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Saint coolio

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Everything posted by Saint coolio

  1. This is best thing I’ve read about the outbreak so far. so important people understand this t.co / Twitter T.CO
  2. I bet they don’t even have enough oxygen
  3. Meantime, first premiership game called off because of the virus because some arsenal players met one person with the disease..... meantime 5,000 fans from Madrid in Liverpool tonight. Madrid has more ‘diagnosed’ cases than the UK and over 30 deaths (which in itself suggests the Madrid cluster is much larger than the official figures). Craziness.
  4. Also will add to the panic when cases spike because of the extra testing. They’re just trying to control the narrative, like in China.
  5. Btw, hth is this MP proclaiming she’s nearly better already? By all accounts symptomatic patients of her demographic with this disease are not over it in 3-4 days. Am I so cynical of politicians these days to think it’s fishy?
  6. Government must read this forum. No sooner am I complaining about them not increasing testing, than they announce it. About time.
  7. UK new cases clearly being impacted by the flatlining in number of tests we’re doing.
  8. The travel ban should have been the other way too. It’s ridiculous that we have allowed thousands of our citizens to travel to skiing holidays in Italy, weekends in Venice, cruise holidays globally... in many cases to geographies in or at the fringes of major clusters,
  9. About responses - it took about 50 days for Wuhan to be completely locked down. And about 50 days for Lombardy. in both cases, incremental inter alia countermeasures didn’t work so what is the logic in waiting for our “50 days” to be up? Why wouldn’t we act sooner given we know what’s coming?, we seem to be waiting for some artificial, lagging, inaccurate metric of infection / deaths to hit a threshold
  10. Been lurking here, mostly looking at the weather Apparently Italian epidemic is directly related to a patient zero in Munich, an outbreak that wasn’t controlled the science here is astonishing frankly Gene sleuths are tracking the coronavirus outbreak as it happens WWW.TECHNOLOGYREVIEW.COM Genetic data shows that countries are getting hit with multiple introductions of the virus.
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