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Saint coolio

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Everything posted by Saint coolio

  1. One of hundreds if not thousands of damaged vehicles. That’s a transit van or similar, one hailstone impact. Some cars had all their windows smashed and roofs half caved in
  2. Not sure if this’ll work. It’s a corrugated steel roof with holes punched through by hailstones Scan 31 Aug 2022.pdf
  3. Saw my first close up supercell yesterday in Catalonia. We were probably 5-6 miles from the centre and still had golf ball sized hail, 50mph gusts, continuous lightning. My Spanish ain’t great but it seems like cloud heights of 20km? (Is that possible) Unfortunately an infant died from hail in the neighbouring town as well as 70+ injured. 10+ cm hail. Insane damage. We hadn’t really heard much of it, and coincidentally went there today souvenir shopping and ended up looking in awe at hundreds of smashed windscreens, roofs, trees etc. One of the pottery places we went had a corrugated metal roof which was smashed to pieces by the hail. Police, firemen, media everywhere. have a few pics which I’ll share if I can anonymise a few things.
  4. Well I can vouch for that. The water off the beaches off costa Brava is exceptionally warm this year - fantastic, tonight is off the charts humid but storms are stubbornly staying inland / mountainous regions
  5. I’m in catalunya - storm about 20 miles inland has been raging for hours, but up on the coast it’s a stifling still 30c and more humid than Hong Kong in the summer. I just don’t know what I need to do to get a storm!
  6. To quote my highly technical eldest daughter “it looks like something out of ghostbusters” keep an eye out. There appears to be some guy in a glider playing around next to it! Might make tonight’s news, that
  7. It does. The airspace round there has been cleared. There’s an easyJet flight into Marseille flying halfway into the med to go round the south of the storm. Rather them than me.
  8. Some cheap rooms going at the winchester travelodge,,, just sayin’… meantime, apparently I have to sit out in the garden with #3&#4 for the shooting stars. Lovely evening, sipping an estrella, but.,. Well the other stars are not cooperating
  9. Cooling down here at last. Might even have to put some clothes on.* *calm down, ladies
  10. It’s just a tiny thing that started in Cherbourg 90 minutes ago and then made a special detour to miss me. Nice breeze though.
  11. Hang on, what’s this? Some little showers hiding behind the so-called front?
  12. Adding two ice packs to the water container of my air cooler fan has, remarkably, dropped the temperature of my office by 2.5c.
  13. I kid you not, there’s a strong smell of seaweed here in the test valley ahead of a heavy looking shower…. What can that possibly be?
  14. Thx. I’ve been watching those meteofrance warnings and thinking the whole time they were at 36-38 “only” and mostly in the SW, that maybe our forecasts were overcooked. Not now!
  15. Trying to wrap my head around 41c in Middlesbrough…. About 25 years ago I used to drive up to Sunderland to see my nan and usually a 25c day turned into grey and 14 by the coast
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