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Everything posted by ChannelThunder

  1. Eagle Eye I can see the towers over to the east of Winchester. It's bubbling up pretty nicely in that direction.
  2. I know if I go and stick a camera battery on charge I'll put the nail in the coffin, so holding off for now! I'd never expect elevated storms off the channel in March...
  3. Thunders You need long exposure times (somewhere in the range of 10 - 30 seconds, depending on the storm's movement etc), quite an open aperture for distant storms to allow light into the camera (5.6 should be fine), and an ISO of either 100 or 200 to lessen noise.
  4. Mapantz ACCUR8 DWS7100. Ah, that's a bugger, but glad I wasn't just missing the setting. Your post led me to realise you can change it within the Wundermap, rather than the dashboard, and then those changes get applied to the DB. A little annoying that you can only change those settings in groups but I guess I'll live with it! Thank you for the reply
  5. Hi! For Christmas, I finally got a weather station, and I set it up ready to record from the New Year, so I'm quite new to this whole game. I've spotted something quite disappointing on both WU and Weathercloud; the strongest gusts you see on screen get missed in the data uploaded. I understand that the uploads are periodic, but it seems such a shame, and I feel a bit ripped off to not see the strongest gusts recorded in my data. For example, yesterday afternoon when the winds peaked, I watched the console for a while and saw a gust of 56.6mph come up at one point. However, if you look just at the data on the two sites, you see a max gust of 45.2mph on WC, and 54.4mph on WU (much better, but still clearly missing the strongest gusts!). I noticed this in January too, with the strongest gust shown on WU being 49mph. I recall that day being windier than yesterday, too! It seems a real shame you can't record data on the console itself and not have to miss extremes due to the nature of these uploads. I take it there's no way around this? While I'm here, is there a way to change WU's dashboard to mph? The site seems very lacking in settings and I'm not keen on the km/h it's stuck on.
  6. Love that radar. Screw the rain haters all over social media - this is an interesting little period of weather if you ask me - the sun can wait a little longer
  7. Very juicy radar returns for so early in the year. This lot is headed for my doorstep, too, although I imagine it'll lose intensity by the time it gets near.
  8. JFF of course, and we've got a hell of a lot of weather to get through first, but ECM is throwing up a record(?)-early plume at the end of its 12z.
  9. Snow. It's not like we ever get any down here anyway since climate change really started to kick in.
  10. Andy Bown I've just spent 10 days in Scotland for my wedding and a break in Skye and other areas, and saw far more sun than down here of late! It barely even rained up there, and we climbed Old Man of Storr in sunshine!
  11. *Stormforce~beka* I've been noticing these weird, broken radar returns around Winchester for years now. I wonder what causes it?
  12. Eagle Eye absolutely no surprises there. I've always said Lincolnshire is the UK thunderstorm hotspot (usually followed by someone who lives there claiming they get nothing)
  13. Dxnielwashere loads of Accas coming through today too! These synoptics would likely go bang late April onward!
  14. For probably the only time in my life, I'm going to be joining the 'coldies'. Getting married up in Aberdeenshire on 21st Feb and my wife-to-be would be over the moon if there's snow on the ground!
  15. @Stabilo19 I absolutely loved that 20C Feb day. It fell on my other half's birthday and we spent it walking on the cliffs near Bournemouth, hanging a nice cuppa etc at cafes. It was probably more like 16 or 17 as we were at the coast, but lovely all the same. To caveat this, I probably shouldn't be celebrating it, as it's probably one of the best examples of a warming world due to climate change that we've had.
  16. @LetItSnow! it's been a fairly well balanced winter down here so far, but only when compared to the last few! Yes, there's been a lot of mild and wet, but plenty of crisp and cold days too, especially last week. We've already used the log burner more times than the whole of the last two winters. If Feb ends up entirely mild, any trace of a balance will be gone though!
  17. It certainly sounds like there should be. Needles Old Battery is an (infamously) exposed location that, going by what I can hear outside right now and past experience, I'd expect to be gusting at least to 70 right now
  18. Strange not to see The Needles on there, unless it's not included for this data set. Come on Isle of Wight, let's get those big gusts recorded
  19. Seems pretty run-of-the-mill in terms of sort of storms we've had over the last few years to me. There are plenty of gaps between the strongest gusts here too. It even almost goes silent for the briefest of moments every couple of mins.
  20. Starting to ramp up a gear here. Rain and wind slamming onto my south-facing bedroom window. The best possible weather to fall asleep listening to
  21. That's a pretty poor attempt by the UKV. Usually, high res models handle frontal rainfall with relative ease.
  22. Recorded a gust of 41.6 on my new station about 3 hours ago, but nothing's even beaten that so far! I think it definitely under-reads
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