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East Lancs Rain

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Everything posted by East Lancs Rain

  1. Yup, it’s nearly always light drizzle whenever I’m in Manchester. What’s funny though is that the slightest hint of drizzle and people suddenly get their umbrellas out, and complain that it’s raining, even though it’s not even enough to make you wet.
  2. Not exactly gale force winds but probably the best we're gonna get in this super boring winter. Despite last years benign winter I remember we had a really violent wind storm in January. Shook the trees like crazy and you could really hear it howling. The wind was so strong it woke me up. Must've been at least 50-60 mph gusts. I would love to get winds that strong again.
  3. "So I like bought these new shoes from like Primark they are like sooooo comfy. The weather is so like crazy at the moment. It was like scorching hot last night but like this morning I like woke up and I was like sooooo cold my nipples felt like icicles and it rained like so hard I thought I was gonna die. Last night Mark did a like massive poo and it like stunk sooooo bad I like literally like threw up all over Jamie who like screamed like a little girl it was like sooooo f****** hilarious."
  4. Come on, you couldn't have missed it. Storm was last night when we had the strong winds and heavy rain. Also had it a bit wet and windy this afternoon as well.
  5. Yup, someone was saying to me on Saturday we just don't get the seasons anymore. 7-16c year round and rain.
  6. Yup, heard it lashing down on the back porch roof. Some impressive gusts as well. Got some footage of the wind here: https://youtu.be/o5WdaTpXv0Q Finally a bit of exciting weather for once! ️
  7. Welcome to the north west of England! Though to be fair there was a lot of fair weather during the first three weeks of July, and very hot during the last week. Also, late August was also pretty hot for a few days. But there was also long cool wet spells, especially mid August and early June which was absolutely diabolical, even by our standards. It was actually a warmer than average summer but it was also cloudy and wet. We had a lot of warm but cloudy days. Seems to be a common theme these days - warm wet summers, mild wet winters. ️?
  8. To be fair we have had a lot of windy weather last week, but nothing truly stormy. Have we even had a named storm yet this winter?
  9. Yup. It really has been horrible and gloomy since the start of October with just the odd sunny/brighter day here and there. It’s been a depressing few months weather wise, can’t remember having such a prolonged spell of endless gloom, though I remember November 2015 - January 2016 was also another very sunless period. Grimter is a good name for it, it certainly is grim! Was talking to someone else today about the weather. A lot of people are saying we just don’t get the seasons anymore. The winter is milder but also wetter and gloomier and the summers are crappier as well. Even when we have high-pressure in mid winter, it’s often gloomy and drizzly these days, whereas 10 years ago it would have been clear and frosty. It often just feels like one long damp spell these days, and often difficult to tell the time of year. The seasons seem to be all over the place – the unusual tropical warmth in February, the unseasonably cool and wet first half of June and the warm but cloudy and wet summer. We had a few days in June with maximums of 11°C and raining all day, yet in February had a few days that were mid teens and sunny. The average maximum temperature for the 2nd half of February 2019 here was 12°C, yet the first half of June 2019 was only 15°C. Just a 3 degree temperature difference between late winter and early summer, and of course bear in mind that February was mostly sunny and dry whereas June was mostly cloudy and wet. Of course what happened in 2019 was very unusual, but just goes to show how to seasons have changed. UK weather is just so depressing, uninspiring and frustrating - we rarely get snow, and not much frost - yet we have to put up with with cold, gloomy, miserable damp weather for months on end. Spring and summer is nicer - but even then we get many miserable days. We also get the occasional hot spell in summer of course, but as we are not used to it and don’t have much air-conditioning in this country, we complain it’s too hot. Of course we still get years like 2018, which was much more seasonal, with a cold start to the year, the infamous beast from the east, coldest March day on record followed by some very warm days in April and then an incredibly warm, dry and sunny period (by UK standards) from May to July 2018. Before that, we had 2013, which was also a very seasonal year, with the cold winter and severely cold and snowy March followed by a hot July and a nice August.
  10. Amazing how high the CET is at the moment. It’s currently at 7.3°C, provisional to the 10th, an anomaly of an incredible 3.7°C above the 1960-1990 average (more like 3.0°C above 1980-2010 average). https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/cet_info_mean.html For comparison purposes, the last really mild January was 2007 at 7.0°C, and the highest all-time January CET record was 7.5°C in 1916. I find it quite amazing that record has stood so long, what with all the warming and really mild winters we have had in recent years. It hasn’t felt as mild as that though, due to the severe lack of sunshine, relentless gloom, strong winds, rain/dampness and the fact that often the highest temperatures have occurred at night (remember CET is 24hr Max + 24 hr Min / 2.) Check out the hourly temperatures at Stonyhurst (one of the 3 CET sites) and you’ll see what I mean: Weather reports from Stonyhurst WMO (99060) WWW.WEATHERCAST.CO.UK A graphical and tabular preparation of weather observations of last week by the WMO weather station from Stonyhurst, United Kingdom (99060). It is updated hourly. Another technically “mild” day here, with maximum temperatures around 10 or 11°, but again not feeling very nice due to the overcast, drizzly and windy conditions this afternoon, so mild weather at this time of year isn’t always good. I enjoyed the windy weather last night and this morning, some nice strong gusts and whooshing noises thanks to the strong southwesterly winds, love a windy night, I find windy weather nice and refreshing. My mum likes windy weather too and told me that a work colleague told her that windy weather is refreshing due to negative ions in the air or something. This morning wasn’t too bad actually - overcast yes but dry and not too gloomy and nice and windy but not too cold due to mild temperatures. But the afternoon has been pretty miserable - damp and drizzly from 2 pm onwards, going dark by 3 pm and pitch black by 4:30 pm. Damianslaw is right - it’s days like this that make you wish we lived in a warmer and sunnier climate - our climate may be temperate but that doesn’t mean the weather is pleasant. It’s the gloom and lack of sunshine that really gets me down. 4°C, sunny and no wind is so much nicer than 12°C, gloomy, wet and windy.
