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Everything posted by ChannelThunder

  1. Thunders I was thinking about setting an alarm for about 4am, but if you look on the satellite now, things are taking a turn southwards it would seem...
  2. While Blitz looks even better at the moment, UKV largely kills it off now during the night.
  3. As a caveat to the above, it's of course still hundreds of miles away! I shouldn't really try to predict its path over such a long distance, especially given it'll likely die off and/or be replaced by sister storms later on. Single thunderstorms like that rarely last beyond a couple of hours!
  4. viking_smb shows as a nice round lump on satellite. Current trajectory swings it along channel coasts somewhere I'd say, from analysing the sat. loop & Blitz
  5. Eagle Eye thanks for the details. I hadn't even paid attention to the fact there is a storm risk tonight, just assumed it was your bog-standard showery Atlantic front!
  6. Well, radar shows the IOW is now out of the game, still, a good start to the season this early, as we wouldn't usually have anything like today to talk about for a good few weeks at least!
  7. Thunderspotter yep, suddenly the cells are looking more intense on radar too
  8. A repeat of these exact synoptics later in the year when there's more warm air to be sucked into the mid levels from Europe would go down a treat. It's so unusual for the whole lot to be tracking to the NWW like this is doing, and in the summer it'd no doubt give a long lasting show to many as it crawls across.
  9. Cells have entered the east side of the island. Window open hoping for that sweet sound. Edit: the only sweet sounds so far are our garden Robin and Blackbirds. Not a bad alternative, but we get them every day
  10. Stormhog I would've been two at the time, so sadly, can't remember that! Things getting very interesting in the channel now. Time to scoff a roast dinner and see about getting out with the camera for nightfall.
  11. Thunderspotter I think Mother Nature is confused. This is all more akin to 31st May than 31st March!
  12. Reality running a little behind Arome 12z. (Gotta remember we're in BST now, so the below is 19.00!)
  13. I know we're not in Arizona, and we don't have radar capable of showing outflow boundaries, but it'd be great if these Hampshire storms could kick some out to then set off something further south nearer to the front for me. Very wishful thinking
  14. Radar's perking up mid-Channel and I can see towers to the SE too now. I've seen enough to be interested in this evening.
  15. Thunders They're genuine - they show on satellite too. Not anaprop on this occasion
  16. Eagle Eye I can see the towers over to the east of Winchester. It's bubbling up pretty nicely in that direction.
  17. I know if I go and stick a camera battery on charge I'll put the nail in the coffin, so holding off for now! I'd never expect elevated storms off the channel in March...
  18. Thunders You need long exposure times (somewhere in the range of 10 - 30 seconds, depending on the storm's movement etc), quite an open aperture for distant storms to allow light into the camera (5.6 should be fine), and an ISO of either 100 or 200 to lessen noise.
  19. Mapantz ACCUR8 DWS7100. Ah, that's a bugger, but glad I wasn't just missing the setting. Your post led me to realise you can change it within the Wundermap, rather than the dashboard, and then those changes get applied to the DB. A little annoying that you can only change those settings in groups but I guess I'll live with it! Thank you for the reply
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