies can provide decent events but they're hit and miss for our areas. Atlantic systems at the right time even at marginal conditions can give good snow events. This is an IMBY approach though. Speaking of snow etc why METO is back to some strange text forecasting for today? "Rain, sleet and snow moving in the evening"? I can't really understand why they're doing this and they're not being more specific. It looks very unprofessional.
  8. Absolutely spot on Mike. I'd rather have snow than this. It's horrendous. This kind of weather kills all the trade also for businesses. There's no way anyone will even think going out under this weather. And unfortunately there's a lot of it coming in March.
  9. Exactly. It's the same in Harrogate. The difference between the city centre and places around it it's shocking sometimes. It's not like a 2-3cm difference. A lot of times there's a 10cm depth difference in 1.5 miles or so. Even in non marginal events.
  10. It's absolutely bizarre what difference 80m in just 1.5 miles can do. Harrogate centre is pouring down with rain, everything has melted, over here at 180asl it's still a whiteout.
  11. Tomorrow evening onwards and for 4-5h it's a southeasterly event for Yorkshire. It's extremely marginal but my prediction is that it's going to produce very heavy snow for 4h before winds turn SW. I'll risk it and say that this heavy wet snow will accumulate at a higher rate than forecasted and might cause problems. If I was working at METO I would go for an amber warning to be safe because it's Saturday night.
  12. It's hammering down, almost 20cm, we might reach 30cm if it continues like this. These are the events we need in winter, we had 10 days of rubbish cold in early December waiting for a shower to come from Rovaniemi. Proper organised system from Atlantic provides the best snow event in March.
  13. Just managed to get back home. If it continues like this all roads in Harrogate will be closed by the morning. I don't have a clue what the council is doing. There's nobody out there to clear the roads. They only care to put up roadworks for no reason. An absolute disgrace.
  14. I don't think the main ppn have reached yet. I can tell because here we have temporarily gusts of wind and after a while snow comes down from several directions. It should stall somewhere and then pivot. One can dream.
  15. Thank you for the info! It's really a nightmare to forecast weather in this country even with an Atlantic system in play.
  16. Main roads in Harrogate have a layer of snow. Side roads are fully covered as expected. Intensity of snowfall is missing. As I said we have on and off heavy bursts but in general it stays moderate.
  17. It's a bit disappointing we don't have any further update from METO even for just amateur meteo reasons. There should be a convergence point somewhere and a pivot as the LP moves away. I'll be very surprised if some places won't get battered tonight.
  18. System moves too slowly, there are bursts of heavy snow here. There's no way to forecast the night. There's going to be pivoting for sure but I don't know which places will get lucky. Temps are more than adequate for North Yorkshire.
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