  11. Well it’s currently 12/13°C according to the BBC Weather app but it feels quite a lot colder than that in the wind. Quite a significant wind chill and cold feel to the wind despite the wind coming from a mild SW Direction. My ears got a bit chilled walking home. It was also overcast as well. I remember back in November we had days where it was only around 6° but with no wind and it didn’t feel that cold tbh. There hasn’t been much wind lately though so maybe I’ve just got used to the lack of wind or maybe I’ve just got used to having milder winters in general. If we get a cold snap then it’s going to feel bitter in comparison to all of this “mild weather”. A slightly colder but hopefully brighter day tomorrow.
  12. Hi all. Not posted on here for a while. Today has been dull overcast max temp 9°. Was partly clear on the way home with a 3/4 moon and quite windy but felt quite mild out of the wind. It's supposed to be exceptionally mild tommorow, my weather app is forecasting temperatures to reach 13° by late afternoon, along with the wind and rain that you'd expect with such a mild temperature at this time of year. Can't remember the last time we've had such a mild temperature in January.
  13. Yeah looked nice this morning all nice and White covered in sunshine. ?
  14. Not been on here for ages but got a bit of a shock when I opened the curtains this morning! First snowfall of the season here. ☃? Wasnt snowing when I went to bed so must've all come down in the early hours. Normally we'd get the first dusting of snow before this. We had a colder than average November and yet I never had a flake of snow, not even on the hills, just cold rain all month. Alougth last year I don't think it snowed before January. Its peeing it down now though and it's gone miserable and cloudy since 2 pm so will probably be gone by tommorow morning.
  15. Amazing how fast the year goes these days. Summer has just flown by - it's felt like a really short summer this year - it's only really been summer from end of June until end of August this year. Whereas Summer 2018 really started in early May. Doesn't feel that long ago since last October.
  16. Getting fed up of this constant dull, grey, overcast, murky, damp weather. I know it's October but even so we usually do better than this. The weather is just so uninspiring at the moment I just don't feel like going outside. Im not asking for an Indian summer, I just want to see the sun! Also, what happened to the windy weather that we were supposed to have Friday/Saturday? It's just been so still and lifeless all weekend. At least a bit of wind would be more invigorating. Oh how I long to be by the coast where it's usually sunny and windy rather than gloomy and murky like it is round here.
  17. Yep, bit nippy first thing but by 1 pm it felt lovely and warm in the sun. I even pushed up the sleeves on my sweatshirt and even thought about taking it off. Gotta tan them arms and get my vitamin D before winter.
  18. Was a lovely day on Saturday, wall-to-wall sun and temp reached low 20's. Perfect weather in my opinion. Was sunbathing in garden in t-shirt and shorts, might be the last time this year I'm able to do that. Also I've noticed the sun no longer feels hot anymore, it has more of a gentle warmth to instead which is nice in a way as I don't like very strong sunshine. As others have said, September is a very benign month with not much going on, same for October as well. No real cold but no real heat either. Probably the two most boring months of the year weather wise. But a nice time to reflect on the summer before we start thinking about winter and the inevitable countdown to Christmas begins (groan).
  19. I woke up to torrential rain on Saturday night and thought I could hear a rumble of thunder too.
  20. First time forecaster and looks like my prediction of 14.0°C and 50 mm could be very close to what actually happens. If only we could play for money, would make things even more interesting...
  21. Nice sunny day today. Sat out in the garden for a bit, did a bit of hedge trimming and went for a short walk. Not too hot and not too cold. Shame about tomorrow's forecast though.
  22. Well after an overcast rainy day, the weathers done it’s usual thing of the sky clearing just as it’s getting dark. I’ve noticed this happening quite a lot recently. It’s cloudy all day, then the sky clears at sunset, then during the night/early morning the cloud begins to come back again. Anyone know why this happens?
  23. Finally a day that actually resembles September. A dry day with a mixture of sunshine and clouds and light winds, a cool feel to the air but feeling pleasant in the sunshine. ️ Its felt more like late October than early September this week.
  24. 5 mm?! Currently had 42 mm so far here this September according to a local weather website, been raining most of the week. Amazing how much difference the Pennines make. Also been very cool, very cloudy and quite windy this week with only 17 hours of sun so far. http://www.higham-weather.com/ I've just had a look on your weather website and it says it's 21.9° and 37% humidity in your house. Is that true? How come it's so warm and dry? Have you got the heating on? I'd love that temp/humid combo in my house but instead it's chilly and damp - much like the climate of East Lancs. It's currently 17.5° with 68% humidity in my bedroom - was above 70% before I opened the window. Been wearing a thick hoodie all week. Also that 13.8°C? Is that the average daytime temperature or just the average overall?
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